# frozen_string_literal: true require "csv" require "dorian/arguments" require "dorian/eval" require "dorian/progress" require "dorian/to_struct" require "git" require "hexapdf" require "json" require "mini_racer" require "net/http" require "parallel" require "shellwords" require "syntax_tree" require "syntax_tree/erb" require "syntax_tree/haml" require "syntax_tree/xml" require "tempfile" require "terminal-table" require "uri" require "yaml" class Dorian class Bin RUBY_EXTENSIONS = %w[ .rb .arb .axlsx .builder .fcgi .gemfile .gemspec .god .jb .jbuilder .mspec .opal .pluginspec .podspec .rabl .rake .rbuild .rbw .rbx .ru .ruby .schema .spec .thor .watchr ].freeze RUBY_FILENAMES = %w[ .irbrc .pryrc .simplecov Appraisals Berksfile Brewfile Buildfile Capfile Cheffile Dangerfile Deliverfile Fastfile Gemfile Guardfile Jarfile Mavenfile Podfile Puppetfile Rakefile rakefile Schemafile Snapfile Steepfile Thorfile Vagabondfile Vagrantfile buildfile ].freeze VERSION = File.read(File.expand_path("../../VERSION", __dir__)) DEFAULT_IO = :raw IO = { "csv" => :csv, "json" => :json, "jsonl" => :jsonl, "raw" => :raw, "yaml" => :yaml, "yml" => :yaml, "yamll" => :yamll, "ymll" => :yamll }.freeze attr_reader :parsed, :command, :arguments, :ruby, :ruby_before, :ruby_after def initialize @parsed = Dorian::Arguments.parse( colorize: { aliases: %i[color c], default: true }, fast: { alias: :f, default: true }, input: { type: :string, alias: :i }, output: { type: :string, alias: :o }, parallel: { alias: :p }, parallel_type: { alias: :pt, type: :string, default: :processes }, n: { type: :integer, default: 100 }, rails: { alias: :r }, stderr: { alias: :err, default: true }, stdout: { alias: :out, default: true }, stdin: { type: :string, alias: :in, default: :raw }, write: { alias: :w }, deep: :boolean, debug: { alias: :d }, progress: :boolean, headers: { default: true }, progress_format: { alias: :pf, type: :string }, pretty: { default: true }, io: :string, self: :boolean, version: { alias: :v }, help: { alias: :h } ) @arguments = parsed.arguments @command = arguments.first @ruby = nil end def self.run(...) new(...).run end def run abort help if help? abort VERSION if version? case command&.to_sym when :each arguments.delete("each") @command = :each @ruby = arguments.delete_at(0) command_each when :all arguments.delete("all") @command = :all @ruby = arguments.delete_at(0) command_all when :before arguments.delete("before") @command = :before @ruby = arguments.delete_at(0) command_before when :after arguments.delete("after") @command = :after @ruby = arguments.delete_at(0) command_after when :between arguments.delete("between") @command = :between @ruby_after = arguments.delete_at(0) @ruby_before = arguments.delete_at(0) command_between when :select arguments.delete("select") @command = :select @ruby = arguments.delete_at(0) command_select when :reject arguments.delete("reject") @command = :reject @ruby = arguments.delete_at(0) command_reject when :tally arguments.delete("tally") @command = :tally @ruby = arguments.delete_at(0) command_tally when :anonymize arguments.delete("anonymize") @command = :anonymize command_anonymize when :append arguments.delete("append") @command = :append command_append when :prepend arguments.delete("prepend") @command = :prepend command_prepend when :chat arguments.delete("chat") @command = :chat command_chat when :commit arguments.delete("commit") @command = :commit command_commit when :compare arguments.delete("compare") @command = :compare command_compare when :dir arguments.delete("dir") @command = :dir command_dir when :submodules arguments.delete("submodules") @command = :submodules command_submodules when :dot arguments.delete("dot") @command = :dot command_dot when :eval arguments.delete("eval") @command = :eval command_eval when :ls arguments.delete("ls") @command = :ls command_ls when :strip arguments.delete("strip") @command = :strip command_strip when :rstrip arguments.delete("rstrip") @command = :rstrip command_rstrip when :lstrip arguments.delete("lstrip") @command = :lstrip command_lstrip when :merge arguments.delete("merge") @command = :merge command_merge when :pluck arguments.delete("pluck") @command = :pluck command_pluck when :shuffle arguments.delete("shuffle") @command = :shuffle command_shuffle when :rename arguments.delete("rename") @command = :rename command_rename when :replace arguments.delete("replace") @command = :replace command_replace when :sort arguments.delete("sort") @command = :sort command_sort when :table arguments.delete("table") @command = :table command_table when :then arguments.delete("then") @command = :then @ruby = arguments.delete_at(0) command_then when :times arguments.delete("times") @command = :times command_times when :uniq arguments.delete("uniq") @command = :uniq command_uniq when :write arguments.delete("write") @command = :write command_write when :release arguments.delete("release") @command = :release command_release when :top arguments.delete("top") @command = :top command_top when :tree arguments.delete("tree") @command = :tree command_tree when :format arguments.delete("format") @command = :format command_format when :pretty arguments.delete("pretty") @command = :pretty command_pretty else arguments.delete("read") @command = :read command_read end end def command_pretty command_format end def command_format context = MiniRacer::Context.new context.attach("puts", proc { |string| puts(string) }) context.attach("warn", proc { |string| warn(string) }) context.attach("read", proc { |path| File.read(path) }) context.attach( "write", proc { |path, content| File.write(path, content) } ) root = File.expand_path("../../", __dir__) prettier_path = File.join(root, "vendor/prettier/standalone.js") prettier_js = File.read(prettier_path) context.eval(prettier_js) sql_path = File.join(root, "vendor/sql-formatter.js") sql_js = File.read(sql_path) context.eval("self = {};") context.eval(sql_js) context.eval("sqlFormatter = self.sqlFormatter;") groovy_path = File.join(root, "vendor/groovy-beautify/dist/cjs/index.js") groovy_js = File.read(groovy_path) context.eval("module = { exports: {} };") context.eval("exports = module.exports;") context.eval(groovy_js) context.eval("groovyBeautify = module.exports;") plugins = %w[babel estree typescript html postcss markdown] plugins.each do |plugin| path = File.join(root, "vendor/prettier/plugins/#{plugin}.js") js = File.read(path) context.eval("module = { exports: {} };") context.eval("exports = module.exports;") context.eval(js) context.eval("#{plugin} = module.exports;") end context.eval("plugins = [#{plugins.join(", ")}];") context.eval(<<~JS) format = async (path, parser) => { try { const before = read(path); let after; if (parser === "sql") { after = sqlFormatter.format(before); } else if (parser === "groovy") { after = groovyBeautify(before); } else { after = await prettier.format(before, { parser, plugins }); } if (before != after) { puts(path); write(path, after); } } catch (e) { warn(`failed to parse ${path}: ${e.message.split("\\n")[0]}`); } }; JS if files.any? each(files) { |file| format(file, context:) } else each( Git.open(".").ls_files.map(&:first) ) { |file| format(file, context:) } end end def command_release File.delete(*Dir["*.gem"]) system("gem build") system("gem push *.gem") File.delete(*Dir["*.gem"]) end def command_top shell = arguments[0] || File.basename(ENV.fetch("SHELL", nil)) || "bash" limit = arguments[1] || 10 history = case shell.to_s.downcase when "fish" File .read("#{Dir.home}/.local/share/fish/fish_history") .lines .grep(/^- cmd: /) .map { |line| line.split("- cmd: ", 2).last.strip } when "bash" File.read("#{Dir.home}/.bash_history").lines.map(&:strip) when "zsh" File.read("#{Dir.home}/.zsh_history").lines.map(&:strip) else raise NotImplementedError, shell end table( history .map { |line| line.split.first } .tally .to_a .sort_by(&:last) .reverse .map .with_index do |(command, command_count), index| { "#" => index + 1, :count => command_count, :percent => "#{(command_count * 100 / history.size.to_f).round(3)}%", :command => command } end .first(limit) ) end def command_tree space = " " right = "└── " down = "│   " down_and_right = "├── " git_ls_files = ->(path) { Git.open(".").ls_files(path).map(&:first) } group = lambda do |files| files .group_by { |file| file.split("/").first } .transform_values do |values| group.call( values .map { |value| value.split("/")[1..].join("/") } .reject(&:empty?) ) end end print = lambda do |key:, values:, index: 0, size: 1, prefix: ""| key = "#{key}/" if values.any? last = index + 1 == size right_prefix = last ? right : down_and_right puts prefix + right_prefix + key values.each.with_index do |(value_key, value_values), value_index| print.call( key: value_key, values: value_values, index: value_index, size: values.size, prefix: prefix + (last ? space : down) ) end end keys = (arguments + files) keys = ["."] unless keys.any? keys.each do |key| files = git_ls_files .call(key) .map { |file| parsed.arguments.any? ? file.sub(key, "") : file } values = group.call(files) key = "#{key}/" if values.any? && key != "." && key[-1] != "/" puts key values.each.with_index do |(value_key, value_values), value_index| print.call( key: value_key, values: value_values, index: value_index, size: values.size ) end end end def files parsed.files end def command_times map(everything, &:to_i).sum.times { |index| puts index + 1 } end def command_eval each(everything) { |thing| outputs(evaluates(ruby: thing)) } end def command_then each(stdin_files + files) do |input| outputs(evaluates(it: reads(File.read(input))), file: input) end each(stdin_arguments + arguments) do |input| outputs(evaluates(it: reads(input))) end end def command_table table(map(everything) { |thing| lines(reads(thing)) }.inject(&:+)) end def command_chat puts completion( token: token(".chat"), model: "gpt-4o", messages: [{ role: :user, content: everything.join("\n") }] ) end def command_commit system_prompt = "simple, clear, short, lowercase commit message" prompt_1 = "for the following diff:" prompt_2 = "for the following git status:" prompt_3 = "for the following comment:" content_1 = short(`git diff --staged`) content_2 = short(`git status`) content_3 = short(arguments.join("\n")) abort "no staged files" if content_1.empty? messages = [ { role: :system, content: system_prompt }, { role: :system, content: prompt_1 }, { role: :user, content: content_1 }, { role: :system, content: prompt_2 }, { role: :user, content: content_2 }, { role: :system, content: prompt_3 }, { role: :user, content: content_3 } ] message = completion(token: token(".commit"), model: "gpt-4o", messages:) Git.open(".").commit(message) puts message end def command_replace from, to = arguments each(stdin_files + stdin_arguments + files) do |file| next if File.directory?(file) File.write(file, File.read(file).gsub(from, to)) end end def command_rename from, to = arguments files = stdin_files + stdin_arguments + self.files (files - directories).each { |file| rename(file, file.gsub(from, to)) } directories.each { |dir| rename(dir, dir.gsub(from, to)) } end def directories (stdin_files + files).select { |file| File.directory?(file) } end def rename(old, new) return if old == new puts "#{old} -> #{new}" File.rename(old, new) end def command_write content = read_stdin.join each(files + arguments) { |file| File.write(file, content) } end def command_read each(stdin_files + files) do |input| outputs(reads(File.read(input)), file: input) end each(stdin_arguments + arguments) { |input| outputs(reads(input)) } end def command_strip each(stdin_files + files) do |input| outputs(lines(reads(File.read(input)), strip: :strip), file: input) end each(stdin_arguments + arguments) do |input| outputs(lines(reads(input), strip: :strip)) end end def command_rstrip each(stdin_files + files) do |input| outputs(lines(reads(File.read(input)), strip: :rstrip), file: input) end each(stdin_arguments + arguments) do |input| outputs(lines(reads(input), strip: :rstrip)) end end def command_lstrip each(stdin_files + files) do |input| outputs(lines(reads(File.read(input)), strip: :lstrip), file: input) end each(stdin_arguments + arguments) do |input| outputs(lines(reads(input), strip: :lstrip)) end end def everything read_stdin_files + stdin_arguments + read_files + arguments end def command_dir puts( Git .open(".") .ls_files .map(&:first) .map { |path| path.split("/").first } .select { |path| Dir.exist?