# encoding: UTF-8 # Copyright 2011-2013 innoQ Deutschland GmbH # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. en: languages: de: German en: English none: Unbekannt fr: French sl: Slovenian pl: Polish pt: Portuguese es: Spanish gr: Greek bg: Bulgarian nl: Dutch hu: Hungarian it: Italian cs: Czech sk: Slovak et: Estonian dk: Danish fi: Finnish sv: Swedish views: pagination: first: "« First" previous: "< Back" next: "Next >" last: "Last »" truncate: "…" txt: common: iqvoc_title: "iQvoc Vocabulary Management System" concept: "Concept" pref_label: "Preferred label" edit: "Edit" value: "Value" back: Back welcome: "Hello %{user_name}" move: "Move" save: "Save" cancel: "Cancel" copy: 'Copy' reset: "Reset" language: "Language" add_note: "Add" delete: "Delete" attributes: "Properties" editor: "by editor" referenced_concepts: "Some referenced concepts are currently being edited." association_not_found: "Relation not found. Probably removed from the target side. Please refresh your browser window." to_review: "Send to review" is_in_review: "Document is in review" unpublished_version: Unpublished version consistent: "consistent" inconsistent: "inconsistent" state: published: "Published" in_review: "For review" checked_out: "Checked out" of: of ops: Oops! pending: "Loading…" translation_missing_for: "translation missing for" type_to_search: "Type to search" hint_csv_input: "Multiple values can be entered comma-separated." form_errors: "Errors" representations: "Representations" other: "Other" rdf_serialization: ttl: "RDF/Turtle" nt: "RDF/N-Triples" xml: "RDF/XML" confirm_sign_out: "Are you sure you want to sign out?" menu: "Menu" views: show: Show layouts: application: header: "innoQ Vocabulary Management" select_language: "Choose language" login: "Login" logout: "Logout" profile: "edit profile" sections: main: Main labels: Labels relations: Relations notes: Notes matches: Concept mappings instance_configuration: caption: "Configuration" groups: common: common languages: languages performance: Performance triplestore: triplestore sources: Federation settings: title: Site title concept_modal_preview: Enable concept modal preview available_languages: available languages languages_pref_labeling: Languages for preferred labels languages_notes: Languages for notes languages_further_labelings_Labeling: Languages for alternative labels languages_further_labelings_Labeling::SKOS::AltLabel: Languages for alternative labels performance_unbounded_hierarchy: Unlimited hierarchy depth triplestore_url: Triplestore URL triplestore_username: Username for triplestore triplestore_password: Password for triplestore triplestore_autosync: Automatic triplestore synchronization sources_iqvoc: Sources (iQvoc) sources_create_reverse_matches: Create reverse matches for concept mappings alphabetical_concepts: untranslated_concepts: caption: "Missing Translations" unavailable: "Missing translations not available for principal language." hierarchical_concepts: concepts: expired_at: "expired at %{date}" select: "Please select one of the %{concept_class_name} listed below." new: "New %{concept_class_name}" alt_label: "Alternative Label" pref_label: "PrefLabel" close_match: "CloseMatch" classifiers: "Environment classes" pending_jobs_header: "Pending jobs" pending_jobs_message: "There are pending jobs for this concept." add_match: "Creation:" remove_match: "Deletion:" job_detail: "%{match_class}-Relation of concept %{subject} from remote ontology to %{target} pending." job_state: "(State: %{state})" to_concept: "To Concept" teaser: close: "Close" no_content: "No definitions, alternative labels or collections have been specified for this concept yet." labels: new: "New Label" template_form: "Literal form" language: "Language" definitions: "Definitions" base_form: "Base form" inflectional_code: "Inflectional code" inflectionals: "Inflectionals" homographs: "Homograph" qualifiers: "Qualifier" translations: "Translations" pref_label_of: "preferred Label of" alt_label_of: "alternative Label of" versionview: "Version display of Label" follow_up: "Follow up" endings: "Endings" expired_at: "expired at" label_already_exists: "There already exists a label with the value" edit: header: "Editing of label" save: "Save" base_data: "Properties" delete: "Delete" delete_confirm: "The relation is going to be deleted. Are you sure?" edit: "Edit" apply: "Apply" add_note: "Add" reset: "Reset" inflectionals_used_in: "Same spelling in use by the following Labels:" notes: value: "Value" language: "Language" save: "Save" edit: header: "Edit notes" navigation: home: Home dashboard: "Dashboard" scheme: "Scheme" concepts: "Concepts" administration: "Administration" extensions: "Extensions" back_to_edit_versioned_object: "Back to editing" back_to_show: "Back to original version" back_to_preview: "Back to version preview" instance_configuration: "Configuration" import: "import" export: "export" sync: "triplestore sync" reset: "thesaurus reset" hierarchical: "Hierarchical" alphabetical: "Alphabetical" draft: "Draft" expired: "Expired" search: "Search" about: "About iQvoc" version: "Version" users: "Users" collections: "Collections" login: "Login" sections: "Sections" loose_concepts: "Parentless Concepts" quick_search: "Quick search" help: "Help" frontpage: type_to_browse: "Start typing to browse concepts" recent_concepts: "Recent concepts:" search_results: header: "Search" inflectionals: "inflectionals" contains: "contains" ends_with: "ends with" begins_with: "begins with" exact: "exact match" regexp: "regular expression (advanced)" search_term: "Search term(s)" note: with note search_term_in_results: "Search term" no_results: "No results" search_languages: "Languages" search_results: "Search results" search_results_on: "Search results on %{dataset}" results_found: one: "Your search for %{query} yielded the following %{count} result." other: "Your search for %{query} yielded the following %{count} results." no_results_found: "Your search yielded no results." submit: "Search" type: "type" used_as: "used as" expired: "include expired?" language: "language" all: "all" none: "none" in: "In" for: "For" mode: "Mode" datasets: "External sources" change_note: type: "type" created: "creation date" modified: "modification date" date: "Date range" date_from: '(from)' date_to: '(to)' user_sessions: header: "Login" login: "Login" email: "Email" password: "Password" remember_me: "Stay logged in" error: "Email and/or password wrong. Please check your given credentials." users: index: header: "User Management" new: header: "New user" edit: header: "Edit user" name: "Name" email: "Email" contact_info: "Contact info" role: "Role" active: "activated" new_link: "New User" show_link: "Show" edit_link: "Edit" destroy_link: "Delete" sure: "Are you sure?" submit: "Save" telephone_number: "Telephone number" errors: common: error_message: Error message error_code: "Error code:" helpful_links: "Here are some helpful links:" access_denied: header: "No permission" message: "Your user account has insufficient permissions to display this page." not_found: header: Oops! message: We can't find the page you're looking for. server_error: header: Oops! message: Sorry something went wrong on our side. versioning: edit_mode: "Continue editing" to_edit_mode: "Start editing" publishing: "Publish" delete: "Delete" delete_copy: "Delete copy" delete_confirm: "Do you really want to delete this copy?" versioning_mode: "Create new version" unlock: "Unlock" preview_new_version: "Preview of the version in editing" consistency_check: "Check consistency" current_revision: "Current revision %{rev}" in_ongoing_editing_by: "is being edited by %{user}." initial_version: "initial version" labelings: edit: header: "Edit labeling" submit: "Save" lang_widget: caption: "Language" primary: "Primary" secondary: "Secondary" dashboard: type: "Type" value: "Name" locking_user: "Locked by" follow_up: "Follow up" updated_at: "Updated at" to_review: "Submission for review" check_consistency: Check consistency consistent: "consistent" inconsistent: "inconsistent" state: "State" full_rdf_export: Complete RDF export import: Import reset: Reset Thesaurus reset_warning: "All concepts, collections and labels in the thesaurus will be deleted." jobs_pending_warning: "Pending background jobs detected (e.g. exports). Pending Jobs will be deleted too." reset_confirm: "Are you sure you want to reset thesaurus?" reset_success: "Thesaurus has been resetted." export: "Export" no_editorial_notes: There is no editorial note. collections: new: "New Collection" triplestore_sync: caption: "Sync with Triplestore" start: "Start synchronization" import: title: "Import" output: "Output" success: "Import job was created. Reload page to see current processing status." error: "Error occurred while creating Import job." export: title: "Export" request_export: "Request Export" success: "Export job was created. Reload page to see current processing status." error: "Error occurred while creating Export job." missing_file: "An error occurred. Export could not be found." output: "log" partials: note: collection: skos: member: label: relation: concept: relation: labeling: concept: label: match: controllers: instance_configuration: update_success: "Configuration updated." update_error: "Errors occurred while updating configuration: %{error_messages}." invalid_key: "unknown key: #{key}" invalid_value: "unsupported value: %{key} (%{error_message})" search_results: insufficient_data: "You gave insufficient search data." remote_source_error: "Remote source '%{source}' could not be queried." users: successfully_created: "User has been successfully created." successfully_updated: "User has been successfully updated." user_sessions: login_success: "Login successful." logout_success: "Logout successful." versioning: branch_error: "A new version already exists." published: "Instance has been successfully published." published_with_warning: "Instance has been successfully published, but it has no relations!" merged_delete_error: "Label could not be deleted." merged_publishing_error: "Instance could not be published - please consult the consistency check." branched: "Instance copy has been created and locked." locked: "Instance has been locked." lock_error: "Instance is already locked." unlocked: "Instance has been unlocked." unlock_error: "Instance has been alraedy unlocked." to_review_success: "Sent to review." to_review_error: "Can't send to review." new_version_blank_error: "A new version does not yet exist!" delete: "Delete instance." consistency_check_success: "Instance is consistent." consistency_check_success_with_warning: "Instance is consistent but has no relations." consistency_check_error: "Instance is inconsistent." labelings: save: success: "The labeling has been saved." error: "The labeling could not have been saved." label_versions: delete: "New Label version has been deleted." delete_error: "New Label version could not be deleted." concept_versions: delete: "New Concept version has been deleted." delete_error: "New Concept version could not be deleted" notes: save: success: "The note has been saved." versioned_label: success: "Label has been successfully created." error: "Label could not be created!" empty_value: "Literal form must be given!" update_success: "Label has been successfully modified." update_error: "Label could not be modified!" versioned_concept: success: "Concept has been successfully created." error: "Concept could not be created!" empty_value: "Literal form must be given!" update_success: "Concept has been successfully modified." update_error: "Concept could not be modified!" label_error: "Invalid label assignments:\n%s" narrowers: error: "Relation not found. Probably removed from the target side. Please refresh your browser window." collections: save: success: "The collection has been successfully saved." error: "The collection could not be saved." destroy: success: "The collection has been successfully deleted." error: "The collection could not be deleted." circular_error: "Invalid sub-collection assignments due to circular references: %{label}" triplestore_sync: success: "Synchronization successful." error: "An error occurred during the synchronization process - some entities have not been synchronized." config_info: "Synchronizing with triplestore: %{target_info}" config_warning: "Triplestore has not been configured yet." batch_hint: "For a large data sets please advise your sysadmin to execute `rake sync:all[%{host}]`." concept_scheme: save: success: "Concept scheme has been saved." error: "Concept scheme could not be saved." models: label: version_error: "New version already exists." value_error: "Literal form must be given." concept: uri: "Concept URI" origin_error: "Invalid origin." version_error: "New version already exists: %{origin}" no_pref_label_error: "At least one preferred label must be specified." orphan_error: "Missing broader term or Top Term assignment." top_term_exclusive_error: "A Top Term must not have any broader terms." top_term_rooted_error: "Top Terms must not be used as narrower terms." invalid_rank_for_ranked_relations: 'Invalid rank for %{relation} "%{relation_target_label}".' no_narrower_and_broader_relations: 'Both narrower and broader relations: %{concepts}' no_self_reference: 'Concepts must not reference itself. Please check "relations".' main_pref_label_language_missing_error: "There has to be one preferred Label in the main language of the thesaurus." pref_labels_with_same_languages_error: "There must be only one preferred Label per language." association_pref_labels_unpublished: "The preferred Label has to be published." association_alt_labels_unpublished: "Alternative labels have to be published." association_hidden_labels_unpublished: "Hidden labels have to be published." association_broader_unpublished: "Broader terms have to be published." association_narrower_unpublished: "Specific terms have to be published." association_related_unpublished: "Related terms have to be published." no_pref_label: "-- no PrefLabel --" pref_label_not_unique: "The preferred label '%{label}' is already in use." pref_labels_not_unique: "The preferred labels '%{label}' are already in use." pref_label_defined_in_alt_labels: "The alternative label %{label} is already used as a preferred label." alt_labels_not_unique: "The alternative label %{label} is used twice." collection: uri: "Collection URI"