require 'spec_helper' shared_examples "a handle" do |proxyargs| before(:all) do @proxy = end before(:each) do @handle = @proxy.file(key) end it "should report exist? true if remode cloud file exists" do create_remote("i exist") @handle.should be_exist end it "should report exist? false if remode cloud file does not exists" do @handle.should_not be_exist end it "should delete a remote cloud file" do create_remote("delete me") remote_exist?.should be_true @handle.delete remote_exist?.should be_false end it "should return a URL to a file" do create_remote("reach out to me") @handle.url.should be_a String end it "should open a file" do Defog::File.should_receive(:open).with(hash_including(:handle => @handle, :mode => "w"))"w") end it "should return a Fog model" do create_remote("foggy") @handle.fog_model.body.should == "foggy" end end describe Defog::Handle do context "Local" do before(:all) do Fog.unmock! end args = {:provider => :local, :local_root => LOCAL_CLOUD_PATH} it_should_behave_like "a handle", args it "should return a file:// URL" do @proxy = @proxy.file(key).url.should == "file://" + (LOCAL_CLOUD_PATH + key).to_s end context "with a rails app" do it "should return a path relative to public if in public" do with_rails_defined do @proxy = => :local, :local_root => (Rails.root + "public/defog").tap(&:mkpath)) @proxy.file(key).url.should == "/defog/#{key}" end end it "should return a file:// path if not in public" do with_rails_defined do @proxy = @proxy.file(key).url.should == "file://" + (LOCAL_CLOUD_PATH + key).to_s end end end end context "AWS" do before(:all) do Fog.mock! end args = {:provider => :AWS, :aws_access_key_id => "dummyid", :aws_secret_access_key => "dummysecret", :region => "eu-west-1", :bucket => "tester"} it_should_behave_like "a handle", args end end