{:versionI"3.2.19 (Media Mark):EF:sha"-2eee7ae7f29350544622e0391331a986b1990754:
 * Scaffolding
 * -------------------------------------------------- */:ET:
;[I"�/* Reset the box-sizing
 * Heads up! This reset may cause conflicts with some third-party widgets.
 * For recommendations on resolving such conflicts, see
 * http://getbootstrap.com/getting-started/#third-box-sizing */;	T;
;;[�;i;
@o:Sass::Tree::RuleNode:
@rule[I"*;	T:
;[o:Sass::Selector::Universal:@namespace0;i:@filenameI"�;	F:
@hash{�;i;@;i;@;[o:Sass::Tree::MixinNode:
@nameI"box-sizing;	T:
@args[o:Sass::Script::String	;I"border-box;	T;
:identifier;i;
@:@keywords{�:@splat0;[�;i;
@;i:@has_childrenT;
@o;;[I"*:before,
*:after;	F;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;;0;i;I"�;	Fo:Sass::Selector::Pseudo
class;[I"before;	F:	@arg0;i;@/;0;o;;{�;i;@/o;;[I"
;	Fo;
;[o;;0;i;@/o;%
after;	F;(0;i;@/;0;o;;{�;i;@/;i;@/;[o;;I"box-sizing;	T;[o; 	;I"border-box;	T;
;!;i;
@;"{�;#0;[�;i;
@;i;$T;
;[I"/* Body reset */;	T;
;;[�;i;
@o;;[I"	html;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o:Sass::Selector::Element	;[I"	html;	T;0;i;I"�;	F;0;o;;{�;i;@X;i;@X;[o:Sass::Tree::PropNode;[I"font-size;	T;o; ;I"	10px;	T;
@;i�:@prop_syntax:new;[�;i;
@o;*;[I" -webkit-tap-highlight-color;	T;o:Sass::Script::Funcall;I"	rgba;	T;[	o:Sass::Script::Number;i�:@numerator_units[�:@denominator_units[�;i:@originalI"0;	F;
@o;.;i�;/[�;0@j;i;1I"0;	F;
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@;"{�;#0;i;
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@o;;[I"	body;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;)	;[I"	body;	T;0;i ;I"�;	F;0;o;;{�;i ;@~;i ;@~;[
o;*;[I"font-family;	T;o:Sass::Script::Variable	;I"font-family-base;	T:@underscored_nameI"font_family_base;	T;i!;
@;i�;+;,;[�;i!;
@o;*;[I"font-size;	T;o;2	;I"font-size-base;	T;3I"font_size_base;	T;i";
@;i�;+;,;[�;i";
@o;*;[I"line-height;	T;o;2	;I"line-height-base;	T;3I"line_height_base;	T;i#;
@;i�;+;,;[�;i#;
@o;*;[I"
color;	T;o;2	;I"text-color;	T;3I"text_color;	T;i$;
@;i�;+;,;[�;i$;
@o;*;[I"background-color;	T;o;2	;I"body-bg;	T;3I"body_bg;	T;i%;
@;i�;+;,;[�;i%;
@;i ;$T;
;[I",/* Reset fonts for relevant elements */;	T;
;;[�;i(;
@o;;[I"$input,
textarea;	T;i�;o;;[	o;;[o;
;[o;)	;[I"
input;	T;0;i,;I"�;	F;0;o;;{�;i,;@�o;;[I"
;	Fo;
;[o;)	;[I"button;	T;0;i,;@�;0;o;;{�;i,;@�o;;[I"
;	Fo;
;[o;)	;[I"select;	T;0;i,;@�;0;o;;{�;i,;@�o;;[I"
;	Fo;
;[o;)	;[I"
textarea;	T;0;i,;@�;0;o;;{�;i,;@�;i,;@�;[o;*;[I"font-family;	T;o; ;I"inherit;	T;
@;i�;+;,;[�;i-;
@o;*;[I"font-size;	T;o; ;I"inherit;	T;
@;i�;+;,;[�;i.;
@o;*;[I"line-height;	T;o; ;I"inherit;	T;
@;i�;+;,;[�;i/;
@;i,;$T;
;[I"/* Links */;	T;
;;[�;i3;
@o;;[I"a;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;)	;[I"a;	T;0;i5;I"�;	F;0;o;;{�;i5;@�;i5;@�;[	o;*;[I"
