# # = bio/db/fasta/format_fastq.rb - FASTQ format generater # # Copyright:: Copyright (C) 2009 # Naohisa Goto <ng@bioruby.org> # License:: The Ruby License # require 'bio/db/fastq' module Bio::Sequence::Format::Formatter # INTERNAL USE ONLY, YOU SHOULD NOT USE THIS CLASS. # # FASTQ format output class for Bio::Sequence. # # The default FASTQ format is fastq-sanger. class Fastq < Bio::Sequence::Format::FormatterBase # INTERNAL USE ONLY, YOU SHOULD NOT CALL THIS METHOD. # # Creates a new Fasta format generater object from the sequence. # # --- # *Arguments*: # * _sequence_: Bio::Sequence object # * (optional) :repeat_title => (true or false) if true, repeating title in the "+" line; if not true, "+" only (default false) # * (optional) :width => _width_: (Fixnum) width to wrap sequence and quality lines; nil to prevent wrapping (default nil) # * (optional) :title => _title_: (String) completely replaces title line with the _title_ (default nil) # * (optional) :default_score => _score_: (Integer) default score for bases that have no valid quality scores or error probabilities; false or nil means the lowest score, true means the highest score (default nil) def initialize; end if false # dummy for RDoc # INTERNAL USE ONLY, YOU SHOULD NOT CALL THIS METHOD. # # Output the FASTQ format string of the sequence. # # Currently, this method is used in Bio::Sequence#output like so, # # s = Bio::Sequence.new('atgc') # puts s.output(:fastq_sanger) # --- # *Returns*:: String object def output title = @options[:title] width = @options.has_key?(:width) ? @options[:width] : nil seq = @sequence.seq.to_s entry_id = @sequence.entry_id || "#{@sequence.primary_accession}.#{@sequence.sequence_version}" definition = @sequence.definition unless title then title = definition.to_s unless title[0, entry_id.length] == entry_id and /\s/ =~ title[entry_id.length, 1].to_s then title = "#{entry_id} #{title}" end end title2 = @options[:repeat_title] ? title : '' qstr = fastq_quality_string(seq, @options[:default_score]) "@#{title}\n" + if width then seq.gsub(Regexp.new(".{1,#{width}}"), "\\0\n") else seq + "\n" end + "+#{title2}\n" + if width then qstr.gsub(Regexp.new(".{1,#{width}}"), "\\0\n") else qstr + "\n" end end private def fastq_format_data Bio::Fastq::FormatData::FASTQ_SANGER.instance end def fastq_quality_string(seq, default_score) sc = fastq_quality_scores(seq) if sc.size < seq.length then if default_score == true then # when true, the highest score default_score = fastq_format_data.score_range.end else # when false or nil, the lowest score default_score ||= fastq_format_data.score_range.begin end sc = sc + ([ default_score ] * (seq.length - sc.size)) end fastq_format_data.scores2str(sc) end def fastq_quality_scores(seq) return [] if seq.length <= 0 fmt = fastq_format_data # checks quality_scores qsc = @sequence.quality_scores qsc_type = @sequence.quality_score_type if qsc and qsc_type and qsc_type == fmt.quality_score_type and qsc.size >= seq.length then return qsc end # checks error_probabilities ep = @sequence.error_probabilities if ep and ep.size >= seq.length then return fmt.p2q(ep[0, seq.length]) end # If quality score type of the sequence is nil, regarded as :phred. qsc_type ||= :phred # checks if scores can be converted if qsc and qsc.size >= seq.length then case [ qsc_type, fmt.quality_score_type ] when [ :phred, :solexa ] return fmt.convert_scores_from_phred_to_solexa(qsc[0, seq.length]) when [ :solexa, :phred ] return fmt.convert_scores_from_solexa_to_phred(qsc[0, seq.length]) end end # checks quality scores type case qsc_type when :phred, :solexa #does nothing else qsc_type = nil qsc = nil end # collects piece of information qsc_cov = qsc ? qsc.size.quo(seq.length) : 0 ep_cov = ep ? ep.size.quo(seq.length) : 0 if qsc_cov > ep_cov then case [ qsc_type, fmt.quality_score_type ] when [ :phred, :phred ], [ :solexa, :solexa ] return qsc when [ :phred, :solexa ] return fmt.convert_scores_from_phred_to_solexa(qsc) when [ :solexa, :phred ] return fmt.convert_scores_from_solexa_to_phred(qsc) end elsif ep_cov > qsc_cov then return fmt.p2q(ep) end # if no information, returns empty array return [] end end #class Fastq # class Fastq_sanger is the same as the Fastq class. Fastq_sanger = Fastq class Fastq_solexa < Fastq private def fastq_format_data Bio::Fastq::FormatData::FASTQ_SOLEXA.instance end end #class Fastq_solexa class Fastq_illumina < Fastq private def fastq_format_data Bio::Fastq::FormatData::FASTQ_ILLUMINA.instance end end #class Fastq_illumina end #module Bio::Sequence::Format::Formatter