(path) } .reject { |path| path.start_with?(".") } .sort .uniq ) puts "." if self? end def command_ls puts( Git .open(".") .ls_files .map(&:first) .map { |path| path.split("/").first } .reject { |path| path.start_with?(".") } .select { |path| match_filetypes?(path) } .sort .uniq ) puts "." if self? end def command_submodules puts( File .read(".gitmodules") .lines .grep(/path = /) .map { |path| path.split("=").last.strip } ) puts "." if self? end def command_dot dir = files.first || arguments.first || "." ignore_file = File.expand_path("#{dir.chomp("/")}/.dotignore") ignore_content = File.exist?(ignore_file) ? File.read(ignore_file) : "" ignore_patterns = ignore_content .lines .map(&:strip) .reject { |line| line.empty? || line.start_with?("#") } .map { |pattern| Regexp.new("\\A#{pattern}\\z") } Git .open(dir) .ls_files .map(&:first) .each do |file| next if ignore_patterns.any? { |pattern| pattern.match?(file) } homefile = "#{Dir.home}/#{file}" dotfile = File.expand_path("#{dir.chomp("/")}/#{file}") if File.exist?(homefile) || File.symlink?(homefile) File.delete(homefile) end FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.dirname(homefile)) FileUtils.ln_s(dotfile, homefile, verbose: true) end end def self? !!options.self end def command_compare file_1, file_2 = files key_1, key_2 = arguments read_1, read_2 = files.map.with_index do |file, index| read = reads(File.read(file)) if arguments[index] && read.from_deep_struct.key?(arguments[index]) read[arguments[index]] elsif arguments[index] nil else read end end compare(read_1, read_2, file_1:, file_2:) end def command_each each(everything) do |input| each(lines(reads(input)), progress: true) { |line| evaluates(it: line) } end end def command_merge outputs(map(everything) { |thing| lines(reads(thing)) }.inject(&:+)) end def command_sort outputs( map(everything) { |thing| lines(reads(thing)) } .inject(&:+) .sort_by do |line| result = pluck(line).from_deep_struct result.is_a?(Hash) ? result.values : result end ) end def command_uniq outputs( map(everything) { |thing| lines(reads(thing)) } .inject(&:+) .uniq { |line| pluck(line) } ) end def command_pluck outputs( map(everything) do |thing| map(lines(reads(thing))) { |line| pluck(line) } end.inject(&:+) ) end def command_shuffle outputs( map(everything) { |thing| lines(reads(thing)) }.inject(&:+).shuffle ) end def command_tally each(everything) do |input| outputs( JSON.pretty_generate( map(lines(reads(input)), progress: true) do |element| if ruby.to_s.empty? element else evaluates(it: element, returns: true, stdout: false) end end.tally ) ) end end def command_all each(everything, progress: true) do |input| evaluates(it: lines(reads(input))) end end def command_append outputs(map(everything) { |input| lines(reads(input)) }.inject(&:+)) end def command_prepend outputs( map(everything.reverse) { |input| lines(reads(input)) }.inject(&:+) ) end def command_select each(stdin_files + files) do |input| outputs( select(lines(reads(File.read(input)))) { |element| match?(element) }, file: input ) end each(stdin_arguments + arguments) do |input| outputs(select(lines(reads(input))) { |element| match?(element) }) end end def command_reject each(stdin_files + files) do |input| outputs( reject(lines(reads(File.read(input)))) { |element| match?(element) }, file: input ) end each(stdin_arguments + arguments) do |input| outputs(reject(lines(reads(input))) { |element| match?