v1.0.0 / HEAD (Unreleased) -------------------------- * Montage has been renamed to Polymer and is now released under the BSD three-clause license. * The Polymer configuration must now be located at the project root and should be named either ".polymer" or, for Windows users, "polymer.yml". You should rename your existing ".montage" file to ".polymer", and ".montage\_cache" should be changed to ".polymer-cache". * The Polymer configuration file no longer uses YAML, but instead opts for a simple Ruby-based DSL. See `polymer help .polymer` for full documentation. * The Sass mixin has changed slightly; instead of generating separate mixins for each of your sprites, all of your sprites are available using the global "polymer()" mixin. This should be called as such: .my_selector +polymer("sprite_name/source_name") Mixins still permit you to supply an optional x-offset and y-offset as the second and third parameters. the "polymer-pos()" mixin is also available as an alternative to the old "sprite-name-pos()" mixins. * A new "position" command shows information about a source within a sprite, and provides useful CSS for use when building your own styleesheets. * Documentation of each command is now available by running `polymer help` or `polymer help [COMMAND]`. * The Polymer configuration no longer allows a "config.root" option and the library will not work correctly if this is present in your config file. Please move your ".polymer" file to your project root and remove this option. * The library internals have been substantially changed with Thor now being used to handle all CLI commands. * When creating a new Polymer project, you may suppress the copying of example sources by passing the --no-examples option. * The polymer init command no longer uses Highline to prompt for your preferred paths to your source and output files. If you need to change the defaults you may instead use the --source and --sprites options. * All CLI commands are now tested with Cucumber. * Jeweler has been replaced with plain rake tasks inspired by Rakegem -- [http://github.com/mojombo/rakegem](http://github.com/mojombo/rakegem). v0.4.0 (18th August, 2010) -------------------------- * You no longer need to specify a :name option in your sprite defintions when supplying a full output filename. v0.3.0 (12th April, 2010) ------------------------- * The "montage.yml" file has been replaced with ".montage" which should be located in your project root. In addition, the file is now rather different, and in most cases will never need to be edited when you want to add new sources to the sprite. * By default Montage will now save sprites to public/images, expected source images to be in public/images/subdir -- where "subdir" will become the name of the sprite. All sources in a subdirectory will be added to the same sprite. This behavior is entirely customisable in the .montage file. * The ".montage\_cache" file which was previously saved in the same directory as sprites is now saved in the project root. * The `montage` command now allows you to specify a path to a Montage configuration file; for example `montage path/to/montage.yml`. When using a non-standard directory structure, you can specify a "config.root" option in the configuration file, containing the path to the project root. v0.2.0 (8th April, 2010) ------------------------ * Running `montage` will now generate `_montage.sass` in the specified config.sass directory. A separate mixin will be generated for each sprite, with the mixin accepting three arguments: the name of the source image, an optional horizontal offset, and an optional vertical offset. Disable the Sass generation by setting config.sass to false. * If pngout or pngout-darwin is available (run `which pngout pngout-darwin` to find out), Montage will compress the generated sprites. Installing pngout is strongly recommended; significant savings can be made on larger PNGs. * The `montage` command accepts a '--force' option which will regenerate all sprites even if they haven't been changed since the last run. * Sprites will be regenerated if the file has been deleted. v0.1.2 (6th April, 2010) ------------------------ * Sprites will only be regenerated when their definition (in montage.yml) has changed, or if the contents of the source files have changed. * The `montage init` command now uses the highline gem to ask for the paths to a project's source files, and the intended sprite output directory. * Running `montage init` will copy some sample source files into the source directory. This allows running `montage` immediately after creating the project, to see how things work. v0.1.1 (5th April, 2010) ------------------------ * Small fix for Ruby 1.9.1, which doesn't define String#inject. v0.1.0 (5th April, 2010) ------------------------ * Initial release. Supports creation of sprites and not much else.