require 'spec_helper' describe RetinaRails::Strategies::CarrierWave do include CarrierWave::Test::Matchers ## # Store image so we can run tests against it # def upload! AnonymousUploader.enable_processing = true @uploader =, :avatar)!("#{fixture_path}/images/avatar.jpeg")) end ## # Remove image after testing # after(:each) do AnonymousUploader.enable_processing = false @uploader.remove! ## Reset processors version = AnonymousUploader.versions[:small] if version.respond_to?(:processors) version.processors = [] else version[:uploader].processors = [] end end ## # Actual tests # context 'with dimensions processor' do ## # Setup Anonymous uploader with a resize processor # before(:each) do AnonymousUploader.class_eval do version :small do process :resize_to_fill => [30, 40] end end upload! end it 'should double the height and width of an image' do expect(@uploader.small).to have_dimensions(60, 80) end it 'should store original width and height attributes for version' do expect(@uploader.model.retina_dimensions[:avatar][:small]).to eq({ :width => 30, :height => 40 }) end it "should set quality to it's default 60%" do quality = expect(quality).to eq(60) end end context 'override quality' do ## # Setup Anonymous uploader with a resize processor and override quality # before(:each) do AnonymousUploader.class_eval do version :small do process :resize_to_fill => [30, 40] process :retina_quality => 80 end end end it "should override quality" do upload! quality = expect(quality).to eq 80 end it 'should receive quality processor once' do expect_any_instance_of(AnonymousUploader).to receive(:retina_quality).once upload! end end context 'multiple processors' do ## # Setup Anonymous uploader with a custom processor # before(:each) do AnonymousUploader.class_eval do version :small do process :resize_to_fill => [30, 40] process :desaturate end def desaturate manipulate! do |img| img = img.quantize 256, Magick::GRAYColorspace end end end upload! end it 'should double the height and width of an image' do expect(@uploader.small).to have_dimensions(60, 80) end it 'should store original width and height attributes for version' do expect(@uploader.model.retina_dimensions[:avatar][:small]).to eq({ :width => 30, :height => 40 }) end end context 'with custom resize processor' do ## # Setup Anonymous uploader with a custom resize processor # before(:each) do AnonymousUploader.class_eval do version :small, :retina => false do process :custom_resize => [200, 200] process :store_retina_dimensions end def custom_resize(width, height) manipulate! do |img| img.resize_to_fill!(width, height) end end end upload! end it 'should double the height and width of an image' do expect(@uploader.small).to have_dimensions(200, 200) end it 'should store original width and height attributes for version' do expect(@uploader.model.retina_dimensions[:avatar][:small]).to eq({ :width => 100, :height => 100 }) end end context 'with failing conditional version' do ## # Setup Anonymous uploader with a failing condition # before(:each) do AnonymousUploader.class_eval do version :small_conditional, :if => ->(img, opts) { false } do process :resize_to_fill => [30, 30] end end upload! end it 'should not create a version' do expect(@uploader.version_exists?(:small_conditional)).to eq(false) expect(@uploader.small_conditional.current_path).to_not be_present end end end