require 'string_ext' require 'path_helper' module Template_Substitution; end module Soywiki VERSION = '' WIKI_WORD = /\b([a-z0-9][\w_]+\.)?[A-Z][a-z]+[A-Z0-9]\w*\b/ SCHEMES = %w{https http file soyfile} HYPERLINK = %r|\b(?:#{SCHEMES.join('|')})://[^ >)\n\]]+| def require 'getoptlong' opts = [ '--help', '-h', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], [ '--version', '-v', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], [ '--html', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], [ '--markdown', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], [ '--install-plugin', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], [ '--page', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], [ '--index', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ) usage =->(version_only=false) do puts "soywiki #{Soywiki::VERSION}" puts "by Daniel Choi" exit if version_only puts puts <<-END --- Usage: soywiki Run the command in a directory you've made to contain soywiki files. Soywiki will open the most recently modified wiki file or create a file called main/HomePage. Parse to html: --html assume that wiki-files are in markdown syntax: --markdown replace default haml-page-template with the one supplied: --page template-file replace default haml-index-template with the one supplied: --index template-file Install the soywiki vim plugin: --install-plugin Show this help: [--help, -h] Show version info: [--version, -v] --- END exit end install_plugin = false html = false md = false index = page = nil opts.each do |opt, arg| case opt when '--help' then usage[] when '--version' then usage[true] when '--html' then html = true when '--markdown' then md = true when '--install-plugin' then install_plugin = true when '--page' then page = arg when '--index' then index = arg end end self.set_substitute %{INDEX_PAGE_TEMPLATE_SUB}.to_sym, index if index self.set_substitute %{PAGE_TEMPLATE_SUB}.to_sym, page if page self.html_export md if html if install_plugin require 'erb' plugin_template =, 'plugin.erb')) vimscript_file = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'soywiki.vim') plugin_body = `mkdir -p #{ENV['HOME']}/.vim/plugin`"#{ENV['HOME']}/.vim/plugin/soywiki_starter.vim", "w") {|f| f.write plugin_body} else vim = ENV['SOYWIKI_VIM'] || 'vim' vimscript = File.expand_path("../soywiki.vim", __FILE__) vim_command = "#{vim} -S #{vimscript}" exec vim_command end unless html end def self.html_export(markdown=false) require 'soywiki/html' Html.export(markdown) end def self.set_substitute const, substitute_path substitute = Template_Substitution.const_set const.to_sym, substitute end end if __FILE__ == $0 end