(element) }) end end def command_after each(stdin_files + files) do |input| outputs(after(lines(reads(File.read(input)))), file: input) end each(stdin_arguments + arguments) do |input| outputs(after(lines(reads(input)))) end end def command_before each(stdin_files + files) do |input| outputs(before(reads(File.read(input))), file: input) end each(stdin_arguments + arguments) do |input| outputs(before(lines(reads(input)))) end end def command_between each(stdin_files + files) do |input| outputs(between(lines(reads(File.read(input)))), file: input) end each(stdin_arguments + arguments) do |input| outputs(between(lines(reads(input)))) end end def command_anonymize each(stdin_files + files) do |input| outputs(anonymize(reads(File.read(input))), file: input) end each(stdin_arguments + arguments) do |input| outputs(anonymize(reads(input))) end end def outputs(content, file: nil) if write? && file File.write(file, to_output(content)) elsif !content.nil? puts to_output(content) end end def to_output(content) content = content.from_deep_struct case output when :csv "#{headers_of(content)&.to_csv}#{ map(content) do |element| CSV.generate(headers: headers_of(content)) do |csv| csv << wrap(element) end end.join }" when :json pretty? ? JSON.pretty_generate(content) : content.to_json when :jsonl "#{map(content, &:to_json).join("\n")}\n" when :raw content when :yaml content.to_yaml when :yamll "#{map(map(content, &:to_yaml), &:to_json).join("\n")}\n" else abort "#{output.inspect} not supported" end end def reads(content) case input when :csv if headers? CSV.parse(content, headers: true).map(&:to_h).to_deep_struct else CSV.parse(content) end when :json JSON.parse(content).to_deep_struct when :jsonl map(content.lines) { |line| JSON.parse(line) }.to_deep_struct when :raw content when :yaml YAML.safe_load(content).to_deep_struct when :yamll map(content.lines) do |line| YAML.safe_load(JSON.parse(line)) end.to_deep_struct else abort "#{input.inspect} not supported" end rescue JSON::ParserError => e abort "invalid json: #{e.message}" rescue Psych::SyntaxError => e abort "invalid yaml: #{e.message}" end def pretty? !!options.pretty end def read_stdin @read_stdin ||= $stdin.each_line.to_a rescue Interrupt abort "interupt in read_stdin" end def stdin_files return [] if files.any? || arguments.any? return [] if stdin != :files map(read_stdin, &:rstrip) end def read_stdin_files stdin_files.map { |file| File.read(file) } end def read_files files.map { |file| File.read(file) } end def stdin_arguments return [] if files.any? || arguments.any? return [] if stdin == :files [read_stdin.join] end def stdin options.stdin.to_sym end def deep? !!options.deep end def options parsed.options end def colorize? !!options.colorize end def fast? !!options.fast end def io IO.fetch(options.io.to_s, nil) end def input io || IO.fetch(options.input.to_s, nil) || io_from_files || DEFAULT_IO end def output io || IO.fetch(options.output.to_s, nil) || io_from_files || DEFAULT_IO end def io_from_files IO.fetch(File.extname((stdin_files + files).first || "").delete("."), nil) end def parallel? !!options.parallel end def rails? !!options.rails end def stderr? !!options.stderr end def stdout? !!options.stdout end def write? !!options.write end def debug? !!options.debug end def progress? !!options.progress end def headers? !!options.headers end def progress_format options.progress_format end def version? !!options.version end def help? !!options.help end def help parsed.help end def n options.n end def parallel_type options.parallel_type&.to_sym end def headers_of(content) return unless content.respond_to?(:first) return unless content.first return unless content.first.respond_to?(:to_h) return unless content.first.to_h.keys.any? content.first.to_h.keys rescue TypeError nil end def parallel_options if parallel_type == :processes { in_processes: n } elsif parallel_type == :threads { in_threads: n } else abort "#{parallel_type.inspect} not supported" end end def each(collection, options: parallel_options, progress: false, &) collection = wrap(collection) progress_bar = progress ? create_progress_bar(collection.size) : nil if parallel? Parallel.each( collection, **options, finish: ->(*) { progress_bar&.increment }, & ) else collection.each do |element| yield(element).tap { progress_bar&.increment } end end end def map(collection, options: parallel_options, progress: false, &) collection = wrap(collection) progress_bar = progress ? create_progress_bar(collection.size) : nil if parallel? Parallel.map( collection, **options, finish: ->(*) { progress_bar&.increment }, & ) else collection.map do |element| yield(element).tap { progress_bar&.increment } end end end def select(collection, progress: false, &) collection = wrap(collection) progress_bar = progress ? create_progress_bar(collection.size) : nil collection.select do |element| yield(element).tap { progress_bar&.increment } end end def reject(collection, progress: false, &) collection = wrap(collection) progress_bar = progress ? create_progress_bar(collection.size) : nil collection.reject do |element| yield(element).tap { progress_bar&.increment } end end def lines(input, strip: :rstrip) if input.is_a?