module Neo4j class Session @@current_session = nil @@all_sessions = {} @@factories = {} # @abstract def close self.class.unregister(self) end # Only for embedded database # @abstract def start raise "not impl." end # Only for embedded database # @abstract def shutdown raise "not impl." end # Only for embedded database # @abstract def running raise "not impl." end def auto_commit? true # TODO end # @abstract def begin_tx raise "not impl." end class CypherError < StandardError attr_reader :error_msg, :error_status, :error_code def initialize(error_msg, error_code, error_status) super(error_msg) @error_msg = error_msg @error_status = error_status end end # Executes a Cypher Query. # Returns an enumerable of hash values where each hash corresponds to a row unless +return+ or +map_return+ # is not an array. The search result can be mapped to Neo4j::Node or Neo4j::Relationship is your own Ruby wrapper class # by specifying a map_return parameter. # # @param [Hash, String] q the cypher query, as a pure string query or a hash which will generate a cypher string. # @option q [Hash] :params cypher parameters # @option q [Symbol,Hash] :label the label to match. You can specify several labels by using a hash of variable names and labels. # @option q [Symbol] :conditions key and value of properties which the label nodes must match # @option q [Hash] :conditions key and value of properties which the label nodes must match # @option q [String, Array] :match the cypher match clause # @option q [String, Array] :where the cypher where clause # @option q [String, Array, Symbol] :return the cypher where clause # @option q [String, Hash, Symbol] :map_return mapping of the returned values, e.g. :id_to_node, :id_to_rel, or :value # @option q [Hash] :map_return_procs custom mapping functions of :map_return types # @option q [String,Symbol,Array] :order the order # @option q [Fixnum] :limit enables the return of only subsets of the total result. # @option q [Fixnum] :skip enables the return of only subsets of the total result. # @return [Enumerable] the result, an enumerable of Neo4j::Node objects unless a pure cypher string is given or return/map_returns is specified, see examples. # @raise CypherError if invalid cypher # @example Cypher String and parameters # Neo4j::Session.query("START n=node({p}) RETURN ID(n)", params: {p: 42}) # # @example label # # If there is no :return parameter it will try to return Neo4j::Node objects # # Default parameter is :n in the generated cypher # Neo4j::Session.query(label: :person) # => MATCH (n:`person`) RETURN ID(n) # or RETURN n for embedded # # @example to_s # # What Cypher is returned ? check with to_s # Neo4j::Session.query(label: :person).to_s # => # # @example return # Neo4j::Session.query(label: :person, return: :age) # returns age properties # Neo4j::Session.query(label: :person, return: [:name, :age]) # returns a hash of name and age properties # Neo4j::Session.query(label: :person, return: 'count(n) AS c') # # @example map_return - an Enumerable of names (String) # Neo4j::Session.query("START n=node(42) RETURN", map_return: :value) # # @example map_return - Enumerable of an Hash with name property, Neo4j::Relationship and Neo4j::Node as values # Neo4j::Session.query("START n=node(42) MATCH n-[r]->[x] RETURN as N, ID(r) as R, ID(x) as X", # map_return: {N: :value, R: :id_to_rel, X: :id_to_node}) # # @example map_return, only for embedded_db, to_rel, and to_node allows direct mapping to Neo4j::Node and Neo4j::Relationship without ID(n) # Neo4j::Session.query("START n=node(42) MATCH n-[r]->[x] RETURN as N, r, x", map_return: {N: :value, r: :to_rel, x: :to_node}) # # @example map_return_procs, custom mapping function # Neo4j::Session.query(label: :person, map_return: :age_times_two, map_return_procs: {age_times_two: ->(row){(row[:age] || 0) * 2}}) # # @example match # Neo4j::Session.query(label: :person, match: 'n--m') # # @example where # Neo4j::Session.query(label: :person, where: 'n.age > 40') # Neo4j::Session.query(label: :person, where: 'n.age > {age}', params: {age: 40}) # # @example condition # Neo4j::Session.query(label: :person, conditions: {age: 42}) # Neo4j::Session.query(label: :person, conditions: {name: /foo?bar.*/}) # # @see The Cypher Query Language Documentation # @note Returns a read-once only forward iterable for the embedded database. # def query(q) raise 'not implemented, abstract' end # Same as #query but does not accept an DSL and returns the raw result from the database. # Notice, it might return different values depending on which database is used, embedded or server. # @abstract def _query(*params) raise 'not implemented' end class << self # Creates a new session to Neo4j # @see also Neo4j::Server::CypherSession#open for :server_db params # @param db_type the type of database, e.g. :embedded_db, or :server_db def open(db_type=:server_db, *params) register(create_session(db_type, params)) end def open_named(db_type, name, default = nil, *params) raise "Multiple sessions is currently only supported for Neo4j Server connections." unless db_type == :server_db register(create_session(db_type, params), name, default) end def create_session(db_type, params = {}) unless (@@factories[db_type]) raise "Can't connect to database '#{db_type}', available #{@@factories.keys.join(',')}" end @@factories[db_type].call(*params) end def current @@current_session end # @see Neo4j::Session#query def query(*params) current.query(*params) end def named(name) @@all_sessions[name] || raise("No session named #{name}.") end def set_current(session) @@current_session = session end def add_listener(&listener) self._listeners << listener end def _listeners @@listeners ||= [] @@listeners end def _notify_listeners(event, data) _listeners.each {|li|, data)} end def register(session, name = nil, default = nil) if default == true set_current(session) elsif default.nil? set_current(session) unless @@current_session end @@all_sessions[name] = session if name @@current_session end def unregister(session) @@current_session = nil if @@current_session == session end def all_sessions @@all_sessions end def inspect "Neo4j::Session available: #{@@factories && @@factories.keys}" end def register_db(db, &session_factory) puts "replace factory for #{db}" if @@factories[db] @@factories[db] = session_factory end end end end