
Status: Under Development
Version: 0.9.0

1 Description

Helpful Ruby routines for parsing orgmode files. The most significant thing this library does today is convert orgmode files to textile. Currently, you cannot do much to customize the conversion. The supplied textile conversion is optimized for extracting “content” from the orgfile as opposed to “metadata.”

2 History

2.1 2014-02-08: Version 0.9.0

module GitHub
  module Markup
    VERSION = 'test'
    Version = VERSION

2.2 2009-12-30: Version 0.5.1

2.3 2009-12-30: Version 0.5.0

2.4 2009-12-29: Version 0.4.2

2.5 2009-12-29: Version 0.4.1

2.6 2009-12-29: Version 0.4

2.7 2009-12-27: Version 0.3

2.8 2009-12-26: Version 0.2

2.9 2009-12-23: Version 0.1