require 'rails/generators' module SmashingDocumentation module Generators class InstallGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base source_root File.expand_path("../../../templates/", __FILE__) def install if Dir.exists?('spec') @config_file = "spec/rails_helper.rb" elsif Dir.exists?('test') @config_file = "test/test_helper.rb" else puts "It does not appear that you have a test suite installed in your app" puts "Please...please use tests" return end configure_smashing_docs using_minitest? ? add_minitest_hooks : add_rspec_hooks generate_docs_template end private def configure_smashing_docs create_config_file add_configuration end def add_rspec_hooks helper = "spec/spec_helper.rb" if File.exist?(helper) insert_into_file( helper, "\n config.after(:each, type: :controller) do\n"\ "!(request, response, true)\n"\ " end\n"\ " # config.after(:suite) { SmashingDocs.finish! }", after: "RSpec.configure do |config|" ) unless test_hooks_already_setup?(helper) end end def add_minitest_hooks helper = "test/test_helper.rb" append_file( helper, "\nclass ActionController::TestCase < ActiveSupport::TestCase\n"\ " def teardown\n"\ "!(request, response, true)\n"\ " end\n"\ "end\n"\ "MiniTest::Unit.after_tests { SmashingDocs.finish! }\n" ) unless test_hooks_already_setup?(helper) end def generate_docs_template source = "" destination = "smashing_docs/" copy_file(source, destination) unless File.exist?(destination) end def create_config_file unless File.exist?(@config_file) create_file(@config_file) append_file(@config_file, "class ActiveSupport::TestCase\n end\n") if using_minitest? end end def add_configuration setup_configuration unless config_already_setup? end def setup_configuration config = "SmashingDocs.config do |c|\n"\ " c.template_file = 'smashing_docs/'\n"\ " c.output_file = 'smashing_docs/'\n"\ " c.run_all = true\n"\ " c.auto_push = false\n"\ "end\n" if using_minitest? insert_into_file(@config_file, config, after: "class ActiveSupport::TestCase\n") else append_file(@config_file, config) end end def config_already_setup? File.readlines(@config_file).grep(/SmashingDocs.config/).any? end def test_hooks_already_setup?(helper) File.readlines(helper).grep(/SmashingDocs\.run!/).any? end def using_minitest? @config_file.include?("test") end end end end