# ******************************************************************************* # OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) 2008-2019, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # (3) Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of any contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission from the respective party. # # (4) Other than as required in clauses (1) and (2), distributions in any form # of modifications or other derivative works may not use the "OpenStudio" # trademark, "OS", "os", or any other confusingly similar designation without # specific prior written permission from Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) AND ANY CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S), ANY CONTRIBUTORS, THE # UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, OR THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, NOR ANY OF # THEIR EMPLOYEES, BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT # OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ******************************************************************************* module OsLib_ModelGeneration # simple list of building types that are valid for get_space_types_from_building_type def get_building_types array = OpenStudio::StringVector.new array << 'SecondarySchool' array << 'PrimarySchool' array << 'SmallOffice' array << 'MediumOffice' array << 'LargeOffice' array << 'SmallHotel' array << 'LargeHotel' array << 'Warehouse' array << 'RetailStandalone' array << 'RetailStripmall' array << 'QuickServiceRestaurant' array << 'FullServiceRestaurant' array << 'MidriseApartment' array << 'HighriseApartment' array << 'Hospital' array << 'Outpatient' array << 'SuperMarket' return array end # simple list of templates that are valid for get_space_types_from_building_type def get_templates array = OpenStudio::StringVector.new array << 'DOE Ref Pre-1980' array << 'DOE Ref 1980-2004' array << '90.1-2004' array << '90.1-2007' # array << '189.1-2009' # if turn this on need to update space_type_array for RetailStripmall array << '90.1-2010' array << '90.1-2013' array << 'NREL ZNE Ready 2017' return array end # calculate aspect ratio from area and perimeter def calc_aspect_ratio(a, p) l = 0.25 * (p + Math.sqrt(p**2 - 16 * a)) w = 0.25 * (p - Math.sqrt(p**2 - 16 * a)) aspect_ratio = l / w return aspect_ratio end # Building Form Defaults from Table 4.2 in Achieving the 30% Goal: Energy and Cost Savings Analysis of ASHRAE Standard 90.1-2010 # aspect ratio for NA replaced with floor area to perimeter ratio from prototype model def building_form_defaults(building_type) hash = {} # calculate aspect ratios not represented on Table 4.2 primary_aspet_ratio = calc_aspect_ratio(73958.0, 2060.0) secondary_aspet_ratio = calc_aspect_ratio(128112.0, 2447.0) outpatient_aspet_ratio = calc_aspect_ratio(14782.0, 588.0) supermarket_a = 45001.0 supermarket_p = 866.0 supermarket_wwr = 1880.0 / (supermarket_p * 20.0) supermarket_aspet_ratio = calc_aspect_ratio(supermarket_a, supermarket_p) hash['SmallOffice'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.5, wwr: 0.15, typical_story: 10.0 } hash['MediumOffice'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.5, wwr: 0.33, typical_story: 13.0 } hash['LargeOffice'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.5, wwr: 0.15, typical_story: 13.0 } hash['RetailStandalone'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.28, wwr: 0.07, typical_story: 20.0 } hash['RetailStripmall'] = { aspect_ratio: 4.0, wwr: 0.11, typical_story: 17.0 } hash['PrimarySchool'] = { aspect_ratio: primary_aspet_ratio.round(1), wwr: 0.35, typical_story: 13.0 } hash['SecondarySchool'] = { aspect_ratio: secondary_aspet_ratio.round(1), wwr: 0.33, typical_story: 13.0 } hash['Outpatient'] = { aspect_ratio: outpatient_aspet_ratio.round(1), wwr: 0.20, typical_story: 10.0 } hash['Hospital'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.33, wwr: 0.16, typical_story: 14.0 } hash['SmallHotel'] = { aspect_ratio: 3.0, wwr: 0.11, typical_story: 9.0, first_story: 11.0 } hash['LargeHotel'] = { aspect_ratio: 5.1, wwr: 0.27, typical_story: 10.0, first_story: 13.0 } # code in get_space_types_from_building_type is used to override building wwr with space type specific wwr hash['Warehouse'] = { aspect_ratio: 2.2, wwr: 0.0, typical_story: 28.0} hash['QuickServiceRestaurant'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.0, wwr: 0.14, typical_story: 10.0 } hash['FullServiceRestaurant'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.0, wwr: 0.18, typical_story: 10.0 } hash['QuickServiceRestaurant'] = { aspect_ratio: 1.0, wwr: 0.18, typical_story: 10.0 } hash['MidriseApartment'] = { aspect_ratio: 2.75, wwr: 0.15, typical_story: 10.0 } hash['HighriseApartment'] = { aspect_ratio: 2.75, wwr: 0.15, typical_story: 10.0 } # SuperMarket inputs come from prototype model hash['SuperMarket'] = { aspect_ratio: supermarket_aspet_ratio.round(1), wwr: supermarket_wwr.round(2), typical_story: 20.0 } return hash[building_type] end # create hash of space types and generic ratios of building floor area def get_space_types_from_building_type(building_type, template, whole_building = true) hash = {} # TODO: - Confirm that these work for all standards if building_type == 'SecondarySchool' hash['Auditorium'] = { ratio: 0.0504, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Cafeteria'] = { ratio: 0.0319, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Classroom'] = { ratio: 0.3528, space_type_gen: true, default: true } hash['Corridor'] = { ratio: 0.2144, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Gym'] = { ratio: 0.1646, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Kitchen'] = { ratio: 0.0110, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Library'] = { ratio: 0.0429, space_type_gen: true, default: false } # not in prototype hash['Lobby'] = { ratio: 0.0214, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Mechanical'] = { ratio: 0.0349, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Office'] = { ratio: 0.0543, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Restroom'] = { ratio: 0.0214, space_type_gen: true, default: false } elsif building_type == 'PrimarySchool' hash['Cafeteria'] = { ratio: 0.0458, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Classroom'] = { ratio: 0.5610, space_type_gen: true, default: true } hash['Corridor'] = { ratio: 0.1633, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Gym'] = { ratio: 0.0520, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Kitchen'] = { ratio: 0.0244, space_type_gen: true, default: false } # TODO: - confirm if Library is 0.0 for all templates hash['Library'] = { ratio: 0.0, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Lobby'] = { ratio: 0.0249, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Mechanical'] = { ratio: 0.0367, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Office'] = { ratio: 0.0642, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Restroom'] = { ratio: 0.0277, space_type_gen: true, default: false } elsif building_type == 'SmallOffice' # TODO: - populate Small, Medium, and Large office for whole_building false if whole_building hash['WholeBuilding - Sm Office'] = { ratio: 1.0, space_type_gen: true, default: true } else hash['SmallOffice - Breakroom'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['SmallOffice - ClosedOffice'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['SmallOffice - Conference'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['SmallOffice - Corridor'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['SmallOffice - Elec/MechRoom'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['SmallOffice - Lobby'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['SmallOffice - OpenOffice'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: true } hash['SmallOffice - Restroom'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['SmallOffice - Stair'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['SmallOffice - Storage'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['SmallOffice - Classroom'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['SmallOffice - Dining'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['WholeBuilding - Sm Office'] = { ratio: 0.0, space_type_gen: true, default: false } end elsif building_type == 'MediumOffice' if whole_building hash['WholeBuilding - Md Office'] = { ratio: 1.0, space_type_gen: true, default: true } else hash['MediumOffice - Breakroom'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['MediumOffice - ClosedOffice'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['MediumOffice - Conference'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['MediumOffice - Corridor'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['MediumOffice - Elec/MechRoom'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['MediumOffice - Lobby'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['MediumOffice - OpenOffice'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: true } hash['MediumOffice - Restroom'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['MediumOffice - Stair'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['MediumOffice - Storage'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['MediumOffice - Classroom'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['MediumOffice - Dining'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['WholeBuilding - Md Office'] = { ratio: 0.0, space_type_gen: true, default: false } end elsif building_type == 'LargeOffice' if ['DOE Ref Pre-1980', 'DOE Ref 1980-2004'].include?