# encoding: utf-8 Refinery::Pages.configure do |config| # Configure specific page templates # config.types.register :home do |home| # home.parts = %w[intro body] # end # Configure global page default parts # config.default_parts = <%= Refinery::Pages.default_parts.inspect %> # Configure whether to allow adding new page parts # config.new_page_parts = <%= Refinery::Pages.new_page_parts.inspect %> # Configure whether to enable marketable_urls # config.marketable_urls = <%= Refinery::Pages.marketable_urls.inspect %> # You can specify reserved words that won't be used as page slugs. # This only applies when marketable_urls is enabled. # config.friendly_id_reserved_words = <%= Refinery::Pages.friendly_id_reserved_words.inspect %> # Configure how many pages per page should be displayed when a dialog is presented that contains a links to pages # config.pages_per_dialog = <%= Refinery::Pages.pages_per_dialog.inspect %> # Configure how many pages per page should be displayed in the list of pages in the admin area # config.pages_per_admin_index = <%= Refinery::Pages.pages_per_admin_index.inspect %> # Configure whether to strip diacritics from Western characters # config.approximate_ascii = <%= Refinery::Pages.approximate_ascii.inspect %> # Configure whether to strip non-ASCII characters from the friendly_id string # config.strip_non_ascii = <%= Refinery::Pages.strip_non_ascii.inspect %> # Set this to true if you want to override slug which automatically gets generated # when you create a page # config.use_custom_slugs = <%= Refinery::Pages.use_custom_slugs.inspect %> # Set this to true if page slugs generated by friendly_id should be scoped by parent. # If false, page slugs are global, and are, in effect, custom routes that may contain slashes. # By default, these routes will be flattened to the root, using the slugged page title, # and will no longer be nested as children. # config.scope_slug_by_parent = <%= Refinery::Pages.scope_slug_by_parent.inspect %> # Set this to true to activate full-page-cache. # If you use Rails 4.0+ and set config.cache_pages_full to true, you have to add this gem in your Gemfile: # gem 'actionpack-page_caching' # config.cache_pages_full = <%= Refinery::Pages.cache_pages_full.inspect %> # Set this to true to fully expand the page hierarchy in the admin # config.auto_expand_admin_tree = <%= Refinery::Pages.auto_expand_admin_tree.inspect %> # config.layout_template_whitelist = <%= Refinery::Pages.layout_template_whitelist.inspect %> # config.use_layout_templates = <%= Refinery::Pages.use_layout_templates.inspect %> # Use these if you want to use layout or view templates whose filenames do not match the default pattern # For more information on the patterns see Dir.glob (http://ruby-doc.org/core-2.2.0/Dir.html#method-c-glob) # example: for .erb, .html and .rb view templates use # config.view_templates_pattern = 'app', 'views', '{pages,refinery/pages}', '*.{erb,html,rb}' # config.layout_templates_pattern = 'app', 'views', '{layouts,refinery/layouts}', '*html*' # config.view_templates_pattern = 'app', 'views', '{pages,refinery/pages}', '*html*' # config.page_title = <%= Refinery::Pages.page_title.inspect %> # config.absolute_page_links = <%= Refinery::Pages.absolute_page_links.inspect %> # config.show_title_in_body = <%= Refinery::Pages.show_title_in_body.inspect %> # You can add new HTML elements not already supported by Loofah::HTML5::WhiteList::ALLOWED_ELEMENTS # For more information on whitelist see ALLOWED_ELEMENTS # (https://github.com/flavorjones/loofah/blob/v2.0.3/lib/loofah/html5/whitelist.rb#L151) # config.add_whitelist_elements = <%= Refinery::Pages.add_whitelist_elements.inspect %> # You can add new HTML attributes not already supported by Loofah::HTML5::WhiteList::ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES # For more information on whitelist see ALLOWED_ATTRIBUTES # (https://github.com/flavorjones/loofah/blob/v2.0.3/lib/loofah/html5/whitelist.rb#L152) # config.add_whitelist_attributes = <%= Refinery::Pages.add_whitelist_attributes.inspect %> end