#!/usr/bin/env ruby require 'optparse' require 'sys/proctable' include Sys class CheckPuppet VERSION = '0.1' script_name = File.basename($0) # default options OPTIONS = { :statefile => "/var/puppet/state/state.yaml", :process => "puppetd", :interval => 30, } o = OptionParser.new do |o| o.set_summary_indent(' ') o.banner = "Usage: #{script_name} [OPTIONS]" o.define_head "The check_puppet Nagios plug-in checks that specified " + "Puppet process is running and the state file is no " + "older than specified interval." o.separator "" o.separator "Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for " + "short options too." o.on("-s", "--statefile=statefile", String, "The state file", "Default: #{OPTIONS[:statefile]}") { |OPTIONS[:statefile]| } o.on("-p", "--process=processname", String, "The process to check", "Default: #{OPTIONS[:process]}") { |OPTIONS[:process]| } o.on("-i", "--interval=value", Integer, "Default: #{OPTIONS[:interval]} minutes") { |OPTIONS[:interval]| } o.separator "" o.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this help message.") do puts o exit end o.parse!(ARGV) end def check_proc unless ProcTable.ps.find { |p| p.name == OPTIONS[:process]} @proc = 2 else @proc = 0 end end def check_state # Set variables curt = Time.now intv = OPTIONS[:interval] * 60 # Check file time begin @modt = File.mtime("#{OPTIONS[:statefile]}") rescue @file = 3 end diff = (curt - @modt).to_i if diff > intv @file = 2 else @file = 0 end end def output_status case @file when 0 state = "state file status okay updated on " + @modt.strftime("%m/%d/%Y at %H:%M:%S") when 2 state = "state fille is not up to date and is older than #{OPTIONS[:interval]} minutes" when 3 state = "state file status unknown" end case @proc when 0 process = "process #{OPTIONS[:process]} is running" when 2 process = "process #{OPTIONS[:process]} is not running" end case @proc or @file when 0 status = "OK" exitcode = 0 when 2 status = "CRITICAL" exitcode = 2 when 3 status = "UNKNOWN" exitcide = 3 end puts "PUPPET " + status + ": " + process + ", " + state exit(exitcode) end end cp = CheckPuppet.new cp.check_proc cp.check_state cp.output_status