## 1.2.1 - [DOC] Added note to clarify notation for dot or nested fields [#76](https://github.com/logstash-plugins/logstash-filter-dissect/pull/76) ## 1.2.0 - Fix Trailing Delimiters requires a false field. A skip field is automatically added when a final delimiter is detected in the dissect pattern. This requires that strict delimiter finding is enforced - meaning a "no match" results if every delimiter is not found in exactly the declared order [Issue #22](https://github.com/logstash-plugins/logstash-filter-dissect/issues/22) ## 1.1.4 - Replace v1.1.3 as it packaged the v1.1.1 jar and therefore does not have the fixes below - Yank v1.1.3 from rubygems.org ## 1.1.3 - Test for "Improve field regular expression accuracy to include prefix and suffix options", fixed in 1.1.1 - Fix for "Dissector mapping, field found in event but it was empty" caused by multibyte UTF8, bytes size vs string size - Fix for "Bug: if a dissection is defined with a newline as part of a delimiter it is ignored." ## 1.1.2 - Update gemspec summary ## 1.1.1 - Fix for "Missing field values cause dissected fields to be out of position" issue. See updated documentation. - Fix for "Check empty fields" issue, empty fields handled better. - Fix for "Integer conversion does not handle big integers". ## 1.0.12 - Fix some documentation issues ## 1.0.11 - Fix gemspec to include vendor/jars ## 1.0.10 - Fix gradle now that Event has been moved into Logstash Core - Exit on gradle failures to help protect against bad releases ## 1.0.9 - Docs: Fix doc generation error by removing illegal heading - Add metrics to track the number of matches and failures ## 1.0.8 - Add "vendor/jars" to require_paths in gemspec ## 1.0.7 - Update the version and rebuild the vendored jar. ## 1.0.6 - Skipping this version number, it exists on Rubygems but is faulty ## 1.0.5 - Initial commit