/* vim: set expandtab sw=4 ts=4 sts=4: */
* @fileoverview functions used on the table structure page
* @name Table Structure
* @requires jQuery
* @requires jQueryUI
* @required js/functions.js
* AJAX scripts for tbl_structure.php
* Actions ajaxified here:
* Drop Column
* Add Primary Key
* Drop Primary Key/Index
* This function returns the horizontal space available for the menu in pixels.
* To calculate this value we start we the width of the main panel, then we
* substract the margin of the page content, then we substract any cellspacing
* that the table may have (original theme only) and finally we substract the
* width of all columns of the table except for the last one (which is where
* the menu will go). What we should end up with is the distance between the
* start of the last column on the table and the edge of the page, again this
* is the space available for the menu.
* In the case where the table cell where the menu will be displayed is already
* off-screen (the table is wider than the page), a negative value will be returned,
* but this will be treated as a zero by the menuResizer plugin.
* @return int
function PMA_tbl_structure_menu_resizer_callback() {
var pagewidth = $('body').width();
var $page = $('#page_content');
pagewidth -= $page.outerWidth(true) - $page.outerWidth();
var columnsWidth = 0;
var $columns = $('#tablestructure').find('tr:eq(1)').find('td,th');
$columns.not(':last').each(function () {
columnsWidth += $(this).outerWidth(true);
var totalCellSpacing = $('#tablestructure').width();
$columns.each(function () {
totalCellSpacing -= $(this).outerWidth(true);
return pagewidth - columnsWidth - totalCellSpacing - 15; // 15px extra margin
* Reload fields table
function reloadFieldForm() {
$.post($("#fieldsForm").attr('action'), $("#fieldsForm").serialize() + "&ajax_request=true", function (form_data) {
var $temp_div = $("
$('#move_columns_dialog ul').replaceWith($temp_div.find("#move_columns_dialog ul"));
/* reinitialise the more options in table */
$('#fieldsForm ul.table-structure-actions').menuResizer(PMA_tbl_structure_menu_resizer_callback);
function checkFirst() {
if ($("select[name=after_field] option:selected").data('pos') === 'first') {
} else {
* Unbind all event handlers before tearing down a page
AJAX.registerTeardown('tbl_structure.js', function () {
$(document).off('click', "a.drop_column_anchor.ajax");
$(document).off('click', "a.add_key.ajax");
$(document).off('click', "#move_columns_anchor");
$(document).off('submit', ".append_fields_form.ajax");
$('body').off('click', '#fieldsForm.ajax button[name="submit_mult"], #fieldsForm.ajax input[name="submit_mult"]');
AJAX.registerOnload('tbl_structure.js', function () {
// Re-initialize variables.
primary_indexes = [];
unique_indexes = [];
indexes = [];
fulltext_indexes = [];
*Ajax action for submitting the "Column Change" and "Add Column" form
$(document).on('submit', ".append_fields_form.ajax", function (event) {
* @var the_form object referring to the export form
var $form = $(this);
* First validate the form; if there is a problem, avoid submitting it
* checkTableEditForm() needs a pure element and not a jQuery object,
* this is why we pass $form[0] as a parameter (the jQuery object
* is actually an array of DOM elements)
if (checkTableEditForm($form[0], $form.find('input[name=orig_num_fields]').val())) {
// OK, form passed validation step
if (PMA_checkReservedWordColumns($form)) {
//User wants to submit the form
$msg = PMA_ajaxShowMessage();
$.post($form.attr('action'), $form.serialize() + '&do_save_data=1', function (data) {
if ($(".sqlqueryresults").length !== 0) {
} else if ($(".error:not(.tab)").length !== 0) {
if (typeof data.success != 'undefined' && data.success === true) {
$(".result_query .notice").remove();
} else {
PMA_ajaxShowMessage(data.error, false);
}); // end $.post()
}); // end change table button "do_save_data"
* Attach Event Handler for 'Drop Column'
$(document).on('click', "a.drop_column_anchor.ajax", function (event) {
* @var curr_table_name String containing the name of the current table
var curr_table_name = $(this).closest('form').find('input[name=table]').val();
* @var curr_row Object reference to the currently selected row (i.e. field in the table)
var $curr_row = $(this).parents('tr');
* @var curr_column_name String containing name of the field referred to by {@link curr_row}
var curr_column_name = $curr_row.children('th').children('label').text();
curr_column_name = escapeHtml(curr_column_name);
* @var $after_field_item Corresponding entry in the 'After' field.