(template) if whole_building hash['WholeBuilding - Lg Office'] = { ratio: 1.0, space_type_gen: true, default: true } else hash['BreakRoom'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['ClosedOffice'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Conference'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Corridor'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Elec/MechRoom'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['IT_Room'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Lobby'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['OpenOffice'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: true } hash['PrintRoom'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Restroom'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Stair'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Storage'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Vending'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['WholeBuilding - Lg Office'] = { ratio: 0.0, space_type_gen: true, default: false } end else if whole_building hash['WholeBuilding - Lg Office'] = { ratio: 0.9737, space_type_gen: true, default: true } hash['OfficeLarge Data Center'] = { ratio: 0.0094, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['OfficeLarge Main Data Center'] = { ratio: 0.0169, space_type_gen: true, default: false } else hash['BreakRoom'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['ClosedOffice'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Conference'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Corridor'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Elec/MechRoom'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['IT_Room'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Lobby'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['OpenOffice'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: true } hash['PrintRoom'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Restroom'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Stair'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Storage'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Vending'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['WholeBuilding - Lg Office'] = { ratio: 0.0, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['OfficeLarge Data Center'] = { ratio: 0.0, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['OfficeLarge Main Data Center'] = { ratio: 0.0, space_type_gen: true, default: false } end end elsif building_type == 'SmallHotel' if ['DOE Ref Pre-1980', 'DOE Ref 1980-2004'].include?(template) hash['Corridor'] = { ratio: 0.1313, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Elec/MechRoom'] = { ratio: 0.0038, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['ElevatorCore'] = { ratio: 0.0113, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Exercise'] = { ratio: 0.0081, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['GuestLounge'] = { ratio: 0.0406, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['GuestRoom'] = { ratio: 0.6313, space_type_gen: true, default: true } hash['Laundry'] = { ratio: 0.0244, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Mechanical'] = { ratio: 0.0081, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Meeting'] = { ratio: 0.0200, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Office'] = { ratio: 0.0325, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['PublicRestroom'] = { ratio: 0.0081, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['StaffLounge'] = { ratio: 0.0081, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Stair'] = { ratio: 0.0400, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Storage'] = { ratio: 0.0325, space_type_gen: true, default: false } else hash['Corridor'] = { ratio: 0.1313, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Elec/MechRoom'] = { ratio: 0.0038, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['ElevatorCore'] = { ratio: 0.0113, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Exercise'] = { ratio: 0.0081, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['GuestLounge'] = { ratio: 0.0406, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['GuestRoom123Occ'] = { ratio: 0.4081, space_type_gen: true, default: true } hash['GuestRoom123Vac'] = { ratio: 0.2231, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Laundry'] = { ratio: 0.0244, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Mechanical'] = { ratio: 0.0081, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Meeting'] = { ratio: 0.0200, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Office'] = { ratio: 0.0325, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['PublicRestroom'] = { ratio: 0.0081, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['StaffLounge'] = { ratio: 0.0081, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Stair'] = { ratio: 0.0400, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Storage'] = { ratio: 0.0325, space_type_gen: true, default: false } end elsif building_type == 'LargeHotel' hash['Banquet'] = { ratio: 