// Copyright 2007 The Closure Library Authors. All Rights Reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
* @fileoverview Definition of the IE browser specific range wrapper.
* DO NOT USE THIS FILE DIRECTLY. Use goog.dom.Range instead.
* @author robbyw@google.com (Robby Walker)
* @author ojan@google.com (Ojan Vafai)
* @author jparent@google.com (Julie Parent)
* The constructor for IE specific browser ranges.
* @param {TextRange} range The range object.
* @param {Document} doc The document the range exists in.
* @constructor
* @extends {goog.dom.browserrange.AbstractRange}
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange = function(range, doc) {
* The browser range object this class wraps.
* @type {TextRange}
* @private
this.range_ = range;
* The document the range exists in.
* @type {Document}
* @private
this.doc_ = doc;
* Logging object.
* @type {goog.log.Logger}
* @private
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.logger_ =
* Returns a browser range spanning the given node's contents.
* @param {Node} node The node to select.
* @return {TextRange} A browser range spanning the node's contents.
* @private
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.getBrowserRangeForNode_ = function(node) {
var nodeRange = goog.dom.getOwnerDocument(node).body.createTextRange();
if (node.nodeType == goog.dom.NodeType.ELEMENT) {
// Elements are easy.
// Note(user) : If there are no child nodes of the element, the
// range.htmlText includes the element's outerHTML. The range created above
// is not collapsed, and should be collapsed explicitly.
// Example : node =
// But if the node is sth like
, it shouldnt be collapsed.
if (goog.dom.browserrange.canContainRangeEndpoint(node) &&
!node.childNodes.length) {
} else {
// Text nodes are hard.
// Compute the offset from the nearest element related position.
var offset = 0;
var sibling = node;
while (sibling = sibling.previousSibling) {
var nodeType = sibling.nodeType;
if (nodeType == goog.dom.NodeType.TEXT) {
offset += sibling.length;
} else if (nodeType == goog.dom.NodeType.ELEMENT) {
// Move to the space after this element.
if (!sibling) {
if (offset) {
nodeRange.move('character', offset);
nodeRange.moveEnd('character', node.length);
return nodeRange;
* Returns a browser range spanning the given nodes.
* @param {Node} startNode The node to start with.
* @param {number} startOffset The offset within the start node.
* @param {Node} endNode The node to end with.
* @param {number} endOffset The offset within the end node.
* @return {TextRange} A browser range spanning the node's contents.
* @private
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.getBrowserRangeForNodes_ = function(startNode,
startOffset, endNode, endOffset) {
// Create a range starting at the correct start position.
var child, collapse = false;
if (startNode.nodeType == goog.dom.NodeType.ELEMENT) {
if (startOffset > startNode.childNodes.length) {
'Cannot have startOffset > startNode child count');
child = startNode.childNodes[startOffset];
collapse = !child;
startNode = child || startNode.lastChild || startNode;
startOffset = 0;
var leftRange = goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.
// This happens only when startNode is a text node.
if (startOffset) {
leftRange.move('character', startOffset);
// The range movements in IE are still an approximation to the standard W3C
// behavior, and IE has its trickery when it comes to htmlText and text
// properties of the range. So we short-circuit computation whenever we can.
if (startNode == endNode && startOffset == endOffset) {
return leftRange;
// This can happen only when the startNode is an element, and there is no node
// at the given offset. We start at the last point inside the startNode in
// that case.
if (collapse) {
// Create a range that ends at the right position.
collapse = false;
if (endNode.nodeType == goog.dom.NodeType.ELEMENT) {
if (endOffset > endNode.childNodes.length) {
'Cannot have endOffset > endNode child count');
child = endNode.childNodes[endOffset];
endNode = child || endNode.lastChild || endNode;
endOffset = 0;
collapse = !child;
var rightRange = goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.
if (endOffset) {
rightRange.moveEnd('character', endOffset);
// Merge and return.
leftRange.setEndPoint('EndToEnd', rightRange);
return leftRange;
* Create a range object that selects the given node's text.
* @param {Node} node The node to select.
* @return {goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange} An IE range wrapper object.
