require 'spec_helper' require 'nokogiri' describe XPath::HTML do let(:template) { 'form' } let(:template_path) {"fixtures/#{template}.html", File.dirname(__FILE__))) } let(:doc) { Nokogiri::HTML(template_path) } def get(*args) all(*args).first end def all(*args) XPath::HTML.send(subject, *args) do |xpath| doc.xpath(xpath) { |node| node[:data] } end describe '#link' do subject { :link } it("finds links by id") { get('some-id').should == 'link-id' } it("finds links by content") { get('An awesome link').should == 'link-text' } it("finds links by content regardless of whitespace") { get('My whitespaced link').should == 'link-whitespace' } it("finds links with child tags by content") { get('An emphatic link').should == 'link-children' } it("finds links by the content of theur child tags") { get('emphatic').should == 'link-children' } it("finds links by approximate content") { get('awesome').should == 'link-text' } it("prefers exact matches of content") { all('A link').should == ['link-exact', 'link-fuzzy'] } it("finds links by title") { get('My title').should == 'link-title' } it("finds links by approximate title") { get('title').should == 'link-title' } it("prefers exact matches of title") { all('This title').should == ['link-exact', 'link-fuzzy'] } it("finds links by image's alt attribute") { get('Alt link').should == 'link-img' } it("finds links by image's approximate alt attribute") { get('Alt').should == 'link-img' } it("prefers exact matches of image's alt attribute") { all('An image').should == ['link-img-exact', 'link-img-fuzzy'] } it("does not find links without href attriutes") { get('Wrong Link').should be_nil } it("finds links with an href") { get("Href-ed link", :href => '').should == 'link-href' } it("does not find links with an incorrect href") { get("Href-ed link", :href => '').should be_nil } end describe '#button' do subject { :button } context "with submit type" do it("finds buttons by id") { get('submit-with-id').should == 'id-submit' } it("finds buttons by value") { get('submit-with-value').should == 'value-submit' } it("finds buttons by approximate value") { get('mit-with-val').should == 'value-submit' } it("prefers buttons with exact value") { all('exact value submit').should == ['exact-value-submit', 'not-exact-value-submit'] } it("finds buttons by title") { get('My submit title').should == 'title-submit' } it("finds buttons by approximate title") { get('submit title').should == 'title-submit' } it("prefers exact matches of title") { all('Exact submit title').should == ['exact-title-submit', 'not-exact-title-submit'] } end context "with button type" do it("finds buttons by id") { get('button-with-id').should == 'id-button' } it("finds buttons by value") { get('button-with-value').should == 'value-button' } it("finds buttons by approximate value") { get('ton-with-val').should == 'value-button' } it("prefers buttons with exact value") { all('exact value button').should == ['exact-value-button', 'not-exact-value-button'] } it("finds buttons by title") { get('My button title').should == 'title-button' } it("finds buttons by approximate title") { get('button title').should == 'title-button' } it("prefers exact matches of title") { all('Exact button title').should == ['exact-title-button', 'not-exact-title-button'] } end context "with image type" do it("finds buttons by id") { get('imgbut-with-id').should == 'id-imgbut' } it("finds buttons by value") { get('imgbut-with-value').should == 'value-imgbut' } it("finds buttons by approximate value") { get('gbut-with-val').should == 'value-imgbut' } it("finds buttons by alt attribute") { get('imgbut-with-alt').should == 'alt-imgbut' } it("prefers buttons with exact value") { all('exact value imgbut').should == ['exact-value-imgbut', 'not-exact-value-imgbut'] } it("finds buttons by title") { get('My imgbut title').should == 'title-imgbut' } it("finds buttons by approximate title") { get('imgbut title').should == 'title-imgbut' } it("prefers exact matches of title") { all('Exact imgbut title').should == ['exact-title-imgbut', 'not-exact-title-imgbut'] } end context "with button tag" do it("finds buttons by id") { get('btag-with-id').should == 'id-btag' } it("finds buttons by value") { get('btag-with-value').should == 'value-btag' } it("finds buttons by approximate value") { get('tag-with-val').should == 'value-btag' } it("finds prefers buttons with exact value") { all('exact value btag').should == ['exact-value-btag', 'not-exact-value-btag'] } it("finds buttons by text") { get('btag-with-text').should == 'text-btag' } it("finds buttons by text ignoring whitespace") { get('My whitespaced button').should == 'btag-with-whitespace' } it("finds buttons by approximate text ") { get('tag-with-tex').should == 'text-btag' } it("finds buttons with child tags by text") { get('An emphatic button').should == 'btag-with-children' } it("finds buttons by text of their children") { get('emphatic').should == 'btag-with-children' } it("prefers buttons with exact text") { all('exact text btag').should == ['exact-text-btag', 'not-exact-text-btag'] } it("finds buttons by title") { get('My btag title').should == 'title-btag' } it("finds buttons by approximate title") { get('btag title').should == 'title-btag' } it("prefers exact matches of title") { all('Exact btag title').should == ['exact-title-btag', 'not-exact-title-btag'] } end context "with unkown type" do it("does not find the button") { get('schmoo button').should be_nil } end end describe '#fieldset' do subject { :fieldset } it("finds fieldsets by id") { get('some-fieldset-id').should == 