(String) input.lines.map(&strip) elsif deep? deep_lines(input) else Array(input) end end def deep_lines(input) case input when Array [input.to_deep_struct] + input.flat_map { |element| deep_lines(element) } when Hash [input.to_deep_struct] + input.flat_map { |key, value| deep_lines([key, value]) } when Struct deep_lines(input.from_deep_struct).to_deep_struct else [input.to_deep_struct] end end def wrap(ruby) if ruby.is_a?(Hash) ruby elsif ruby.respond_to?(:to_a) ruby.to_a else Array(ruby) end end def create_progress_bar(total) return unless progress? Dorian::Progress.create(total:, format: progress_format) end def after(input, ruby: @ruby_after || @ruby) if ruby.to_i.to_s == ruby input[(ruby.to_i)..] else selected = false input.select do |element| selected = true if match?(element, ruby:) selected end end end def before(input, ruby: @ruby_before || @ruby) if ruby.to_i.to_s == ruby input[..(ruby.to_i)] else selected = true input.select do |element| selected.tap { selected = false if match?(element, ruby:) } end end end def between(input, ruby_before: @ruby_before, ruby_after: @ruby_after) if ruby_before.to_i.to_s == ruby_before && ruby_after.to_i.to_s == ruby_after input[(ruby_after.to_i)..(ruby_before.to_i)] else selected = false input.select do |element| selected = true if match?(element, ruby: ruby_after) selected.tap do selected = false if match?(element, ruby: ruby_before) end end end end def anonymize(input) if input.is_a?(String) input.gsub(/[a-z]/, "a").gsub(/[A-Z]/, "A").gsub(/[0-9]/, "0") elsif input.is_a?(Integer) 0 elsif input.is_a?(Float) 0.0 elsif input.is_a?(TrueClass) || input.is_a?(FalseClass) false elsif input.nil? nil elsif input.is_a?(Hash) input.transform_values { |value| anonymize(value) } elsif input.is_a?(Array) input.map { |element| anonymize(element) } elsif input.is_a?(Struct) anonymize(input.from_deep_struct).to_deep_struct else raise "#{input.class.inspect} not supported" end end def match?(element, ruby: @ruby) !!evaluates(ruby:, it: element, stdout: false, returns: true) end def token(file) token_file = File.join(Dir.home, file) if File.exist?(token_file) token = File.read(token_file).strip else print "token: " token = gets.strip File.write(token_file, token) puts "token written to #{token_file}" end token end def completion(token:, model:, messages:) body = post( "https://api.openai.com/v1/chat/completions", headers: { "Content-Type" => "application/json", "Authorization" => "Bearer #{token}" }, body: { model:, messages: }.to_json ) json = JSON.parse(body) output = json.dig("choices", 0, "message", "content") if output output.strip else abort JSON.pretty_generate(json) end end def post(url, headers: {}, body: {}) uri = URI.parse(url) http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port) http.use_ssl = true request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.path, headers) request.body = body http.request(request).body end def compare(content_1, content_2, file_1:, file_2:, path: ".") content_1 = content_1.from_deep_struct content_2 = content_2.from_deep_struct if content_1.is_a?(Hash) && content_2.is_a?(Hash) (content_1.keys + content_2.keys).uniq.each do |key| new_path = path == "." ? "#{path}#{key}" : "#{path}.#{key}" if content_1[key] && !content_2[key] warn "#{new_path} present in #{file_1} but not in #{file_2}" next elsif !content_1[key] && content_2[key] warn "#{new_path} present in #{file_2} but not in #{file_1}" next end compare( content_1[key], content_2[key], path: new_path, file_1:, file_2: ) end elsif content_1.is_a?(Array) && content_2.is_a?(Array) (0...