# Decoct: Quick start Sinatra with Rspec Decoct is a simple gem that creates a sinatra app directory structure and hooks it up with Rspec. ## Installing # Install the gem: gem install andhapp-decoct -s http://gems.github.com (on Windows) ## Caveat The gem has only been tested on Windows and the reason that could be a problem is because it depends upon other gems to work properly. I have a workaround in my mind but it has not been implemented as yet. ## Dependencies The gem depends on the following libraries: * rspec * ZenTest * ruby-snarl * redgreen * rcov Also, in order to use ruby-snarl you should have [Snarl][http://www.fullphat.net/index.php] installed on your machine. Snarl is a messaging system for windows. This would give you nice visual messages on the status of your tests. [Here's][http://thewebfellas.com/blog/2007/12/10/rspec-autotest-and-snarl-on-windows] a nice article if you would like to incorporate that into rails projects. Hence, the caveat above.