#!/usr/bin/env ruby #-- # Copyright 2004 by Jim Weirich (jim@weirichhouse.org). # All rights reserved. # Permission is granted for use, copying, modification, distribution, # and distribution of modified versions of this work as long as the # above copyright notice is included. #++ module Builder # BlankSlate provides an abstract base class with no predefined # methods (except for \_\_send__ and \_\_id__). # BlankSlate is useful as a base class when writing classes that # depend upon method_missing (e.g. dynamic proxies). class BlankSlate class << self def hide(name) undef_method name if instance_methods.include?(name.to_s) and name !~ /^(__|instance_eval)/ end end instance_methods.each { |m| hide(m) } end end # Since Ruby is very dynamic, methods added to the ancestors of # BlankSlate after BlankSlate is defined will show up in the # list of available BlankSlate methods. We handle this by defining a hook in the Object and Kernel classes that will hide any defined module Kernel class << self alias_method :blank_slate_method_added, :method_added def method_added(name) blank_slate_method_added(name) return if self != Kernel Builder::BlankSlate.hide(name) end end end class Object class << self alias_method :blank_slate_method_added, :method_added def method_added(name) blank_slate_method_added(name) return if self != Object Builder::BlankSlate.hide(name) end end end