color;	T;o;2	;I"link-color;	T;3I"link_color;	T;i6;
@;i�;+;,;[�;i6;
@o;*;[I"text-decoration;	T;o; ;I"	none;	T;
@;i�;+;,;[�;i7;
@o;;[I"&:hover,
  &:focus;	F;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o:Sass::Selector::Parent;i:;I"�;	Fo;%
hover;	F;(0;i:;@;0;o;;{�;i:;@o;;[I"
;	Fo;
;[o;4;i:;@o;%
focus;	F;(0;i:;@;0;o;;{�;i:;@;i:;@;[o;*;[I"
color;	T;o;2	;I"link-hover-color;	T;3I"link_hover_color;	T;i;;
@;i�;+;,;[�;i;;
@o;*;[I"text-decoration;	T;o;2	;I"link-hover-decoration;	T;3I"link_hover_decoration;	T;i<;
@;i�;+;,;[�;i<;
@;i:;$T;
@o;;[I"&:focus;	F;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;4;i?;I"�;	Fo;%
focus;	F;(0;i?;@>;0;o;;{�;i?;@>;i?;@>;[o;;I"tab-focus;	T;[�;"{�;#0;[�;i@;
@;i?;$T;
@;i5;$T;
;[I"�/* Figures
 * We reset this here because previously Normalize had no `figure` margins. This
 * ensures we don't break anyone's use of the element. */;	T;
;;[�;iE;
@o;;[I"figure;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;)	;[I"figure;	T;0;iJ;I"�;	F;0;o;;{�;iJ;@Z;iJ;@Z;[o;*;[I"margin;	T;o; ;I"0;	T;
@;i�;+;,;[�;iK;
@;iJ;$T;
;[I"/* Images */;	T;
;;[�;iO;
@o;;[I"img;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;)	;[I"img;	T;0;iQ;I"�;	F;0;o;;{�;iQ;@t;iQ;@t;[o;*;[I"vertical-align;	T;o; ;I"middle;	T;
@;i�;+;,;[�;iR;
@;iQ;$T;
;[I"M/* Responsive images (ensure images don't scale beyond their parents) */;	T;
;;[�;iU;
@o;;[I".img-responsive;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o:Sass::Selector::Class;[I"img-responsive;	T;iV;I"�;	F;0;o;;{�;iV;@�;iV;@�;[o;;I"img-responsive;	T;[�;"{�;#0;[�;iW;
@;iV;$T;
;[I"/* Rounded corners */;	T;
;;[�;iZ;
@o;;[I".img-rounded;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;5;[I"img-rounded;	T;i[;I"�;	F;0;o;;{�;i[;@�;i[;@�;[o;*;[I"border-radius;	T;o;2	;I"border-radius-large;	T;3I"border_radius_large;	T;i\;
@;i�;+;,;[�;i\;
@;i[;$T;
;[I"c/* Image thumbnails
 * Heads up! This is mixin-ed into thumbnails.less for `.thumbnail`. */;	T;
;;[�;i_;
@o;;[I".img-thumbnail;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;5;[I"img-thumbnail;	T;ib;I"�;	F;0;o;;{�;ib;@�;ib;@�;[
o;*;[I"padding;	T;o;2	;I"thumbnail-padding;	T;3I"thumbnail_padding;	T;ic;
@;i�;+;,;[�;ic;
@o;*;[I"line-height;	T;o;2	;I"line-height-base;	T;3I"line_height_base;	T;id;
@;i�;+;,;[�;id;
@o;*;[I"background-color;	T;o;2	;I"thumbnail-bg;	T;3I"thumbnail_bg;	T;ie;
@;i�;+;,;[�;ie;
@o;*;[I"border;	T;o:Sass::Script::List	;[o;.;i;/[I"px;	T;0[�;if;1I"1px;	F;
@o; 	;I"
solid;	T;
;!;if;
@o;2	;I"thumbnail-border;	T;3I"thumbnail_border;	T;if;
space;if;
@;i�;+;,;[�;if;
@o;*;[I"border-radius;	T;o;2	;I"thumbnail-border-radius;	T;3I"thumbnail_border_radius;	T;ig;
@;i�;+;,;[�;ig;
@o;;I"transition;	T;[o;6	;[o; 	;I"all;	T;
;!;ih;
@o;.;f0.2;/[I"s;	T;0[�;ih;1I"	0.2s;	F;
@o; 	;I"ease-in-out;	T;
