require 'net/http' require 'uri' # Generates an iPXE ISO hybrid image # # requires syslinux, ipxe/ipxe-bootimgs, genisoimage, isohybrid class ForemanBootdisk::ISOGenerator def self.generate_full_host(host, &block) raise'Host is not in build mode, so the template cannot be rendered')) unless tmpl = host.send(:generate_pxe_template) raise'Unable to generate disk template: %s'), host.errors.full_messages.to_sentence) if tmpl == false # pxe_files and filename conversion is utterly bizarre # aim to convert filenames to something usable under ISO 9660, update the template to match # and then still ensure that the fetch() process stores them under the same name files = host.operatingsystem.pxe_files(host.medium, host.architecture, host)! do |bootfile_info| do |f| suffix = f[1].split('/').last iso_suffix = iso9660_filename(suffix) iso_f0 = iso9660_filename(f[0].to_s) + '_' + iso_suffix tmpl.gsub!(f[0].to_s + '-' + suffix, iso_f0) Rails.logger.debug("Boot file #{iso_f0}, source #{f[1]}") [iso_f0, f[1]] end end generate({ :isolinux => tmpl, :files => files }, &block) end def self.generate(opts = {}, &block) opts[:isolinux] = <<-EOS if opts[:isolinux].nil? && opts[:ipxe] default ipxe label ipxe kernel /ipxe initrd /script EOS Dir.mktmpdir('bootdisk') do |wd| Dir.mkdir(File.join(wd, 'build')) if opts[:isolinux] unless File.exists?(File.join(Setting[:bootdisk_syslinux_dir], 'isolinux.bin')) raise"Please ensure the ipxe-bootimgs and syslinux packages are installed.")) end FileUtils.cp(File.join(Setting[:bootdisk_syslinux_dir], 'isolinux.bin'), File.join(wd, 'build', 'isolinux.bin')), 'build', 'isolinux.cfg'), 'w') do |file| file.write(opts[:isolinux]) end end if opts[:ipxe] unless File.exists?(File.join(Setting[:bootdisk_ipxe_dir], 'ipxe.lkrn')) raise"Please ensure the ipxe-bootimgs and syslinux packages are installed.")) end FileUtils.cp(File.join(Setting[:bootdisk_ipxe_dir], 'ipxe.lkrn'), File.join(wd, 'build', 'ipxe')), 'build', 'script'), 'w') { |file| file.write(opts[:ipxe]) } end if opts[:files] opts[:files].each do |bootfile_info| for file, source in bootfile_info do fetch(File.join(wd, 'build', file), source) end end if opts[:files].respond_to? :each end iso = File.join(wd, 'output.iso') unless system("#{Setting[:bootdisk_mkiso_command]} -o #{iso} -iso-level 2 -b isolinux.bin -c -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table #{File.join(wd, 'build')}") raise"ISO build failed")) end # Make the ISO bootable as a HDD/USB disk too unless system("isohybrid", iso) raise"ISO hybrid conversion failed")) end yield iso end end def self.token_expiry(host) expiry = host.token.try(:expires) return '' if Setting[:token_duration] == 0 || expiry.blank? '_' + expiry.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M') end private def self.fetch(path, uri) dir = File.dirname(path) FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) unless File.exist?(dir) use_cache = !!Setting[:bootdisk_cache_media] write_cache = false, 'w') do |file| file.binmode if use_cache && !(contents = Rails.cache.fetch(uri, :raw => true)).nil?"Retrieved #{uri} from local cache (use foreman-rake tmp:cache:clear to empty)") file.write(contents) else"Fetching #{uri}") write_cache = use_cache uri = URI(uri) Net::HTTP.start(, uri.port) do |http| request = uri.request_uri http.request request do |response| response.read_body do |chunk| file.write chunk end end end end end if write_cache Rails.logger.debug("Caching contents of #{uri}") Rails.cache.write(uri,, :raw => true) end end # isolinux supports up to ISO 9660 level 2 filenames def self.iso9660_filename(name) dir = File.dirname(name) file = File.basename(name).upcase.tr_s('^A-Z0-9_', '_')[0..30] dir == '.' ? file : File.join(dir.upcase.tr_s('^A-Z0-9_', '_')[0..30], file) end end