0.0585, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Basement'] = { ratio: 0.1744, space_type_gen: false, default: false } hash['Cafe'] = { ratio: 0.0166, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Corridor'] = { ratio: 0.1736, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['GuestRoom'] = { ratio: 0.4099, space_type_gen: true, default: true } hash['Kitchen'] = { ratio: 0.0091, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Laundry'] = { ratio: 0.0069, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Lobby'] = { ratio: 0.1153, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Mechanical'] = { ratio: 0.0145, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Retail'] = { ratio: 0.0128, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Storage'] = { ratio: 0.0084, space_type_gen: true, default: false } elsif building_type == 'Warehouse' hash['Bulk'] = { ratio: 0.6628, space_type_gen: true, default: true } hash['Fine'] = { ratio: 0.2882, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Office'] = { ratio: 0.0490, space_type_gen: true, default: false, wwr: 0.71 } elsif building_type == 'RetailStandalone' hash['Back_Space'] = { ratio: 0.1656, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Entry'] = { ratio: 0.0052, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Point_of_Sale'] = { ratio: 0.0657, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Retail'] = { ratio: 0.7635, space_type_gen: true, default: true } elsif building_type == 'RetailStripmall' hash['Strip mall - type 1'] = { ratio: 0.25, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Strip mall - type 2'] = { ratio: 0.25, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Strip mall - type 3'] = { ratio: 0.50, space_type_gen: true, default: true } elsif building_type == 'QuickServiceRestaurant' hash['Dining'] = { ratio: 0.5, space_type_gen: true, default: true } hash['Kitchen'] = { ratio: 0.5, space_type_gen: true, default: false } elsif building_type == 'FullServiceRestaurant' hash['Dining'] = { ratio: 0.7272, space_type_gen: true, default: true } hash['Kitchen'] = { ratio: 0.2728, space_type_gen: true, default: false } elsif building_type == 'MidriseApartment' hash['Apartment'] = { ratio: 0.8727, space_type_gen: true, default: true } hash['Corridor'] = { ratio: 0.0991, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Office'] = { ratio: 0.0282, space_type_gen: true, default: false } elsif building_type == 'HighriseApartment' hash['Apartment'] = { ratio: 0.8896, space_type_gen: true, default: true } hash['Corridor'] = { ratio: 0.0991, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Office'] = { ratio: 0.0113, space_type_gen: true, default: false } elsif building_type == 'Hospital' hash['Basement'] = { ratio: 0.1667, space_type_gen: false, default: false } hash['Corridor'] = { ratio: 0.1741, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Dining'] = { ratio: 0.0311, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['ER_Exam'] = { ratio: 0.0099, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['ER_NurseStn'] = { ratio: 0.0551, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['ER_Trauma'] = { ratio: 0.0025, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['ER_Triage'] = { ratio: 0.0050, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['ICU_NurseStn'] = { ratio: 0.0298, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['ICE_Open'] = { ratio: 0.0275, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['ICU_PatRm'] = { ratio: 0.0115, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Kitchen'] = { ratio: 0.0414, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Lab'] = { ratio: 0.0236, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Lobby'] = { ratio: 0.0657, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['NurseStn'] = { ratio: 0.1723, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Office'] = { ratio: 0.0286, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['OR'] = { ratio: 0.0273, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['PatCorridor'] = { ratio: 0.0, space_type_gen: true, default: false } # not in prototype hash['PatRoom'] = { ratio: 0.0845, space_type_gen: true, default: true } hash['PhysTherapy'] = { ratio: 0.0217, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Radiology'] = { ratio: 0.0217, space_type_gen: true, default: false } elsif building_type == 'Outpatient' hash['Anesthesia'] = { ratio: 0.0026, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['BioHazard'] = { ratio: 0.0014, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Cafe'] = { ratio: 0.0103, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['CleanWork'] = { ratio: 0.0071, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Conference'] = { ratio: 0.0082, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['DresingRoom'] = { ratio: 0.0021, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Elec/MechRoom'] = { ratio: 