require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet_spec/compiler' require 'puppet_spec/files' require 'puppet/pops' require 'deep_merge/core' # Tests the lookup function using fixtures describe 'The lookup function' do include PuppetSpec::Compiler # Assembles code that includes the *abc* class and compiles it into a catalog. This class will use the global # variable $args to perform a lookup and assign the result to $abc::result. Unless the $block is set to # the string 'no_block_present', it will be passed as a lambda to the lookup. The assembled code will declare # a notify resource with a name that is formed by interpolating the result into a format string. # # The method performs the folloging steps. # # - Build the code that: # - sets the $args variable from _lookup_args_ # - sets the $block parameter to the given block or the string 'no_block_present' # - includes the abc class # - assigns the $abc::result to $r # - interpolates a string using _fmt_ (which is assumed to use $r) # - declares a notify resource from the interpolated string # - Compile the code into a catalog # - Return the name of all Notify resources in that catalog # # @param fmt [String] The puppet interpolated string used when creating the notify title # @param *args [String] splat of args that will be concatenated to form the puppet args sent to lookup # @return [Array] List of names of Notify resources in the resulting catalog # def assemble_and_compile(fmt, *lookup_args, &block) assemble_and_compile_with_block(fmt, "'no_block_present'", *lookup_args, &block) end def assemble_and_compile_with_block(fmt, block, *lookup_args, &cblock) compile_and_get_notifications(<<-END.unindent, &cblock) $args = [#{lookup_args.join(',')}] $block = #{block} include abc $r = if $abc::result == undef { 'no_value' } else { $abc::result } notify { \"#{fmt}\": } END end def compile_and_get_notifications(code) Puppet[:code] = code node.environment.check_for_reparse catalog = block_given? ? compiler.compile { |cat| yield(compiler.topscope); cat } : compiler.compile { |r| r.start_with?('Notify[') }.map { |r| r[7..-2] } end # There is a fully configured 'production' environment in fixtures at this location let(:environmentpath) { File.join(my_fixture_dir, 'environments') } let(:node) {"testnode", :facts =>"facts", {}), :environment => 'production') } let(:compiler) { } around(:each) do |example| # Initialize settings to get a full compile as close as possible to a real # environment load Puppet.settings.initialize_global_settings # Initialize loaders based on the environmentpath. It does not work to # just set the setting environmentpath for some reason - this achieves the same: # - first a loader is created, loading directory environments from the fixture (there is # one environment, 'production', which will be loaded since the node references this # environment by name). # - secondly, the created env loader is set as 'environments' in the puppet context. # environments =, []) Puppet.override(:environments => environments) do end end context 'using valid parameters' do it 'can lookup value provided by the environment' do resources = assemble_and_compile('${r}', "'abc::a'") expect(resources).to include('env_a') end it 'can lookup value provided by the module' do resources = assemble_and_compile('${r}', "'abc::b'") expect(resources).to include('module_b') end it "can lookup value provided by the module that has 'function' data_provider entry in metadata.json" do resources = compile_and_get_notifications("$args = ['meta::b']\ninclude meta\nnotify { $meta::result: }\n") expect(resources).to include('module_b') end it 'can lookup value provided in global scope' do Puppet.settings[:hiera_config] = File.join(my_fixture_dir, 'hiera.yaml') resources = assemble_and_compile('${r}', "'abc::a'") expect(resources).to include('global_a') end it 'will stop at first found name when several names are provided' do resources = assemble_and_compile('${r}', "['abc::b', 'abc::a']") expect(resources).to include('module_b') end it 'can lookup value provided by the module that is overriden by environment' do resources = assemble_and_compile('${r}', "'abc::c'") expect(resources).to include('env_c') end it "can 'unique' merge values provided by both the module and the environment" do resources = assemble_and_compile('${r[0]}_${r[1]}', "'abc::c'", 'Array[String]', "'unique'") expect(resources).to