require 'net/http'
module ATCTools
class NameDiscoveryError < StandardError; end
class HeadingDiscoveryError < StandardError; end
class Airport
# Airport's ICAO code.
attr_accessor :code
# Airport's full name.
attr_writer :name
# Airport's magnetic variance from true north.
attr_accessor :variance
# URI of the web page used for the last airport name lookup.
attr_reader :name_uri
# URI of the web page used for the last heading lookup.
attr_reader :heading_uri
# Params:
# :code, :name, :variance
def initialize(code = nil, **kvargs)
@code = code || (kvargs.fetch :code, '')
@name = kvargs.fetch :name, ''
@variance = kvargs.fetch :variance, 17.0 # TODO: Detect this intelligently.
# Airport's full name.
def name
discover_name if @name.empty?
# Discover the airport's full name based
# on ICAO code.
def discover_name
@name_uri = "{@code.to_s.downcase}"
response = Net::HTTP.get URI name_uri
l = response.scan %r{(?i:
raise ATCTools::NameDiscoveryError, "Could not discover name for #{@code.to_s.upcase}" \
unless l.count > 0
@name = l.flatten.first
# Discover the airport's magnetic variance
# based on ICAO code.
def discover_variance
# Calculate the true heading to the specified airport.
# Takes an ICAO code or Airport object.
def true_heading_to(arrival)
@heading_uri = "{@code.downcase}&airport2=#{arrival.to_s.strip.downcase}"
response = Net::HTTP.get URI heading_uri
r = response.scan /(?:heading:)\s*([\d\.]+)\s+/
raise ATCTools::HeadingDiscoveryError, "Heading from #{@code.upcase} to #{arrival.to_s.upcase} not found." \
unless r.count > 0
true_hdg = r.flatten.first.to_f
# Calculate the true heading from the specified airport.
# Takes an ICAO code or Airport object.
def true_heading_from(departure)
360.0 - true_heading_to(departure)
# Calculate the magnetic heading to the specified airport.
# Takes an ICAO code or Airport object.
def magnetic_heading_to(arrival)
true_to_magnetic true_heading_to(arrival)
# Calculate the magnetic heading from the specified airport.
# Takes an ICAO code or Airport object.
def magnetic_heading_from(departure)
true_to_magnetic true_heading_from(departure)
# Convert a true heading to magnetic based on the airport's
# magnetic variance.
def true_to_magnetic(heading)
heading - @variance
# Convert a magnetic heading to true based on the airport's
# magnetic variance.
def magnetic_to_true(heading)
heading + @variance
# Print the Airport ICAO code.
# Allows the object to act as a direct replacement for string input.
def to_s