module CitizenBudgetModel class Question < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_list scope: :section_id, top_of_list: 0 translates :name, :title, :description, :modal, :popover, :labels, :unit_name, :placeholder, fallbacks_for_empty_translations: true globalize_accessors belongs_to :section validates_presence_of :section_id validates_uniqueness_of :machine_name, scope: :section_id, allow_blank: true validates_format_of :machine_name, with: /\A[a-z_][a-z_0-9]*\z/, allow_blank: true validates_numericality_of :default_value, :unit_value, :minimum, :maximum, allow_blank: true validates_numericality_of :maxlength, :rows, :cols, :size, allow_blank: true, greater_than: 0, only_integer: true validates_inclusion_of :widget, in: %w(slider), allow_blank: true validates_numericality_of :step, allow_blank: true, greater_than: 0 # @see # Nokogiri::HTML(open(url).read).xpath('//table/tbody/tr[td[2][text()="reserved"]]/td[1]//text()').map{|s| s.to_s.downcase} validates_exclusion_of :machine_name, in: %w(all analyse analyze and any array as asc asymmetric both case cast check collate column constraint create current_catalog current_date current_role current_time current_timestamp current_user default deferrable desc distinct do else end except false fetch for foreign from grant group having in initially intersect into lateral leading limit localtime localtimestamp not null offset on only or order placing primary references returning select session_user some symmetric table then to trailing true union unique user using variadic when where window with), allow_blank: true validate :all_or_none_of_minimum_and_maximum_and_step_should_be_present validate :minimum_must_be_less_than_maximum validate :default_value_must_be_an_option validate :labels_must_agree_with_options after_initialize :get_options, :get_labels before_validation :set_options, :set_labels attr_accessor :minimum, :maximum, :step, :labels_as_list, :options_as_list # Returns a question's name, title or "Untitled". # # @return [String] a question's name, title or "Untitled" def display_name name.present? && name || title.present? && title || _('Untitled') end # Returns the equation or a default equation if not set. # # @return [String] an equation def working_equation default_equation || '' end # Returns a default equation, where the difference between the chosen value # and the default value is multiplied by the unit value. # # @return [String] a default equation def default_equation if machine_name.present? && default_value.present? && unit_value.present? "(#{machine_name} - #{default_value}) * #{unit_value}" end end # Solves the equation with the variable's given value. # # @param [Float,String] value value # @return [Float] a solution def solve(value) eval(working_equation,{binding}) end private # Sets the `minimum`, `maximum` and `step` virtual attributes. def get_options if options.present? @minimum = options.first.to_f @maximum = options.last.to_f @step = (options[1] - options[0]).round(3) end end # Sets the `labels_as_list` virtual attribute. def get_labels if labels.present? @labels_as_list = labels.join("\n") end end # Sets the `options` attribute based on `minimum`, `maximum` and `step`. def set_options if minimum.present? && maximum.present? && step.present? self.options = (BigDecimal(minimum.to_s)..BigDecimal(maximum.to_s)).step(BigDecimal(step.to_s)).map(&:to_f) unless options.last == maximum.to_f self.options << maximum.to_f end else self.options = [] end end # Sets the `labels` attribute based on `labels_as_list`. def set_labels if labels_as_list.present? self.labels = labels_as_list.split("\n").map(&:strip).reject(&:empty?) end end def all_or_none_of_minimum_and_maximum_and_step_should_be_present unless minimum.present? && maximum.present? && step.present? || minimum.blank? && maximum.blank? && step.blank? [:minimum, :maximum, :step].each do |attribute| if send(attribute).blank? errors.add(attribute, :blank) end end end end def minimum_must_be_less_than_maximum if minimum.present? && maximum.present? && minimum.to_f >= maximum.to_f errors.add(:minimum, _('must be less than maximum')) end end def default_value_must_be_an_option if options.present? && default_value.present? unless options.include?(default_value) || options.include?(default_value.to_f) errors.add(:default_value, _('must be a valid option')) end end end def labels_must_agree_with_options if labels.present? && options.present? unless labels.size == options.size errors.add(:labels, _('must agree with options')) end end end end end