require "yaml" module MCollective module PluginPackager class ForgePackager def initialize(plugin, pluginpath=nil, signature=nil, verbose=false, keep_artifacts=nil, module_template=nil) @plugin = plugin @verbose = verbose @keep_artifacts = keep_artifacts @module_template = module_template || File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "templates", "forge") end def which(cmd) exts = ENV["PATHEXT"] ? ENV["PATHEXT"].split(";") : [""] ENV["PATH"].split(File::PATH_SEPARATOR).each do |path| exts.each do |ext| exe = File.join(path, "#{cmd}#{ext}") return exe if File.executable?(exe) && ! end end nil end def create_packages assert_new_enough_pdk validate_environment begin puts("Building Choria module %s" % module_name) @tmpdir = Dir.mktmpdir("mcollective_packager") make_module_dirs copy_module_files generate_agent_json_ddls render_templates copy_additional_files run_build move_package puts("Completed building module for %s" % module_name) rescue warn("Failed to build plugin module: %s: %s" % [$!.class, $!.to_s]) ensure if @keep_artifacts puts("Keeping build artifacts") puts("Build artifacts saved in %s" % @tmpdir) else cleanup_tmpdirs end end end def version if Integer(@plugin.revision) > 1 "%s-%s" % [@plugin.metadata[:version], @plugin.revision] else @plugin.metadata[:version] end end def module_name "mcollective_%s_%s" % [ @plugin.plugintype.downcase, @plugin.metadata[:name].downcase.gsub("-", "_") ] end def module_file_name "%s-%s-%s.tar.gz" % [@plugin.vendor, module_name, version] end def dirlist(type) @plugin.packagedata[type][:files].map do |file| file.gsub(/^\.\//, "") if end.compact rescue [] end def filelist(type) @plugin.packagedata[type][:files].map do |file| file.gsub(/^\.\//, "") unless end.compact.uniq rescue [] end def executablelist(type) @plugin.packagedata[type][:executable_files].map do |file| file.gsub(/^\.\//, "") unless end.compact.uniq rescue [] end def hierakey(var) "%s::%s" % [module_name, var] end def module_override_data YAML.safe_load(".plugin.yaml")) rescue {} end def plugin_hiera_data { hierakey(:config_name) => @plugin.metadata[:name].downcase, hierakey(:common_files) => filelist(:common), hierakey(:executable_files) => executablelist(:agent), hierakey(:common_directories) => dirlist(:common), hierakey(:server_files) => filelist(:agent), hierakey(:server_directories) => dirlist(:agent), hierakey(:client_files) => filelist(:client), hierakey(:client_directories) => dirlist(:client) }.merge(module_override_data) end def make_module_dirs ["data", "manifests", "files/mcollective"].each do |dir| FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(@tmpdir, dir)) end end def copy_additional_files if File.exist?("puppet") Dir.glob("puppet/*").each do |file| FileUtils.cp_r(file, @tmpdir) end end end def copy_module_files @plugin.packagedata.each_value do |data| data[:files].each do |file| clean_dest_file = file.gsub("./lib/mcollective", "") dest_dir = File.expand_path(File.join(@tmpdir, "files", "mcollective", File.dirname(clean_dest_file))) FileUtils.mkdir_p(dest_dir) unless FileUtils.cp(file, dest_dir) if File.file?(file) end end end def generate_agent_json_ddls agent_dir = File.expand_path(File.join(@tmpdir, "files", "mcollective", "agent")) if Dir.glob(File.join(agent_dir, "*.ddl")) do |file| agent_name = File.basename(file, ".ddl") json_file = File.join(agent_dir, "%s.json" % agent_name) if File.exist?(json_file) Log.warn("JSON DDL %s already exist, not regenerating from the %s" % [json_file, agent_name]) next end ddl =, :agent, false) ddl.instance_eval( data = { "$schema" => "", "metadata" => ddl.meta, "actions" => [] } ddl.actions.sort.each do |action| data["actions"] << ddl.action_interface(action) end, "w") do |jddl| jddl.print(JSON.pretty_generate(data)) end @plugin.packagedata[:common][:files] << "agent/%s.json" % agent_name end end end def render_templates templates = Dir.chdir(@module_template) do |_path| Dir.glob("**/*.erb") end templates.each do |template| infile = File.join(@module_template, template) outfile = File.join(@tmpdir, template.gsub(/\.erb$/, "")) render_template(infile, outfile) end end def render_template(infile, outfile) erb =, 0, "-"), "w") do |f| f.puts erb.result(binding) end rescue warn("Could not render template %s to %s" % [infile, outfile]) raise end def validate_environment raise("Supplying a vendor is required, please use --vendor") if @plugin.vendor == "Puppet Labs" raise("Vendor names may not have a space in them, please specify a valid vendor using --vendor") if @plugin.vendor.include?(" ") end def pdk_path pdk_bin = which("pdk") pdk_bin ||= "/opt/puppetlabs/pdk/bin/pdk" pdk_bin end def assert_new_enough_pdk s ="#{pdk_path} --version") s.runcommand actual_version = s.stdout.chomp required_version = "1.12.0" raise("Cannot build package. pdk #{required_version} or greater required. We have #{actual_version}.") if Util.versioncmp(actual_version, required_version) < 0 end def run_build PluginPackager.execute_verbosely(@verbose) do Dir.chdir(@tmpdir) do PluginPackager.safe_system("#{pdk_path} build --force") end end rescue warn("Build process has failed") raise end def move_package package_file = File.join(@tmpdir, "pkg", module_file_name) FileUtils.cp(package_file, ".") rescue warn("Could not copy package to working directory") raise end def cleanup_tmpdirs FileUtils.rm_r(@tmpdir) if rescue warn("Could not remove temporary build directory %s" % [@tmpdir]) raise end end end end