/* * category_autocomplete.js : Support the automatic input of the category, * using jQuery UI autocomplete. * * Copyright (C) 2012 by tamoot * You can distribute it under GPL2 or any later version. */ $(function() { var config = $tDiary.plugin.category_autocomplete; var support = false; var regrep = "" if ( $tDiary.style == "tdiary" ){ support = true; regrep = "^ *\\[.*"; } else if ( $tDiary.style == 'gfm' ) { support = true; regrep = "^# *\\[.*"; } else if ( $tDiary.style == "wiki" ){ support = true; regrep = "^! *\\[.*"; } function widgetPosition(){ var caretPosition = Measurement.caretPos($("#body")); return {left: caretPosition.left + "px", top: caretPosition.top + 20 + "px", width: "auto"}; } function matchedCategory(val){ if(support == false){ return false; } terms = val.split("\n"); term = terms[ terms.length - 1]; var matched = term.match(regrep); if( matched == null ){ return false; } return true; } function typedCategory( term ) { var array = term.split("["); return array[ array.length - 1 ]; } $( "#body" ) .bind( "keydown", function( event ) { if ( event.keyCode === $.ui.keyCode.TAB && $( this ).data( "autocomplete" ).menu.active ) { event.preventDefault(); } }) .autocomplete({ delay: 500, //filtering source: function( request, response ) { if(matchedCategory(request.term)){ response( $.ui.autocomplete.filter( config.candidates, typedCategory( request.term ) ) ); } }, // prevent value inserted on focus focus: function() { return false; }, // replace textarea select: function( event, ui ) { var terms = this.value.split("["); // remove the current typed category terms.pop(); // add the selected item terms.push( ui.item.value ); this.value = terms.join( "[" ) + "]"; return false; }, // re-positioning supports excluding IE. open: function(){ if (! document.uniqueID) { $(".ui-autocomplete").css(widgetPosition()) } } }); });