;!;ih;
@;7;8;ih;
@;"{�;#0;[�;ih;
;[I"&/* Keep them at most 100% wide */;	T;
;;[�;ij;
@o;;I"img-responsive;	T;[o; 	;I"inline-block;	T;
;!;ik;
@;"{�;#0;[�;ik;
@;ib;$T;
;[I"/* Perfect circle */;	T;
;;[�;in;
@o;;[I".img-circle;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;5;[I"img-circle;	T;io;I"�;	F;0;o;;{�;io;@;io;@;[o;*;[I"border-radius;	T;o; ;I"50%;	T;
@;i�;+;,;[�;ip;
;[I"!/* set radius in percents */;	T;
;;[�;ip;
@;io;$T;
;[I"/* Horizontal rules */;	T;
;;[�;it;
@o;;[I"hr;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;)	;[I"hr;	T;0;iv;I"�;	F;0;o;;{�;iv;@<;iv;@<;[	o;*;[I"margin-top;	T;o;2	;I"line-height-computed;	T;3I"line_height_computed;	T;iw;
@;i�;+;,;[�;iw;
@o;*;[I"margin-bottom;	T;o;2	;I"line-height-computed;	T;3I"line_height_computed;	T;ix;
@;i�;+;,;[�;ix;
@o;*;[I"border;	T;o; ;I"0;	T;
@;i�;+;,;[�;iy;
@o;*;[I"border-top;	T;o;6	;[o;.;i;/[I"px;	T;0[�;iz;1I"1px;	F;
@o; 	;I"
solid;	T;
;!;iz;
@o;2	;I"hr-border;	T;3I"hr_border;	T;iz;
@;7;8;iz;
@;i�;+;,;[�;iz;
@;iv;$T;
;[I"n/* Only display content to screen readers
 * See: http://a11yproject.com/posts/how-to-hide-content/ */;	T;
;;[�;i~;
@o;;[I"
.sr-only;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;5;[I"sr-only;	T;i};I"�;	F;0;o;;{�;i};@t;i};@t;[
o;*;[I"
position;	T;o; ;I"
absolute;	T;
@;i�;+;,;[�;i~;
@o;*;[I"
width;	T;o; ;I"1px;	T;
@;i�;+;,;[�;i;
@o;*;[I"height;	T;o; ;I"1px;	T;
@;i�;+;,;[�;i�;
@o;*;[I"margin;	T;o; ;I"	-1px;	T;
@;i�;+;,;[�;i�;
@o;*;[I"padding;	T;o; ;I"0;	T;
@;i�;+;,;[�;i�;
@o;*;[I"
overflow;	T;o; ;I"hidden;	T;
@;i�;+;,;[�;i�;
@o;*;[I"	clip;	T;o;-;I"	rect;	T;[	o;.;i�;/[�;0@j;i�;1I"0;	F;
@o;.;i�;/[�;0@j;i�;1I"0;	F;
@o;.;i�;/[�;0@j;i�;1I"0;	F;
@o;.;i�;/[�;0@j;i�;1I"0;	F;
@;"{�;#0;i�;
@;i�;+;,;[�;i�;
@o;*;[I"border;	T;o; ;I"0;	T;
@;i�;+;,;[�;i�;
@;i};$T;
;[I"�/* Use in conjunction with .sr-only to only display content when it's focused.
 * Useful for "Skip to main content" links; see http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/NOTE-WCAG20-TECHS-20130905/G1
 * Credit: HTML5 Boilerplate */;	T;
;;[�;i�;
@o;;[I".sr-only-focusable;	T;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;5;[I"sr-only-focusable;	T;i�;I"�;	F;0;o;;{�;i�;@�;i�;@�;[o;;[I"&:active,
  &:focus;	F;i�;o;;[o;;[o;
;[o;4;i�;I"�;	Fo;%
;&;';[I"active;	F;(0;i�;@�;0;o;;{�;i�;@�o;;[I"
;	Fo;
;[o;4;i�;@�o;%
focus;	F;(0;i�;@�;0;o;;{�;i�;@�;i�;@�;[o;*;[I"
position;	T;o; ;I"static;	T;
@;i�;+;,;[�;i�;
@o;*;[I"
width;	T;o; ;I"	auto;	T;
@;i�;+;,;[�;i�;
@o;*;[I"height;	T;o; ;I"	auto;	T;
@;i�;+;,;[�;i�;
@o;*;[I"margin;	T;o; ;I"0;	T;
@;i�;+;,;[�;i�;
@o;*;[I"
overflow;	T;o; ;I"visible;	T;
@;i�;+;,;[�;i�;
@o;*;[I"	clip;	T;o; ;I"	auto;	T;
@;i�;+;,;[�;i�;
@;i�;$T;
@;i�;$T;
// Scaffolding
// --------------------------------------------------