include('env_c_module_c') end it "can 'hash' merge values provided by the environment only" do resources = assemble_and_compile('${r[k1]}_${r[k2]}_${r[k3]}', "'abc::d'", 'Hash[String,String]', "'hash'") expect(resources).to include('env_d1_env_d2_env_d3') end it "can 'hash' merge values provided by both the environment and the module" do resources = assemble_and_compile('${r[k1]}_${r[k2]}_${r[k3]}', "'abc::e'", 'Hash[String,String]', "'hash'") expect(resources).to include('env_e1_module_e2_env_e3') end it "can 'hash' merge values provided by global, environment, and module" do Puppet.settings[:hiera_config] = File.join(my_fixture_dir, 'hiera.yaml') resources = assemble_and_compile('${r[k1]}_${r[k2]}_${r[k3]}', "'abc::e'", 'Hash[String,String]', "'hash'") expect(resources).to include('global_e1_module_e2_env_e3') end it "can pass merge parameter in the form of a hash with a 'strategy=>unique'" do resources = assemble_and_compile('${r[0]}_${r[1]}', "'abc::c'", 'Array[String]', "{strategy => 'unique'}") expect(resources).to include('env_c_module_c') end it "can pass merge parameter in the form of a hash with 'strategy=>hash'" do resources = assemble_and_compile('${r[k1]}_${r[k2]}_${r[k3]}', "'abc::e'", 'Hash[String,String]', "{strategy => 'hash'}") expect(resources).to include('env_e1_module_e2_env_e3') end it "can pass merge parameter in the form of a hash with a 'strategy=>deep'" do resources = assemble_and_compile('${r[k1]}_${r[k2]}_${r[k3]}', "'abc::e'", 'Hash[String,String]', "{strategy => 'deep'}") expect(resources).to include('env_e1_module_e2_env_e3') end it "will fail unless merge in the form of a hash contains a 'strategy'" do expect do assemble_and_compile('${r[k1]}_${r[k2]}_${r[k3]}', "'abc::e'", 'Hash[String,String]', "{merge_key => 'hash'}") raise_error(Puppet::ParseError, /hash given as 'merge' must contain the name of a strategy/) end it 'will raise an exception when value is not found for single key and no default is provided' do expect do assemble_and_compile('${r}', "'abc::x'") raise_error(Puppet::ParseError, /did not find a value for the name 'abc::x'/) end it 'can lookup an undef value' do resources = assemble_and_compile('${r}', "'abc::n'") expect(resources).to include('no_value') end it 'will not replace an undef value with a given default' do resources = assemble_and_compile('${r}', "'abc::n'", 'undef', 'undef', '"default_n"') expect(resources).to include('no_value') end it 'will not accept a succesful lookup of an undef value when the type rejects it' do expect do assemble_and_compile('${r}', "'abc::n'", 'String') raise_error(Puppet::ParseError, /Found value has wrong type, expects a String value, got Undef/) end it 'will raise an exception when value is not found for array key and no default is provided' do expect do assemble_and_compile('${r}', "['abc::x', 'abc::y']") raise_error(Puppet::ParseError, /did not find a value for any of the names \['abc::x', 'abc::y'\]/) end it 'can lookup and deep merge shallow values provided by the environment only' do resources = assemble_and_compile('${r[k1]}_${r[k2]}_${r[k3]}', "'abc::d'", 'Hash[String,String]', "'deep'") expect(resources).to include('env_d1_env_d2_env_d3') end it 'can lookup and deep merge shallow values provided by both the module and the environment' do resources = assemble_and_compile('${r[k1]}_${r[k2]}_${r[k3]}', "'abc::e'", 'Hash[String,String]', "'deep'") expect(resources).to include('env_e1_module_e2_env_e3') end it 'can lookup and deep merge deep values provided by global, environment, and module' do Puppet.settings[:hiera_config] = File.join(my_fixture_dir, 'hiera.yaml') resources = assemble_and_compile('${r[k1][s1]}_${r[k1][s2]}_${r[k1][s3]}_${r[k2][s1]}_${r[k2][s2]}_${r[k2][s3]}', "'abc::f'", 'Hash[String,Hash[String,String]]', "'deep'") expect(resources).to include('global_f11_env_f12_module_f13_env_f21_module_f22_global_f23') end it 'will propagate resolution_type :array to Hiera when merge == \'unique\'' do Puppet.settings[:hiera_config] = File.join(my_fixture_dir, 'hiera.yaml') resources = assemble_and_compile('${r[0]}_${r[1]}_${r[2]}', "'abc::c'", 'Array[String]', "'unique'") expect(resources).to include('global_c_env_c_module_c') end it 'will propagate a Hash resolution_type with :behavior => :native to Hiera when merge == \'hash\'' do Puppet.settings[:hiera_config] = File.join(my_fixture_dir, 'hiera.yaml') resources = assemble_and_compile('${r[k1]}_${r[k2]}_${r[k3]}', "'abc::e'", 