=begin Copyright 2010-2013 Tasos Laskos Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. =end require 'pony' # # Uses the Pony gem send a notification (and optionally report) at the end # of the scan over SMTP. # # @author Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos # # @version 0.1.2 # class Arachni::Plugins::EmailNotify < Arachni::Plugin::Base def run wait_while_framework_running @auditstore = framework.auditstore end def clean_up issue_cnt = @auditstore.issues.size time = @auditstore.delta_time url = framework.opts.url opts = { subject: "Scan for #{url} finished in #{time}", body: "Found #{issue_cnt} unique issues.", to: options['to'], cc: options['cc'], bcc: options['bcc'], from: options['from'], via: :smtp, via_options: { address: options['server_address'], port: options['server_port'], enable_starttls_auto: options['tls'], user_name: options['username'], password: options['password'], authentication: !options['authentication'].empty? ? options['authentication'].to_sym : nil, domain: "localhost.localdomain" } } if options['report'] != 'none' report = framework.reports[ options['report'] ] rep_opts = {} report.info[:options].each do |opt| rep_opts[opt.name] = opt.default if opt.default end rep_opts['outfile'] = 'scan_report.' + options['report'] report.new( @auditstore, rep_opts ).run opts[:attachments] = { rep_opts['outfile'] => File.read( rep_opts['outfile'] ) } FileUtils.rm( rep_opts['outfile'] ) end print_status 'Sending the notification...' Pony.mail( opts ) print_status 'Done.' end def self.info { name: 'E-mail notify', description: %q{Sends a notification (and optionally a report) over SMTP at the end of the scan.}, author: 'Tasos "Zapotek" Laskos ', version: '0.1.2', options: [ Options::String.new( 'to', [true, 'E-mail address of the receiver.'] ), Options::String.new( 'cc', [false, 'E-mail address to which to send a carbon copy of the notification.'] ), Options::String.new( 'bcc', [false, 'E-mail address for a blind carbon copy.'] ), Options::String.new( 'from', [true, 'E-mail address of the sender.'] ), Options::Address.new( 'server_address', [true, 'Address of the SMTP server to use.'] ), Options::Port.new( 'server_port', [true, 'SMTP port.'] ), Options::Bool.new( 'tls', [false, 'Use TLS/SSL?.'] ), Options::String.new( 'username', [true, 'SMTP username.'] ), Options::String.new( 'password', [true, 'SMTP password.'] ), Options::String.new( 'authentication', [false, 'Authentication.', 'plain', ['plain', 'login', 'cram_md5', '']] ), Options::Enum.new( 'report', [false, 'Report type to send as an attachment.', 'txt', ['txt', 'xml', 'html', 'json', 'yaml', 'marshal' 'none']] ) ] } end end