([content_1.size, content_2.size].max)).each do |index| new_path = "#{path}[#{index}]" if content_1[index] && !content_2[index] warn "#{new_path} present in #{file_1} but not in #{file_2}" next elsif !content_1[index] && content_2[index] warn "#{new_path} present in #{file_2} but not in #{file_1}" next end compare( content_1[index], content_2[index], path: new_path, file_1:, file_2: ) end elsif content_1.class != content_2.class warn( "#{path} has #{content_1.class} for #{file_1} " \ "and #{content_2.class} for #{file_2}" ) end end def short(string) string[0..5000] end def encoder Tiktoken.encoding_for_model("gpt-4o") end def match_filetypes?(path, filetypes: arguments) return true if filetypes.none? return true unless filetypes.intersect?(%w[rb ruby]) return false if Dir.exist?(path) return true if RUBY_FILENAMES.include?(path) return true if RUBY_EXTENSIONS.include?(File.extname(path)) return false unless File.exist?(path) first_line = File.open(path, &:gets).to_s first_line = first_line.encode("UTF-8", invalid: :replace) return true if /\A#!.*ruby\z/.match?(first_line) false end def pluck(element) element = element.from_deep_struct keys = if arguments.any? arguments elsif element.is_a?(Hash) element.keys elsif element.is_a?(Array) (0...(element.size)).map(&:to_s) else "it" end results = keys.map do |argument| if element.is_a?(Array) && argument.to_i.to_s == argument element[argument.to_i] elsif element.is_a?(Hash) && element.key?(argument) { argument => element[argument] } else evaluates(ruby: argument, it: element.to_deep_struct) end end if results.all?(Hash) results.inject(&:merge).to_deep_struct else results .map { |result| result.is_a?(Hash) ? result.values.first : result } .to_deep_struct end end def table(data) is_hashes = data.first.from_deep_struct.is_a?(Hash) headings = is_hashes ? data.first.to_h.keys : nil rows = is_hashes ? data.map(&:values) : data.map { |row| wrap(row) } if headings puts Terminal::Table.new(headings:, rows:) else puts Terminal::Table.new(rows:) end end def evaluates( ruby: @ruby, it: nil, debug: debug?, stdout: stdout?, stderr: stderr?, colorize: colorize?, rails: rails?, fast: fast?, returns: false ) Dorian::Eval.eval( ruby:, it:, debug:, stdout:, stderr:, colorize:, rails:, fast:, returns: ).returned end def sort(object) object = object.from_deep_struct if object.is_a?(Hash) object .to_a .sort_by(&:first) .to_h .transform_values { |value| sort(value) } elsif object.is_a?(Array) object.map { |element| sort(element) } else object end end def filetype(path) ext = File.extname(path).to_s.downcase return :directory if Dir.exist?(path) return :symlink if File.symlink?(path) return :ruby if RUBY_FILENAMES.include?(File.basename(path)) return :ruby if RUBY_EXTENSIONS.include?(ext) return :json if ext == ".json" return :jsonl if ext == ".jsonl" return :yaml if ext == ".yaml" return :yaml if ext == ".yml" return :yamll if ext == ".yamll" return :yamll if ext == ".ymll" return :csv if ext == ".csv" return :js if ext == ".js" return :js if ext == ".mjs" return :js if ext == ".cjs" return :ts if ext == ".ts" return :css if ext == ".css" return :html if ext == ".html" return :html if ext == ".htm" return :haml if ext == ".haml" return :slim if ext == ".slim" return :erb if ext == ".erb" return :fish if ext == ".fish" return :sql if ext == ".sql" return :tex if ext == ".tex" return :md if ext == ".md" return :md if ext == ".markdown" return :png if ext == ".png" return :jpeg if ext == ".jpg" return :jpeg if ext == ".jpeg" return :ico if ext == ".ico" return :webp if ext == ".webp" return :heic if ext == ".heic" return :pdf if ext == ".pdf" return :raw if ext == ".raw" return :env if path == ".env" return :env if path.start_with?(".env.") return :sh if path == "Dockerfile" return :sh if ext == ".sh" return :enc if ext == ".enc" return :enc if ext == ".keystore" return :pro if ext == ".pro" return :txt if ext == ".txt" return :bat if ext == ".bat" return :xcconfig if ext == ".xcconfig" return :pbxproj if ext == ".pbxproj" return :xml if ext == ".xml" return :xml if ext == ".plist" return :xml if ext == ".storyboard" return :xml if ext == ".xcscheme" return :xml if ext == ".xcworkspacedata" return :xml if ext == ".xcprivacy" return :xml if ext == ".entitlements" return :kotlin if ext == ".kt" return :groovy if ext == ".gradle" return :groovy if ext == ".properties" return :binary if ext == ".jar" return :objectivec if ext == ".h" return :objectivec if ext == ".mm" return :objectivec if ext == ".m" return unless File.exist?