0.0109, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['ElevatorPumpRoom'] = { ratio: 0.0022, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Exam'] = { ratio: 0.1029, space_type_gen: true, default: true } hash['Hall'] = { ratio: 0.1924, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['IT_Room'] = { ratio: 0.0027, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Janitor'] = { ratio: 0.0672, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Lobby'] = { ratio: 0.0152, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['LockerRoom'] = { ratio: 0.0190, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Lounge'] = { ratio: 0.0293, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['MedGas'] = { ratio: 0.0014, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['MRI'] = { ratio: 0.0107, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['MRI_Control'] = { ratio: 0.0041, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['NurseStation'] = { ratio: 0.0189, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Office'] = { ratio: 0.1828, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['OR'] = { ratio: 0.0346, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['PACU'] = { ratio: 0.0232, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['PhysicalTherapy'] = { ratio: 0.0462, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['PreOp'] = { ratio: 0.0129, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['ProcedureRoom'] = { ratio: 0.0070, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Reception'] = { ratio: 0.0365, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Soil Work'] = { ratio: 0.0088, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Stair'] = { ratio: 0.0146, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Toilet'] = { ratio: 0.0193, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Undeveloped'] = { ratio: 0.0835, space_type_gen: false, default: false } hash['Xray'] = { ratio: 0.0220, space_type_gen: true, default: false } elsif building_type == 'SuperMarket' # TODO: - populate ratios for SuperMarket hash['Bakery'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Deli'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['DryStorage'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Office'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: false } hash['Produce'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: true } hash['Sales'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: true } hash['Corridor'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: true } hash['Dining'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: true } hash['Elec/MechRoom'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: true } hash['Meeting'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: true } hash['Restroom'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: true } hash['Vestibule'] = { ratio: 0.99, space_type_gen: true, default: true } else return false end return hash end # remove existing non resource objects from the model # technically thermostats and building stories are resources but still want to remove them. def remove_non_resource_objects(runner, model, options = nil) if options.nil? options = {} options[:remove_building_stories] = true options[:remove_thermostats] = true options[:remove_air_loops] = true options[:remove_non_swh_plant_loops] = true # leave these in by default unless requsted when method called options[:remove_swh_plant_loops] = false options[:remove_exterior_lights] = false options[:remove_site_shading] = false end num_model_objects = model.objects.size # remove non-resource objects not removed by removing the building if options[:remove_building_stories] then model.getBuildingStorys.each(&:remove) end if options[:remove_thermostats] then model.getThermostats.each(&:remove) end if options[:remove_air_loops] then model.getAirLoopHVACs.each(&:remove) end if options[:remove_exterior_lights] then model.getFacility.exteriorLights.each(&:remove) end if options[:remove_site_shading] then model.getSite.shadingSurfaceGroups.each(&:remove) end # see if plant loop is swh or not and take proper action (booter loop doesn't have water use equipment) model.getPlantLoops.each do |plant_loop| is_swh_loop = false plant_loop.supplyComponents.each do |component| if component.to_WaterHeaterMixed.is_initialized is_swh_loop = true next end end if is_swh_loop if options[:remove_swh_plant_loops] then plant_loop.remove end else if options[:remove_non_swh_plant_loops] then plant_loop.remove end end end # remove water use connections (may be removed when loop is removed) if options[:remove_swh_plant_loops] then model.getWaterConnectionss.each(&:remove) end if options[:remove_swh_plant_loops] then model.getWaterUseEquipments.each(&:remove) end # remove building but reset fields on new building object. building_fields = [] building = model.getBuilding