# app-info [![Language](https://img.shields.io/badge/ruby-3.1+-701516)](.github/workflows/ci.yml) [![Gem version](https://img.shields.io/gem/v/app-info?include_prereleases)](https://rubygems.org/gems/app-info) [![Build Status](https://img.shields.io/github/actions/workflow/status/icyleaf/app_info/ci.yml)](https://github.com/icyleaf/app_info/actions/workflows/ci.yml) [![License](https://img.shields.io/github/license/icyleaf/app-info)](LICENSE) Teardown tool for mobile app (ipa, apk and aab file), macOS app, dSYM.zip file and Windows PE file. Analysis metedata like version, name, icon etc. ## Support - Android file - `.apk` - `.aab` (Androld App Bundle) - iOS, Apple TV file - `.ipa` - `Info.plist` file - `.mobileprovision`/`.provisionprofile` file - macOS App file (archived by starnd pkzip format) - `.app.zip` - dSYMs file (archived by starnd pkzip format) - `.dSYM.zip` - Windows PE file - `.exe` - `.zip` (binary in a zip file)
![Zealot Showcase](https://github.com/tryzealot/docs/blob/main/static/img/showcase-light.png#gh-light-mode-only) ![Zealot Showcase](https://github.com/tryzealot/docs/blob/main/static/img/showcase-dark.png#gh-dark-mode-only) [Zealot](https://zealot.ews.im/docs/user-guide/) is a self-hosted Beta App Distribution for Android, iOS and macOS apps. app_info it the core inside.
## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: ```ruby gem 'app-info' ``` And then execute: ```bash $ bundle ``` Or install it yourself as: ```bash $ gem install app-info ``` ## Usage ### Initialize ```ruby require 'app-info' # Automatic detect file extsion and parse parser = AppInfo.parse('iphone.ipa') parser = AppInfo.parse('ipad.ipa') parser = AppInfo.parse('apple-tv.ipa') parser = AppInfo.parse('android.apk') parser = AppInfo.parse('android.aab') parser = AppInfo.parse('u-u-i-d.mobileprovision') parser = AppInfo.parse('macOS.App.zip') parser = AppInfo.parse('App.dSYm.zip') parser = AppInfo.parse('win.exe') parser = AppInfo.parse('win.zip') # If detect file type failed, you can parse in other way parser = AppInfo::IPA.new('iphone-ipad-unversal-appletv.ipa') parser = AppInfo::APK.new('android.apk') parser = AppInfo::AAB.new('android.aab') parser = AppInfo::InfoPlist.new('Info.plist') parser = AppInfo::MobileProvision.new('uuid.mobileprovision') parser = AppInfo::Macos.new('App.dSYm.zip') parser = AppInfo::DSYM.new('App.dSYm.zip') parser = AppInfo::PE.new('win.exe') ``` ### iOS Teardown suport iPhone, iPad, Universal and Apple TV file. ```ruby ipa = AppInfo.parse('iphone-ipad-unversal-appletv.ipa') # get app file size ipa.size # => 3093823 # get app file size in human reable. ipa.size(human_size: true) # => 29 MB # get app release version ipa.release_version # => 1.0 # get app bundle id ipa.bundle_id # => com.icyleaf.AppInfoDemo # get app icons (uncrushed png by default) ipa.icons # => [{:name=>"AppIcon29x29@2x~ipad.png", :file=>"temp/dir/app/AppIcon29x29@2x~ipad.png"}, :dimensions=>[29, 29], :uncrushed_file=>"..." ...] # get provisioning profile devices ipa.devices # => ['18cf53cddee60c5af9c97b1521e7cbf8342628da'] # detect app type ipa.ipad? ipa.iphone? ipa.universal? ipa.appletv? # detect app release type ipa.release_type # => 'AdHoc' # detect architecture(s) ipa.archs # => [:armv7, :arm64] # get built-in frameworks ipa.frameworks # => [, ] # get built-in plugins ipa.plugins # => [] # get url schemes ipa.url_schemes # => [{:name=>"Web", :role=>"Editor", :schemes=>["app-info", "app_info"]}] # get query schemes ipa.url_schemes # => ["twitter", "instagram", "www-x-callback"] # get background modes ipa.background_modes # => ["audio", "fetch", "remote-notification"] # get more propety in Info.plist ipa.info[:CFBundleDisplayName] # => 'AppInfoDemo' ``` More to check [rspec test](spec/app_info). ### Mobile Provision Extract from IPA parser, it could teardown any .mobileprovision file(Provisioning Profile). you can download it from Apple Developer Portal. ```ruby profile = AppInfo.parse('~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/6e374bb8-a801-411f-ab28-96a4baa23814.mobileprovision') # get app release version profile.team_id # => '3J9E73E9XS' # get app package name profile.team_name # => 'Company/Team Name' # get UDID of devices profile.devices # => ['18cf53cddee60c5af9c97b1521e7cbf8342628da'] # detect type profile.type # => :development/:adhoc/:appstore/:enterprise # get enabled capabilities profile.enabled_capabilities # => ['Apple Pay', 'iCloud', 'Sign In with Apple', ...] ``` ### Android Accept `.aab` and `.apk` Android file. ```ruby android = AppInfo.parse('android.apk_or_aab') # get app file size android.size # => 3093823 # get app file size in human reable. android.size(human_size: true) # => 29 MB # get app release version android.release_version # => 1.0 # get app package name android.bundle_id # => com.icyleaf.AppInfoDemo # detect app type (It's difficult to detect phone or tablet) android.tv? android.wear? android.automotive? # get app icons android.icons # => [{:name=>"ic_launcher.png", :file=> "/temp/dir/app/ic_launcher.png", :dimensions=>[48, 48]}, ...] # get app support min sdk version android.min_sdk_version # => 13 # get use_permissions list android.use_permissions # => [...] # get activitiy list android.activities # => [...] # get service list android.services # => [...] # get deep links host android.deep_links # => ['a.com'] # get schemes without http or https android.schemes # => ['appinfo'] # get v1-v3 scheme singature information (included unverified certificate and more) android.signatures # => [...] ``` ### macOS Only accept zipped macOS file. ```ruby macos = AppInfo.parse('macos_app.zip') # get app file size macos.size # => 3093823 # get app file size in human reable. macos.size(human_size: true) # => 29 MB # get app release version macos.release_version # => 1.0 # get app bundle id macos.bundle_id # => com.icyleaf.AppInfoDemo # Get minimize os version macos.min_os_version # => 11.3 # get app icons(convertd icns to png icon sets by default) macos.icons # => [{:name=>"AppIcon.icns", :file=>"/temp/dir/app/AppIcon.icns"}, :sets=>[{:name=>"64x64_AppIcon.png", :file=>"/temp/dir/app/64x64_AppIcon.png", :dimensions=>[64, 64]}, ...] # detect publish on mac app store macos.stored? # => true/false # detect architecture(s) macos.archs # => [:x86_64, :arm64] # get more propety in Info.plist macos.info[:CFBundleDisplayName] # => 'AppInfoDemo' ``` ### dSYM ```ruby dsym = AppInfo.parse('ios.dSYM.zip') # get object name dsym.object # => iOS # get total count of macho dsym.machos.count # => 1 or 2 dsym.machos.each do |macho| # get cpu type macho.cpu_type # => :arm # get cpu name macho.cpu_name # => armv7 # get UUID (debug id) macho.uuid # => 26dfc15d-bdce-351f-b5de-6ee9f5dd6d85 # get macho size macho.size # => 866526 # get macho size in human reable. macho.size(human_size: true) # => 862 KB # dump data to Hash macho.to_h # => {uuid:"26dfc15d-bdce-351f-b5de-6ee9f5dd6d85", cpu_type: :arm, cpu_name: :armv7, ...} end ``` ### Windows Accept any PE format file, such like `.exe` or `.exe` binary fin a zip file. ```ruby win = AppInfo.parse('win.exe') # get given file size win.size # => 3093823 # get given file size in human reable. win.size(human_size: true) # => 29 MB # get given file size win.binary_size # => 20940 # get given file size in human reable. win.size(human_size: true) # => 20 MB # get product name win.name # => AppInfo # get app company name win.company_name # => EWS Studio # get app product version (alias to release_version) win.product_version # => 1.0.0 # get app assembly version (alias to build_version) win.assembly_version # => 1.0.0 # detect architecture(s) win.archs # => x64 # get all imports files win.imports # => [KERNEL32.dll, ...] # get app icons (bmp format image) win.icons # => [{:name=>"ICON.bmp", :file=>"{path}/ICON.bmp"}, :dimensions=>[64, 64]}, ...] ``` ## CLI Shell (Interactive console) It is possible to use this gem as a command line interface to parse mobile app: ``` > app-info app-info (2.7.0)> p = AppInfo.parse('/path/to/app') => # app-info (2.7.0)> p.name => "AppName" ``` ## Best Practice - [fastlane-plugin-app_info](https://github.com/icyleaf/fastlane-plugin-app_info): fastlane plugin - [zealot](https://github.com/tryzealot/zealot/): Over The Air Server for deployment of Android and iOS apps ## Development After checking out the repo, run `bin/setup` to install dependencies. Then, run `rake spec` to run the tests. You can also run `bin/console` for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment. To install this gem onto your local machine, run `bundle exec rake install`. To release a new version, update the version number in `version.rb`, and then run `bundle exec rake release`, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and tags, and push the `.gem` file to [rubygems.org](https://rubygems.org). ## Contributing Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/icyleaf/app-info. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the [Contributor Covenant](http://contributor-covenant.org) code of conduct. ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).