// Reset the box-sizing
// Heads up! This reset may cause conflicts with some third-party widgets.
// For recommendations on resolving such conflicts, see
// http://getbootstrap.com/getting-started/#third-box-sizing
* {
  @include box-sizing(border-box);
*:after {
  @include box-sizing(border-box);

// Body reset

html {
  font-size: 10px;
  -webkit-tap-highlight-color: rgba(0,0,0,0);

body {
  font-family: $font-family-base;
  font-size: $font-size-base;
  line-height: $line-height-base;
  color: $text-color;
  background-color: $body-bg;

// Reset fonts for relevant elements
textarea {
  font-family: inherit;
  font-size: inherit;
  line-height: inherit;

// Links

a {
  color: $link-color;
  text-decoration: none;

  &:focus {
    color: $link-hover-color;
    text-decoration: $link-hover-decoration;

  &:focus {
    @include tab-focus;

// Figures
// We reset this here because previously Normalize had no `figure` margins. This
// ensures we don't break anyone's use of the element.

figure {
  margin: 0;

// Images

img {
  vertical-align: middle;

// Responsive images (ensure images don't scale beyond their parents)
.img-responsive {
  @include img-responsive;

// Rounded corners
.img-rounded {
  border-radius: $border-radius-large;

// Image thumbnails
// Heads up! This is mixin-ed into thumbnails.less for `.thumbnail`.
.img-thumbnail {
  padding: $thumbnail-padding;
  line-height: $line-height-base;
  background-color: $thumbnail-bg;
  border: 1px solid $thumbnail-border;
  border-radius: $thumbnail-border-radius;
  @include transition(all .2s ease-in-out);

  // Keep them at most 100% wide
  @include img-responsive(inline-block);

// Perfect circle
.img-circle {
  border-radius: 50%; // set radius in percents

// Horizontal rules

hr {
  margin-top:    $line-height-computed;
  margin-bottom: $line-height-computed;
  border: 0;
  border-top: 1px solid $hr-border;

// Only display content to screen readers
// See: http://a11yproject.com/posts/how-to-hide-content/

.sr-only {
  position: absolute;
  width: 1px;
  height: 1px;
  margin: -1px;
  padding: 0;
  overflow: hidden;
  clip: rect(0,0,0,0);
  border: 0;

// Use in conjunction with .sr-only to only display content when it's focused.
// Useful for "Skip to main content" links; see http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/NOTE-WCAG20-TECHS-20130905/G1
// Credit: HTML5 Boilerplate

.sr-only-focusable {
  &:focus {
    position: static;
    width: auto;
    height: auto;
    margin: 0;
    overflow: visible;
    clip: auto;
;	T;i;$T;