var $after_field_item = $("select[name='after_field'] option[value='" + curr_column_name + "']");
* @var question String containing the question to be asked for confirmation
var question = PMA_sprintf(PMA_messages.strDoYouReally, 'ALTER TABLE `' + escapeHtml(curr_table_name) + '` DROP `' + escapeHtml(curr_column_name) + '`;');
$(this).PMA_confirm(question, $(this).attr('href'), function (url) {
var $msg = PMA_ajaxShowMessage(PMA_messages.strDroppingColumn, false);
$.get(url, {'is_js_confirmed' : 1, 'ajax_request' : true, 'ajax_page_request' : true}, function (data) {
if (typeof data !== 'undefined' && data.success === true) {
if ($('.result_query').length) {
if (data.sql_query) {
// Adjust the row numbers
for (var $row = $curr_row.next(); $row.length > 0; $row = $row.next()) {
var new_val = parseInt($row.find('td:nth-child(2)').text(), 10) - 1;
//by default select the last option to add new column (in case last column is dropped)
$("select[name=after_field] option:last").attr("selected","selected");
//refresh table stats
if (data.tableStat) {
// refresh the list of indexes (comes from sql.php)
} else {
PMA_ajaxShowMessage(PMA_messages.strErrorProcessingRequest + " : " + data.error, false);
}); // end $.get()
}); // end $.PMA_confirm()
}); //end of Drop Column Anchor action
* Ajax Event handler for adding keys
$(document).on('click', "a.add_key.ajax", function (event) {
$this = $(this);
var curr_table_name = $this.closest('form').find('input[name=table]').val();
var curr_column_name = $this.parents('tr').children('th').children('label').text();
var add_clause = '';
if ($this.is('.add_primary_key_anchor')) {
add_clause = 'ADD PRIMARY KEY';
} else if ($this.is('.add_index_anchor')) {
add_clause = 'ADD INDEX';
} else if ($this.is('.add_unique_anchor')) {
add_clause = 'ADD UNIQUE';
} else if ($this.is('.add_spatial_anchor')) {
add_clause = 'ADD SPATIAL';
} else if ($this.is('.add_fulltext_anchor')) {
add_clause = 'ADD FULLTEXT';
var question = PMA_sprintf(PMA_messages.strDoYouReally, 'ALTER TABLE `' +
escapeHtml(curr_table_name) + '` ' + add_clause + '(`' + escapeHtml(curr_column_name) + '`);');
$(this).PMA_confirm(question, $(this).attr('href'), function (url) {
AJAX.source = $this;
$.get(url, {'ajax_request' : true, 'ajax_page_request' : true}, AJAX.responseHandler);
}); // end $.PMA_confirm()
}); //end Add key
* Inline move columns
$(document).on('click', "#move_columns_anchor", function (e) {
if ($(this).hasClass("move-active")) {
* @var button_options Object that stores the options passed to jQueryUI
* dialog
var button_options = {};
button_options[PMA_messages.strGo] = function (event) {
var $msgbox = PMA_ajaxShowMessage();
var $this = $(this);
var $form = $this.find("form");
var serialized = $form.serialize();
// check if any columns were moved at all
if (serialized == $form.data("serialized-unmoved")) {
$.post($form.prop("action"), serialized + "&ajax_request=true", function (data) {
if (data.success === false) {
title: $(this).prop("title"),
height: 230,
width: 900,
modal: true,
buttons: button_options_error
}); // end dialog options
} else {
$('#fieldsForm ul.table-structure-actions').menuResizer('destroy');
// sort the fields table
var $fields_table = $("table#tablestructure tbody");
// remove all existing rows and remember them
var $rows = $fields_table.find("tr").remove();
// loop through the correct order
for (var i in data.columns) {
var the_column = data.columns[i];
var $the_row = $rows
.find("input:checkbox[value=" + the_column + "]")
// append the row for this column to the table
var $firstrow = $fields_table.find("tr").eq(0);
// Adjust the row numbers and colors
for (var $row = $firstrow; $row.length > 0; $row = $row.next()) {
.text($row.index() + 1)
.removeClass("odd even")
.addClass($row.index() % 2 === 0 ? "odd" : "even");
$('#fieldsForm ul.table-structure-actions').menuResizer(PMA_tbl_structure_menu_resizer_callback);
button_options[PMA_messages.strCancel] = function () {
var button_options_error = {};
button_options_error[PMA_messages.strOK] = function () {
var columns = [];
$("#tablestructure tbody tr").each(function () {
var col_name = $(this).find("input:checkbox").eq(0).val();
var hidden_input = $("")
name: "move_columns[]",
type: "hidden"
columns[columns.length] = $("")
var col_list = $("#move_columns_dialog ul")
for (var i in columns) {
axis: 'y',
containment: $("#move_columns_dialog div"),
tolerance: 'pointer'
var $form = $("#move_columns_dialog form");
$form.data("serialized-unmoved", $form.serialize());
modal: true,
buttons: button_options,
open: function () {
if ($('#move_columns_dialog').parents('.ui-dialog').height() > $(window).height()) {
$('#move_columns_dialog').dialog("option", "height", $(window).height());
beforeClose: function () {
* Handles multi submits in table structure page such as change, browse, drop, primary etc.
$('body').on('click', '#fieldsForm.ajax button[name="submit_mult"], #fieldsForm.ajax input[name="submit_mult"]', function (e) {
var $button = $(this);
var $form = $button.parent('form');
var submitData = $form.serialize() + '&ajax_request=true&ajax_page_request=true&submit_mult=' + $button.val();
AJAX.source = $form;
$.post($form.attr('action'), submitData, AJAX.responseHandler);
/** Handler for "More" dropdown in structure table rows */
AJAX.registerOnload('tbl_structure.js', function () {
if ($('#fieldsForm').hasClass('HideStructureActions')) {
$('#fieldsForm ul.table-structure-actions').menuResizer(PMA_tbl_structure_menu_resizer_callback);
AJAX.registerTeardown('tbl_structure.js', function () {
$('#fieldsForm ul.table-structure-actions').menuResizer('destroy');
$(function () {
$(window).resize($.throttle(function () {
var $list = $('#fieldsForm ul.table-structure-actions');
if ($list.length) {