num_fields = building.numFields num_fields.times.each do |i| building_fields << building.getString(i).get end # removes spaces, space's child objects, thermal zones, zone equipment, non site surfaces, building stories and water use connections. model.getBuilding.remove building = model.getBuilding num_fields.times.each do |i| next if i == 0 # don't try and set handle building_fields << building.setString(i, building_fields[i]) end # other than optionally site shading and exterior lights not messing with site characteristics if num_model_objects - model.objects.size > 0 runner.registerInfo("Removed #{num_model_objects - model.objects.size} non resource objects from the model.") end return true end # create_bar(runner,model,bar_hash) # measures using this method should include OsLibGeometry and OsLibHelperMethods def create_bar(runner, model, bar_hash, story_multiplier_method = 'Basements Ground Mid Top') # warn about site shading if !model.getSite.shadingSurfaceGroups.empty? runner.registerWarning('The model has one or more site shading surafces. New geometry may not be positioned where expected, it will be centered over the center of the original geometry.') end # make custom story hash when number of stories below grade > 0 # todo - update this so have option basements are not below 0? (useful for simplifying existing model and maintaining z position relative to site shading) story_hash = {} eff_below = bar_hash[:num_stories_below_grade] eff_above = bar_hash[:num_stories_above_grade] footprint_origin = bar_hash[:center_of_footprint] typical_story_height = bar_hash[:floor_height] # flatten story_hash out to individual stories included in building area stories_flat = [] stories_flat_counter = 0 bar_hash[:stories].each_with_index do |(k, v), i| # k is invalid in some cases, old story object that has been removed, should be from low to high including basement # skip if source story insn't included in building area if v[:story_included_in_building_area].nil? || (v[:story_included_in_building_area] == true) # add to counter stories_flat_counter += v[:story_min_multiplier] flat_hash = {} flat_hash[:story_party_walls] = v[:story_party_walls] flat_hash[:below_partial_story] = v[:below_partial_story] flat_hash[:bottom_story_ground_exposed_floor] = v[:bottom_story_ground_exposed_floor] flat_hash[:top_story_exterior_exposed_roof] = v[:top_story_exterior_exposed_roof] if i < eff_below flat_hash[:story_type] = 'B' flat_hash[:multiplier] = 1 elsif i == eff_below flat_hash[:story_type] = 'Ground' flat_hash[:multiplier] = 1 elsif stories_flat_counter == eff_below + eff_above.ceil flat_hash[:story_type] = 'Top' flat_hash[:multiplier] = 1 else flat_hash[:story_type] = 'Mid' flat_hash[:multiplier] = v[:story_min_multiplier] end compare_hash = {} if !stories_flat.empty? stories_flat.last.each { |k, v| compare_hash[k] = flat_hash[k] if flat_hash[k] != v } end if (story_multiplier_method != 'None' && stories_flat.last == flat_hash) || (story_multiplier_method != 'None' && compare_hash.size == 1 && compare_hash.include?(:multiplier)) stories_flat.last[:multiplier] += v[:story_min_multiplier] else stories_flat << flat_hash end end end if bar_hash[:num_stories_below_grade] > 0 # add in below grade levels (may want to add below grade multipliers at some point if we start running deep basements) eff_below.times do |i| story_hash["B#{i + 1}"] = { space_origin_z: footprint_origin.z - typical_story_height * (i + 1), space_height: typical_story_height, multiplier: 1 } end end # add in above grade levels if eff_above > 2 story_hash['Ground'] = { space_origin_z: footprint_origin.z, space_height: typical_story_height, multiplier: 1 } footprint_counter = 0 effective_stories_counter = 1 stories_flat.each do |hash| next if hash[:story_type] != 'Mid' if footprint_counter == 0 string = 'Mid' else string = "Mid#{footprint_counter + 1}" end story_hash[string] = { space_origin_z: footprint_origin.z + typical_story_height * effective_stories_counter + typical_story_height * (hash[:multiplier] - 1) / 2.0, space_height: typical_story_height, multiplier: hash[:multiplier] } footprint_counter += 1 effective_stories_counter += hash[:multiplier] end story_hash['Top'] = { space_origin_z: footprint_origin.z + typical_story_height * (eff_above.ceil - 1), space_height: typical_story_height, multiplier: 1 } elsif eff_above > 1 story_hash['Ground'] = { space_origin_z: footprint_origin.z, space_height: typical_story_height, multiplier: 1 } story_hash['Top'] = { space_origin_z: footprint_origin.z + typical_story_height * (eff_above.ceil - 1), space_height: typical_story_height, multiplier: 1 } else # one story only story_hash['Ground'] = { space_origin_z: footprint_origin.z, space_height: typical_story_height, multiplier: 1 } end # create footprints if bar_hash[:bar_division_method] == 'Multiple Space Types - Simple Sliced' footprints = [] story_hash.size.times do |i| # adjust