'Hash[String,String]', "{strategy => 'hash'}") expect(resources).to include('global_e1_module_e2_env_e3') end it 'will propagate a Hash resolution_type with :behavior => :deeper to Hiera when merge == \'deep\'' do Puppet.settings[:hiera_config] = File.join(my_fixture_dir, 'hiera.yaml') resources = assemble_and_compile('${r[k1][s1]}_${r[k1][s2]}_${r[k1][s3]}_${r[k2][s1]}_${r[k2][s2]}_${r[k2][s3]}', "'abc::f'", 'Hash[String,Hash[String,String]]', "'deep'") expect(resources).to include('global_f11_env_f12_module_f13_env_f21_module_f22_global_f23') end it 'will propagate a Hash resolution_type with symbolic deep merge options to Hiera' do Puppet.settings[:hiera_config] = File.join(my_fixture_dir, 'hiera.yaml') resources = assemble_and_compile('${r[k1][s1]}_${r[k1][s2]}_${r[k1][s3]}_${r[k2][s1]}_${r[k2][s2]}_${r[k2][s3]}', "'abc::f'", 'Hash[String,Hash[String,String]]', "{ 'strategy' => 'deep', 'knockout_prefix' => '--' }") expect(resources).to include('global_f11_env_f12_module_f13_env_f21_module_f22_global_f23') end context 'with provided default' do it 'will return default when lookup fails' do resources = assemble_and_compile('${r}', "'abc::x'", 'String', 'undef', "'dflt_x'") expect(resources).to include('dflt_x') end it 'can precede default parameter with undef as the value_type and undef as the merge type' do resources = assemble_and_compile('${r}', "'abc::x'", 'undef', 'undef', "'dflt_x'") expect(resources).to include('dflt_x') end it 'can use array' do resources = assemble_and_compile('${r[0]}_${r[1]}', "'abc::x'", 'Array[String]', 'undef', "['dflt_x', 'dflt_y']") expect(resources).to include('dflt_x_dflt_y') end it 'can use hash' do resources = assemble_and_compile('${r[a]}_${r[b]}', "'abc::x'", 'Hash[String,String]', 'undef', "{'a' => 'dflt_x', 'b' => 'dflt_y'}") expect(resources).to include('dflt_x_dflt_y') end it 'fails unless default is an instance of value_type' do expect do assemble_and_compile('${r[a]}_${r[b]}', "'abc::x'", 'Hash[String,String]', 'undef', "{'a' => 'dflt_x', 'b' => 32}") raise_error(Puppet::ParseError, /Default value has wrong type, entry 'b' expects a String value, got Integer/) end end context 'with a default block' do it 'will be called when lookup fails' do resources = assemble_and_compile_with_block('${r}', "'dflt_x'", "'abc::x'") expect(resources).to include('dflt_x') end it 'will not called when lookup succeeds but the found value is nil' do resources = assemble_and_compile_with_block('${r}', "'dflt_x'", "'abc::n'") expect(resources).to include('no_value') end it 'can use array' do resources = assemble_and_compile_with_block('${r[0]}_${r[1]}', "['dflt_x', 'dflt_y']", "'abc::x'") expect(resources).to include('dflt_x_dflt_y') end it 'can use hash' do resources = assemble_and_compile_with_block('${r[a]}_${r[b]}', "{'a' => 'dflt_x', 'b' => 'dflt_y'}", "'abc::x'") expect(resources).to include('dflt_x_dflt_y') end it 'can return undef from block' do resources = assemble_and_compile_with_block('${r}', 'undef', "'abc::x'") expect(resources).to include('no_value') end it 'fails unless block returns an instance of value_type' do expect do assemble_and_compile_with_block('${r[a]}_${r[b]}', "{'a' => 'dflt_x', 'b' => 32}", "'abc::x'", 'Hash[String,String]') raise_error(Puppet::ParseError, /Value returned from default block has wrong type, entry 'b' expects a String value, got Integer/) end it 'receives a single name parameter' do resources = assemble_and_compile_with_block('${r}', 'true', "'name_x'") expect(resources).to include('name_x') end it 'receives an array name parameter' do resources = assemble_and_compile_with_block('${r[0]}_${r[1]}', 'true', "['name_x', 'name_y']") expect(resources).to include('name_x_name_y') end end end context 'and using dotted keys' do it 'can access values in data using dot notation' do source = <<-PUPPET function environment::data() { { a => { b => { c => 'the data' }}} } notice(lookup('a.b.c')) PUPPET expect(eval_and_collect_notices(source)).to include('the data') end it 'can find data using quoted dot notation' do source = <<-PUPPET function environment::data() { { 'a.b.c' => 'the data' } } notice(lookup('"a.b.c"')) PUPPET expect(eval_and_collect_notices(source)).to include('the data') end it 'can access values in data using a mix of dot notation and quoted dot notation' do source = <<-PUPPET function environment::data() { { 'a' => { 'b.c' => 'the data' }} } notice(lookup('a."b.c"')) PUPPET