(path) first_line = File.open(path, &:gets).to_s first_line = first_line.encode("UTF-8", invalid: :replace).strip return :ruby if first_line == "#!/usr/bin/env ruby" return :sh if first_line == "#!/bin/bash" return :sh if first_line == "#!/bin/sh" return :sh if first_line == "#!/bin/bash -e" return :sh if first_line == "#!/usr/bin/env sh" nil end def format(path, context:) return if File.symlink?(path) return if File.directory?(path) return unless File.exist?(path) before = File.read(path) case filetype(path) when :ruby after = SyntaxTree.format(before) when :haml after = SyntaxTree::Haml.format(before) when :erb after = SyntaxTree::ERB.format(before) when :xml after = SyntaxTree::XML.format(before) when :json after = JSON.pretty_generate(JSON.parse(before)) when :jsonl after = "#{before.lines.map { |line| JSON.parse(line).to_json }.join("\n")}\n" when :csv after = CSV.generate { |csv| CSV.parse(before).each { |row| csv << row } } when :yaml after = sort(YAML.safe_load(before)).to_yaml when :yamll after = "#{ before .lines .map do |line| sort(YAML.safe_load(JSON.parse(line))).to_yaml.to_json end .join("\n") }\n" when :js context.eval("format(#{path.to_json}, 'babel')") when :ts context.eval("format(#{path.to_json}, 'typescript')") when :html context.eval("format(#{path.to_json}, 'html')") when :md context.eval("format(#{path.to_json}, 'markdown')") when :sql context.eval("format(#{path.to_json}, 'sql')") when :groovy context.eval("format(#{path.to_json}, 'groovy')") when :css context.eval("format(#{path.to_json}, 'css')") when :sh if system("command -v shfmt > /dev/null 2>&1") command = ["shfmt", "-i", "4", path].shelljoin stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3(command) raise stderr unless stderr.empty? && status.success? after = stdout else warn "run: `brew install shfmt` for #{path}" end when :pdf doc = HexaPDF::Document.open(path) doc.trailer.info.each { |key, _| doc.trailer.info.delete(key) } doc.write(path, update_fields: false) after = File.read(path) when :tex if system("command -v latexindent > /dev/null 2>&1") command = ["latexindent", path, "--logfile", "/dev/null"].shelljoin stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3(command) raise stderr unless stderr.empty? && status.success? after = stdout.gsub("\t", " ") else warn "run: `brew install latexindent` for #{path}" end when :objectivec if system("command -v clang-format > /dev/null 2>&1") command = ["clang-format", path].shelljoin stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3(command) raise stderr unless stderr.empty? && status.success? after = stdout.gsub("\t", " ") else warn "run: `brew install clang-format` for #{path}" end when :kotlin if system("command -v ktlint > /dev/null 2>&1") command = ["ktlint", "-F", path].shelljoin stdout, stderr, status = Open3.capture3(command) raise stderr unless stderr.empty? && status.success? after = File.read(path) else warn "run: `brew install ktlint` for #{path}" end when :raw, :env, :enc, :txt, :pro, :binary, :slim, :fish, :bat, :xcconfig, :pbxproj, :jpeg, :png, :webp, :heic, :ico # nothing to do else case File.basename(path) when ".gitignore", ".node-version", ".prettierignore", ".ruby-version", ".tool-versions", "Gemfile.lock", "LICENSE", "VERSION", ".rspec", "Procfile", "Procfile.dev", "Podfile.lock", ".xcode.env", "CNAME", "TODO", ".gitmodules", ".asdfrc", "config", ".dotignore", ".gemrc", ".gitconfig", ".gitmessage", ".hushlogin", ".psqlrc", ".vimrc", "DIRECTORIES" # nothing to do when ".keep" File.write(path, "") else puts "unhandled: #{path}" end end if after && before != after puts path File.write(path, after) end rescue StandardError => e warn "failed to parse #{path}: #{e.message}" end end end