module Locomotive module Steam class Dragonfly attr_accessor :path, :enabled def enabled? !!self.enabled end def resize_url(source, resize_string) _source = (case source when String then source when Hash then source['url'] || source[:url] else source.try(:url) end) if _source.blank? Locomotive::Steam::Logger.error "Unable to resize on the fly: #{source.inspect}" return end return _source unless self.enabled? if _source =~ /^http/ file = else file =, 'public', _source)) end file.process(:thumb, resize_string).url end def ::Dragonfly[:images] end def self.instance @@instance ||= new end def self.setup!(path) self.instance.path = path self.instance.enabled = false begin require 'rack/cache' require 'dragonfly' ## initialize Dragonfly ## app = ::Dragonfly[:images].configure_with(:imagemagick) ## configure it ## ::Dragonfly[:images].configure do |c| convert = `which convert`.strip.presence || '/usr/bin/env convert' c.convert_command = convert c.identify_command = convert c.allow_fetch_url = true c.allow_fetch_file = true c.url_format = '/images/dynamic/:job/:basename.:format' end self.instance.enabled = true rescue Exception => e Locomotive::Steam::Logger.warn %{ [Dragonfly] !disabled! [Dragonfly] If you want to take full benefits of all the features in the LocomotiveSteam, we recommend you to install ImageMagick and RMagick. Check out the documentation here: } end end end end end