expect(eval_and_collect_notices(source)).to include('the data') end end context 'passing a hash as the only parameter' do it 'can pass a single name correctly' do resources = assemble_and_compile('${r}', "{name => 'abc::a'}") expect(resources).to include('env_a') end it 'can pass a an array of names correctly' do resources = assemble_and_compile('${r}', "{name => ['abc::b', 'abc::a']}") expect(resources).to include('module_b') end it 'can pass an override map and find values there even though they would be found' do resources = assemble_and_compile('${r}', "{name => 'abc::a', override => { abc::a => 'override_a'}}") expect(resources).to include('override_a') end it 'can pass an default_values_hash and find values there correctly' do resources = assemble_and_compile('${r}', "{name => 'abc::x', default_values_hash => { abc::x => 'extra_x'}}") expect(resources).to include('extra_x') end it 'can pass an default_values_hash but not use it when value is found elsewhere' do resources = assemble_and_compile('${r}', "{name => 'abc::a', default_values_hash => { abc::a => 'extra_a'}}") expect(resources).to include('env_a') end it 'can pass an default_values_hash but not use it when value is found elsewhere even when found value is undef' do resources = assemble_and_compile('${r}', "{name => 'abc::n', default_values_hash => { abc::n => 'extra_n'}}") expect(resources).to include('no_value') end it 'can pass an override and an default_values_hash and find the override value' do resources = assemble_and_compile('${r}', "{name => 'abc::x', override => { abc::x => 'override_x'}, default_values_hash => { abc::x => 'extra_x'}}") expect(resources).to include('override_x') end it 'will raise an exception when value is not found for single key and no default is provided' do expect do assemble_and_compile('${r}', "{name => 'abc::x'}") raise_error(Puppet::ParseError, /did not find a value for the name 'abc::x'/) end it 'will not raise an exception when value is not found default value is nil' do resources = assemble_and_compile('${r}', "{name => 'abc::x', default_value => undef}") expect(resources).to include('no_value') end end context 'accessing from outside a module' do it 'will both log a warning and raise an exception when key in the function provided module data is not prefixed' do logs = [] Puppet::Util::Log.with_destination( do Puppet[:code] = "include bad_data\nlookup('bad_data::b')" expect { compiler.compile }.to raise_error(Puppet::ParseError, /did not find a value for the name 'bad_data::b'/) end warnings = { |log| log.level == :warning }.map { |log| log.message } expect(warnings).to include("Module 'bad_data': Value returned from deprecated API function 'bad_data::data' must use keys qualified with the name of the module") end it 'will succeed finding prefixed keys even when a key in the function provided module data is not prefixed' do logs = [] resources = nil Puppet::Util::Log.with_destination( do resources = compile_and_get_notifications(<<-PUPPET.unindent) include bad_data notify { lookup('bad_data::c'): } PUPPET expect(resources).to include('module_c') end warnings = { |log| log.level == :warning }.map { |log| log.message } expect(warnings).to include("Module 'bad_data': Value returned from deprecated API function 'bad_data::data' must use keys qualified with the name of the module") end it 'will resolve global, environment, and module correctly' do Puppet.settings[:hiera_config] = File.join(my_fixture_dir, 'hiera.yaml') resources = compile_and_get_notifications(<<-PUPPET.unindent) include bca $r = lookup(bca::e, Hash[String,String], hash) notify { "${r[k1]}_${r[k2]}_${r[k3]}": } PUPPET expect(resources).to include('global_e1_module_bca_e2_env_bca_e3') end it 'will resolve global and environment correctly when module has no provider' do Puppet.settings[:hiera_config] = File.join(my_fixture_dir, 'hiera.yaml') resources = compile_and_get_notifications(<<-PUPPET.unindent) include no_provider $r = lookup(no_provider::e, Hash[String,String], hash) notify { "${r[k1]}_${r[k2]}_${r[k3]}": } PUPPET expect(resources).to include('global_e1__env_no_provider_e3') # k2 is missing end end context 'accessing bad data' do it 'a warning will be logged when key in the function provided module data is not prefixed' do Puppet[:code] = "include bad_data\nlookup('bad_data::c')" logs = [] Puppet::Util::Log.with_destination( do compiler.compile end