size of bar of top story is not a full story if i + 1 == story_hash.size area_multiplier = (1.0 - bar_hash[:num_stories_above_grade].ceil + bar_hash[:num_stories_above_grade]) edge_multiplier = Math.sqrt(area_multiplier) length = bar_hash[:length] * edge_multiplier width = bar_hash[:width] * edge_multiplier else length = bar_hash[:length] width = bar_hash[:width] end footprints << OsLib_Geometry.make_sliced_bar_simple_polygons(runner, bar_hash[:space_types], length, width, bar_hash[:center_of_footprint]) end elsif bar_hash[:bar_division_method] == 'Multiple Space Types - Individual Stories Sliced' # update story_hash for partial_story_above story_hash.each_with_index do |(k, v), i| # adjust size of bar of top story is not a full story if i + 1 == story_hash.size story_hash[k][:partial_story_multiplier] = (1.0 - bar_hash[:num_stories_above_grade].ceil + bar_hash[:num_stories_above_grade]) end end footprints = OsLib_Geometry.make_sliced_bar_multi_polygons(runner, bar_hash[:space_types], bar_hash[:length], bar_hash[:width], bar_hash[:center_of_footprint], story_hash) else footprints = [] story_hash.size.times do |i| # adjust size of bar of top story is not a full story if i + 1 == story_hash.size area_multiplier = (1.0 - bar_hash[:num_stories_above_grade].ceil + bar_hash[:num_stories_above_grade]) edge_multiplier = Math.sqrt(area_multiplier) length = bar_hash[:length] * edge_multiplier width = bar_hash[:width] * edge_multiplier else length = bar_hash[:length] width = bar_hash[:width] end footprints << OsLib_Geometry.make_core_and_perimeter_polygons(runner, length, width, bar_hash[:center_of_footprint]) # perimeter defaults to 15' end # set primary space type to building default space type space_types = bar_hash[:space_types].sort_by { |k, v| v[:floor_area] } model.getBuilding.setSpaceType(space_types.last.first) end # makeSpacesFromPolygons OsLib_Geometry.makeSpacesFromPolygons(runner, model, footprints, bar_hash[:floor_height], bar_hash[:num_stories], bar_hash[:center_of_footprint], story_hash) # put all of the spaces in the model into a vector for intersection and surface matching spaces = OpenStudio::Model::SpaceVector.new model.getSpaces.sort.each do |space| spaces << space end # only intersect if make_mid_story_surfaces_adiabatic false if !(bar_hash[:make_mid_story_surfaces_adiabatic]) # intersect surfaces # (when bottom floor has many space types and one above doesn't will end up with heavily subdivided floor. Maybe use adiabatic and don't intersect floor/ceilings) intersect_surfaces = true if intersect_surfaces OpenStudio::Model.intersectSurfaces(spaces) runner.registerInfo('Intersecting surfaces, this will create additional geometry.') end end # match surfaces for each space in the vector OpenStudio::Model.matchSurfaces(spaces) # set boundary conditions if not already set when geometry was created # todo - update this to use space original z value vs. story name if bar_hash[:num_stories_below_grade] > 0 model.getBuildingStorys.each do |story| next if !story.name.to_s.include?('Story B') story.spaces.each do |space| space.surfaces.each do |surface| next if surface.surfaceType != 'Wall' next if surface.outsideBoundaryCondition != 'Outdoors' surface.setOutsideBoundaryCondition('Ground') end end end end # sort stories (by name for now but need better way) # todo - need to change this so doesn't create issues when models have existing stories and spaces. Should be able to run it multiple times sorted_stories = {} model.getBuildingStorys.each do |story| sorted_stories[story.name.to_s] = story end # flag space types that have wwr overrides space_type_wwr_overrides = {} # loop through building stories, spaces, and surfaces sorted_stories.sort.each_with_index do |(key, story), i| # flag for adiabatic floor if building doesn't have ground exposed floor if stories_flat[i][:bottom_story_ground_exposed_floor] == false adiabatic_floor = true end # flag for adiabatic roof if building doesn't have exterior exposed roof if stories_flat[i][:top_story_exterior_exposed_roof] == false adiabatic_ceiling = true end # make all mid story floor and celings adiabiatc if requested if bar_hash[:make_mid_story_surfaces_adiabatic] if i > 0 adiabatic_floor = true end if i < sorted_stories.size - 1 adiabatic_ceiling = true end end # flag orientations for this story to recieve party walls party_wall_facades = stories_flat[i][:story_party_walls] story.spaces.each do |space| space.surfaces. each do |surface| # set floor to adiabatic if requited if adiabatic_floor && surface.surfaceType == 'Floor' make_surfaces_adiabatic([surface]) elsif adiabatic_ceiling && surface.surfaceType == 'RoofCeiling' make_surfaces_adiabatic([surface]) end # skip of not exterior wall next if surface.surfaceType != 'Wall' next if surface.outsideBoundaryCondition != 'Outdoors' # get the absoluteAzimuth for the surface so we can categorize it absoluteAzimuth = OpenStudio.convert(surface.azimuth, 'rad', 'deg').get + surface.space.get.directionofRelativeNorth + model.getBuilding.northAxis absoluteAzimuth = absoluteAzimuth % 360.0 # should result in value between 0 and 360 absoluteAzimuth = absoluteAzimuth.round(5) # this was creating issues at 45 deg angles with opposing facades # target wwr values that may be changed for specific space types wwr_n = bar_hash[:building_wwr_n] wwr_e = bar_hash[:building_wwr_e] wwr_s = bar_hash[:building_wwr_s] wwr_w = bar_hash[:building_wwr_w] # look for space type specific wwr values if surface.space.is_initialized && surface.space.get.spaceType.is_initialized space_type = surface.space.get.spaceType.get # see if space type has wwr value bar_hash[:space_types].each do |k,v| if v.has_key?(:space_type) && space_type == v[:space_type] # if matching space type specifies a wwr then override the orientaiton specific recommendations for this surface. if v.has_key?(:wwr) wwr_n = v[:wwr] wwr_e = v[:wwr] wwr_s = v[:wwr] wwr_w = v[:wwr] space_type_wwr_overrides[space_type] = v[:wwr] end end end end # add fenestration (wwr for now, maybe overhang and overhead doors later) if (absoluteAzimuth >= 315.0) || (absoluteAzimuth < 45.0) if party_wall_facades.include?('north') make_surfaces_adiabatic([surface]) else surface.setWindowToWallRatio(wwr_n) end elsif (absoluteAzimuth >= 45.0) && (absoluteAzimuth < 135.0) if party_wall_facades.include?('east') make_surfaces_adiabatic([surface]) else surface.setWindowToWallRatio(wwr_e) end elsif (absoluteAzimuth >= 135.0) && (absoluteAzimuth < 225.0) if party_wall_facades.include?('south') make_surfaces_adiabatic([surface]) else surface.setWindowToWallRatio(wwr_s) end elsif (absoluteAzimuth >= 225.0) && (absoluteAzimuth < 315.0) if party_wall_facades.include?('west') make_surfaces_adiabatic([surface]) else surface.setWindowToWallRatio(wwr_w) end else runner.registerError('Unexpected value of facade: ' + absoluteAzimuth + '.') return false end end end end # report space types with custom wwr values space_type_wwr_overrides.each do |space_type,wwr| runner.registerInfo("For #{space_type.name} the default building wwr was replaced with a space type specifc value of #{wwr}") end final_floor_area_ip = OpenStudio.convert(model.getBuilding.floorArea, 'm^2', 'ft^2').get runner.registerInfo("Created Bar envlope with floor area of #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(final_floor_area_ip, 0, true)} (ft^2)") end # make selected surfaces adiabatic def make_surfaces_adiabatic(surfaces) surfaces.each do |surface| if surface.construction.is_initialized surface.setConstruction(surface.construction.get) end surface.setOutsideBoundaryCondition('Adiabatic') end end # get length and width of rectangle matching bounding box aspect ratio will maintaining proper floor area def calc_bar_reduced_bounding_box(envelope_data_hash) bar = {} bounding_length = envelope_data_hash[:building_max_xyz][0] - envelope_data_hash[:building_min_xyz][0] bounding_width = envelope_data_hash[:building_max_xyz][1] - envelope_data_hash[:building_min_xyz][1] bounding_area = bounding_length * bounding_width footprint_area = envelope_data_hash[:building_floor_area] / envelope_data_hash[:effective__num_stories].to_f area_multiplier = footprint_area / bounding_area edge_multiplier = Math.sqrt(area_multiplier) bar[:length] = bounding_length * edge_multiplier bar[:width] = bounding_width * edge_multiplier return bar end # get length and width of rectangle matching longer of two edges, and reducing the other way until floor area matches def calc_bar_reduced_width(envelope_data_hash) bar = {} bounding_length = envelope_data_hash[:building_max_xyz][0] - envelope_data_hash[:building_min_xyz][0] bounding_width = envelope_data_hash[:building_max_xyz][1] - envelope_data_hash[:building_min_xyz][1] footprint_area = envelope_data_hash[:building_floor_area] / envelope_data_hash[:effective__num_stories].to_f if bounding_length >= bounding_width bar[:length] = bounding_length bar[:width] = footprint_area / bounding_length else bar[:width] = bounding_width bar[:length] = footprint_area / bounding_width end return bar end # get length and width of rectangle by stretching it until both floor area and exterior wall area or perimeter match def calc_bar_stretched(envelope_data_hash) bar = {} bounding_length = envelope_data_hash[:building_max_xyz][0] - envelope_data_hash[:building_min_xyz][0] bounding_width = envelope_data_hash[:building_max_xyz][1] - envelope_data_hash[:building_min_xyz][1] a = envelope_data_hash[:building_floor_area] / envelope_data_hash[:effective__num_stories].to_f p = envelope_data_hash[:building_perimeter] if bounding_length >= bounding_width bar[:length] = 0.25 * (p + Math.sqrt(p**2 - 16 * a)) bar[:width] = 0.25 * (p - Math.sqrt(p**2 - 16 * a)) else bar[:length] = 0.25 * (p - Math.sqrt(p**2 - 16 * a)) bar[:width] = 0.25 * (p + Math.sqrt(p**2 - 16 * a)) end return bar end end