'fieldset-id' } it("finds fieldsets by legend") { get('Some Legend').should == 'fieldset-legend' } it("finds fieldsets by legend child tags") { get('Span Legend').should == 'fieldset-legend-span' } it("accepts approximate legends") { get('Legend').should == 'fieldset-legend' } it("prefers exact legend") { all('Long legend').should == ['fieldset-exact', 'fieldset-fuzzy'] } end describe '#field' do subject { :field } context "by id" do it("finds inputs with no type") { get('input-with-id').should == 'input-with-id-data' } it("finds inputs with text type") { get('input-text-with-id').should == 'input-text-with-id-data' } it("finds inputs with password type") { get('input-password-with-id').should == 'input-password-with-id-data' } it("finds inputs with custom type") { get('input-custom-with-id').should == 'input-custom-with-id-data' } it("finds textareas") { get('textarea-with-id').should == 'textarea-with-id-data' } it("finds select boxes") { get('select-with-id').should == 'select-with-id-data' } it("does not find submit buttons") { get('input-submit-with-id').should be_nil } it("does not find image buttons") { get('input-image-with-id').should be_nil } it("does not find hidden fields") { get('input-hidden-with-id').should be_nil } end context "by name" do it("finds inputs with no type") { get('input-with-name').should == 'input-with-name-data' } it("finds inputs with text type") { get('input-text-with-name').should == 'input-text-with-name-data' } it("finds inputs with password type") { get('input-password-with-name').should == 'input-password-with-name-data' } it("finds inputs with custom type") { get('input-custom-with-name').should == 'input-custom-with-name-data' } it("finds textareas") { get('textarea-with-name').should == 'textarea-with-name-data' } it("finds select boxes") { get('select-with-name').should == 'select-with-name-data' } it("does not find submit buttons") { get('input-submit-with-name').should be_nil } it("does not find image buttons") { get('input-image-with-name').should be_nil } it("does not find hidden fields") { get('input-hidden-with-name').should be_nil } end context "by referenced label" do it("finds inputs with no type") { get('Input with label').should == 'input-with-label-data' } it("finds inputs with text type") { get('Input text with label').should == 'input-text-with-label-data' } it("finds inputs with password type") { get('Input password with label').should == 'input-password-with-label-data' } it("finds inputs with custom type") { get('Input custom with label').should == 'input-custom-with-label-data' } it("finds textareas") { get('Textarea with label').should == 'textarea-with-label-data' } it("finds select boxes") { get('Select with label').should == 'select-with-label-data' } it("does not find submit buttons") { get('Input submit with label').should be_nil } it("does not find image buttons") { get('Input image with label').should be_nil } it("does not find hidden fields") { get('Input hidden with label').should be_nil } end context "by parent label" do it("finds inputs with no type") { get('Input with parent label').should == 'input-with-parent-label-data' } it("finds inputs with text type") { get('Input text with parent label').should == 'input-text-with-parent-label-data' } it("finds inputs with password type") { get('Input password with parent label').should == 'input-password-with-parent-label-data' } it("finds inputs with custom type") { get('Input custom with parent label').should == 'input-custom-with-parent-label-data' } it("finds textareas") { get('Textarea with parent label').should == 'textarea-with-parent-label-data' } it("finds select boxes") { get('Select with parent label').should == 'select-with-parent-label-data' } it("does not find submit buttons") { get('Input submit with parent label').should be_nil } it("does not find image buttons") { get('Input image with parent label').should be_nil } it("does not find hidden fields") { get('Input hidden with parent label').should be_nil } end context "with :with option" do it("finds inputs that match option") { get('input-with-id', :with => 'correct-value').should == 'input-with-id-data' } it("omits inputs that don't match option") { get('input-with-id', :with => 'wrong-value').should be_nil } it("finds textareas that match option") { get('textarea-with-id', :with => 'Correct value').should == 'textarea-with-id-data' } it("omits textareas that don't match option") { get('textarea-with-id', :with => 'Wrong value').should be_nil } end context "with :checked option" do context "when true" do it("finds checked fields") {} it("omits unchecked fields") {} end context "when false" do it("finds unchecked fields") {} it("omits checked fields") {} end context "when ommitted" do it("finds unchecked fields") {} it("finds checked fields") {} end end end describe '#fillable_field' do subject{ :fillable_field } context "by parent label" do it("finds inputs with text type") { get('Label text').should == 'id-text' } it("finds inputs where label has problem chars") { get("Label text's got an apostrophe").should == 'id-problem-text' } end end describe '#select' do end describe '#checkbox' do end describe '#radio_button' do end describe '#file_field' do end describe '#option' do end describe "#optgroup" do subject { :optgroup } it("finds optgroups by label") { get('Group A').should == 'optgroup-a' } end describe "#table" do subject {:table} it("finds cell content regardless of whitespace") {get('whitespaced-table', :rows => [["I have nested whitespace", "I don't"]]).should == 'table-with-whitespace'} end end