warnings = { |log| log.level == :warning }.map { |log| log.message } expect(warnings).to include("Module 'bad_data': Value returned from deprecated API function 'bad_data::data' must use keys qualified with the name of the module") end it 'a warning will be logged when key in the hiera provided module data is not prefixed' do Puppet[:code] = "include hieraprovider\nlookup('hieraprovider::test::param_a')" logs = [] Puppet::Util::Log.with_destination( do compiler.compile end warnings = { |log| log.level == :warning }.map { |log| log.message } expect(warnings).to include("Module 'hieraprovider': Value returned from data_hash function 'json_data', when using location '#{environmentpath}/production/modules/hieraprovider/data/first.json', must use keys qualified with the name of the module") end end context 'accessing empty files' do # An empty YAML file is OK and should be treated as a file that contains no keys it "will fail normally with a 'did not find a value' error when a yaml file is empty" do Puppet[:code] = "include empty_yaml\nlookup('empty_yaml::a')" expect { compiler.compile }.to raise_error(Puppet::ParseError, /did not find a value for the name 'empty_yaml::a'/) end # An empty JSON file is not OK. Should yield a parse error it "will fail with a LookupError indicating a parser failure when a json file is empty" do Puppet[:code] = "include empty_json\nlookup('empty_json::a')" expect { compiler.compile }.to raise_error(Puppet::DataBinding::LookupError, /Unable to parse/) end end context 'accessing nil values' do it 'will find a key with undef value in a yaml file' do Puppet[:code] = 'include empty_key_yaml' compiler.compile do |catalog| lookup_invocation =, {}, {}, true) begin Puppet::Pops::Lookup.lookup('empty_key_yaml::has_undef_value', nil, nil, false, nil, lookup_invocation) rescue Puppet::Error end expect(lookup_invocation.explainer.explain).to include(<<-EOS.unindent(' ')) Path "#{environmentpath}/production/modules/empty_key_yaml/data/empty_key.yaml" Original path: "empty_key" Found key: "empty_key_yaml::has_undef_value" value: nil EOS end end it 'will find a key with undef value in a json file' do Puppet[:code] = 'include empty_key_json' compiler.compile do |catalog| lookup_invocation =, {}, {}, true) begin Puppet::Pops::Lookup.lookup('empty_key_json::has_undef_value', nil, nil, false, nil, lookup_invocation) rescue Puppet::Error end expect(lookup_invocation.explainer.explain).to include(<<-EOS.unindent(' ')) Path "#{environmentpath}/production/modules/empty_key_json/data/empty_key.json" Original path: "empty_key" Found key: "empty_key_json::has_undef_value" value: nil EOS end end end context 'using explain' do it 'will explain that module is not found' do Puppet[:code] = 'undef' compiler.compile do |catalog| lookup_invocation =, {}, {}, true) begin Puppet::Pops::Lookup.lookup('ppx::e', nil, nil, false, nil, lookup_invocation) rescue Puppet::Error end expect(lookup_invocation.explainer.explain).to include('Module "ppx" not found') end end it 'will explain that module does not find a key' do Puppet[:code] = 'undef' compiler.compile do |catalog| lookup_invocation =, {}, {}, true) begin Puppet::Pops::Lookup.lookup('abc::x', nil, nil, false, nil, lookup_invocation) rescue Puppet::Error end expect(lookup_invocation.explainer.explain).to include(<<-EOS.unindent(' ')) Module "abc" Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5) Deprecated API function "abc::data" No such key: "abc::x" EOS end end it 'will explain deep merge results without options' do assemble_and_compile('${r}', "'abc::a'") do |scope| lookup_invocation =, {}, {}, true) Puppet::Pops::Lookup.lookup('abc::e', Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeParser.singleton.parse('Hash[String,String]'), nil, false, 'deep', lookup_invocation) expect(lookup_invocation.explainer.explain).to eq(<<-EOS.unindent) Searching for "abc::e" Merge strategy deep Global Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5) No such key: "abc::e" Environment Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5) Deprecated API function "environment::data" Found key: "abc::e" value: { "k1" => "env_e1", "k3" => "env_e3" } Module "abc" Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5) Deprecated API function "abc::data" Found key: "abc::e" value: { "k1" => "module_e1", "k2" => "module_e2" } Merged result: { "k1" => "env_e1", "k2" => "module_e2", "k3" => "env_e3" } EOS end end it 'will explain deep merge results with options' do assemble_and_compile('${r}', "'abc::a'") do |scope| lookup_invocation =, {}, {}, true) Puppet::Pops::Lookup.lookup('abc::e', Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeParser.singleton.parse('Hash[String,String]'), nil, false, { 'strategy' => 'deep', 'merge_hash_arrays' => true }, lookup_invocation) expect(lookup_invocation.explainer.explain).to include(<<-EOS.unindent(' ')) Merge strategy deep Options: { "merge_hash_arrays" => true } EOS end end it 'will handle merge when no entries are not found' do assemble_and_compile('${r}', "'hieraprovider::test::param_a'") do |scope| lookup_invocation =, {}, {}, true) begin Puppet::Pops::Lookup.lookup('hieraprovider::test::not_found', nil, nil, false, 'deep', lookup_invocation) rescue Puppet::DataBinding::LookupError end expect(lookup_invocation.explainer.explain).to eq(<<-EOS.unindent) Searching for "hieraprovider::test::not_found" Merge strategy deep Global Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5) No such key: "hieraprovider::test::not_found" Environment Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5) Deprecated API function "environment::data" No such key: "hieraprovider::test::not_found" Module "hieraprovider" Data Provider (hiera configuration version 4) Using configuration "#{environmentpath}/production/modules/hieraprovider/hiera.yaml" Hierarchy entry "two paths" Merge strategy deep Path "#{environmentpath}/production/modules/hieraprovider/data/first.json" Original path: "first" No such key: "hieraprovider::test::not_found" Path "#{environmentpath}/production/modules/hieraprovider/data/second_not_present.json" Original path: "second_not_present" Path not found EOS end end it 'will explain value access caused by dot notation in key' do assemble_and_compile('${r}', "'abc::a'") do |scope| lookup_invocation =, {}, {}, true) Puppet::Pops::Lookup.lookup('abc::f.k1.s1', Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeParser.singleton.parse('String'), nil, false, nil, lookup_invocation) expect(lookup_invocation.explainer.explain).to include(<<-EOS.unindent(' ')) Sub key: "k1.s1" Found key: "k1" value: { "s1" => "env_f11", "s2" => "env_f12" } Found key: "s1" value: "env_f11" EOS end end it 'will provide a hash containing all explanation elements' do assemble_and_compile('${r}', "'abc::a'") do |scope| lookup_invocation =, {}, {}, true) Puppet::Pops::Lookup.lookup('abc::e', Puppet::Pops::Types::TypeParser.singleton.parse('Hash[String,String]'), nil, false, { 'strategy' => 'deep', 'merge_hash_arrays' => true }, lookup_invocation) expect(lookup_invocation.explainer.to_hash).to eq( { :type => :root, :key => 'abc::e', :branches => [ { :value => { 'k1' => 'env_e1', 'k2' => 'module_e2', 'k3' => 'env_e3' }, :event => :result, :merge => :deep, :options => { 'merge_hash_arrays' => true }, :type => :merge, :branches => [ { :key => 'abc::e', :event => :not_found, :type => :data_provider, :name => 'Global Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5)' }, { :type => :data_provider, :name => 'Environment Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5)', :branches => [ { :type => :data_provider, :name => 'Deprecated API function "environment::data"', :key => 'abc::e', :value => { 'k1' => 'env_e1', 'k3' => 'env_e3' }, :event => :found } ] }, { :type => :data_provider, :name => 'Module "abc" Data Provider (hiera configuration version 5)', :module => 'abc', :branches => [ { :type => :data_provider, :name => 'Deprecated API function "abc::data"', :key => 'abc::e', :event => :found, :value => { 'k1' => 'module_e1', 'k2' => 'module_e2' } } ] } ] } ] } ) end end it 'will explain that "lookup_options" is an invalid key' do assemble_and_compile('${r}', "'abc::a'") do |scope| lookup_invocation =, {}, {}, true) begin Puppet::Pops::Lookup.lookup('lookup_options', nil, nil, false, nil, lookup_invocation) rescue Puppet::Error end expect(lookup_invocation.explainer.explain.chomp).to eq('Invalid key "lookup_options"') end end it 'will explain that "lookup_options" is an invalid key for any key starting with "lookup_options."' do assemble_and_compile('${r}', "'abc::a'") do |scope| lookup_invocation =, {}, {}, true) begin Puppet::Pops::Lookup.lookup('lookup_options.subkey', nil, nil, false, nil, lookup_invocation) rescue Puppet::Error end expect(lookup_invocation.explainer.explain.chomp).to eq('Invalid key "lookup_options"') end end end end