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.createFromNodeContents = function(node) {
var range = new goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange(
if (!goog.dom.browserrange.canContainRangeEndpoint(node)) {
range.startNode_ = range.endNode_ = range.parentNode_ = node.parentNode;
range.startOffset_ = goog.array.indexOf(range.parentNode_.childNodes, node);
range.endOffset_ = range.startOffset_ + 1;
} else {
// Note(user) : Emulate the behavior of W3CRange - Go to deepest possible
// range containers on both edges. It seems W3CRange did this to match the
// IE behavior, and now it is a circle. Changing W3CRange may break clients
// in all sorts of ways.
var tempNode, leaf = node;
while ((tempNode = leaf.firstChild) &&
goog.dom.browserrange.canContainRangeEndpoint(tempNode)) {
leaf = tempNode;
range.startNode_ = leaf;
range.startOffset_ = 0;
leaf = node;
while ((tempNode = leaf.lastChild) &&
goog.dom.browserrange.canContainRangeEndpoint(tempNode)) {
leaf = tempNode;
range.endNode_ = leaf;
range.endOffset_ = leaf.nodeType == goog.dom.NodeType.ELEMENT ?
leaf.childNodes.length : leaf.length;
range.parentNode_ = node;
return range;
* Static method that returns the proper type of browser range.
* @param {Node} startNode The node to start with.
* @param {number} startOffset The offset within the start node.
* @param {Node} endNode The node to end with.
* @param {number} endOffset The offset within the end node.
* @return {goog.dom.browserrange.AbstractRange} A wrapper object.
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.createFromNodes = function(startNode,
startOffset, endNode, endOffset) {
var range = new goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange(
startOffset, endNode, endOffset),
range.startNode_ = startNode;
range.startOffset_ = startOffset;
range.endNode_ = endNode;
range.endOffset_ = endOffset;
return range;
// Even though goog.dom.TextRange does similar caching to below, keeping these
// caches allows for better performance in the get*Offset methods.
* Lazy cache of the node containing the entire selection.
* @type {Node}
* @private
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.prototype.parentNode_ = null;
* Lazy cache of the node containing the start of the selection.
* @type {Node}
* @private
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.prototype.startNode_ = null;
* Lazy cache of the node containing the end of the selection.
* @type {Node}
* @private
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.prototype.endNode_ = null;
* Lazy cache of the offset in startNode_ where this range starts.
* @type {number}
* @private
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.prototype.startOffset_ = -1;
* Lazy cache of the offset in endNode_ where this range ends.
* @type {number}
* @private
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.prototype.endOffset_ = -1;
* @return {goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange} A clone of this range.
* @override
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.prototype.clone = function() {
var range = new goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange(
this.range_.duplicate(), this.doc_);
range.parentNode_ = this.parentNode_;
range.startNode_ = this.startNode_;
range.endNode_ = this.endNode_;
return range;
/** @override */
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.prototype.getBrowserRange = function() {
return this.range_;
* Clears the cached values for containers.
* @private
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.prototype.clearCachedValues_ = function() {
this.parentNode_ = this.startNode_ = this.endNode_ = null;
this.startOffset_ = this.endOffset_ = -1;
/** @override */
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.prototype.getContainer = function() {
if (!this.parentNode_) {
var selectText = this.range_.text;
// If the selection ends with spaces, we need to remove these to get the
// parent container of only the real contents. This is to get around IE's
// inconsistency where it selects the spaces after a word when you double
// click, but leaves out the spaces during execCommands.
var range = this.range_.duplicate();
// We can't use goog.string.trimRight, as that will remove other whitespace
// too.
var rightTrimmedSelectText = selectText.replace(/ +$/, '');
var numSpacesAtEnd = selectText.length - rightTrimmedSelectText.length;
if (numSpacesAtEnd) {
range.moveEnd('character', -numSpacesAtEnd);
// Get the parent node. This should be the end, but alas, it is not.
var parent = range.parentElement();
var htmlText = range.htmlText;
var htmlTextLen = goog.string.stripNewlines(htmlText).length;
if (this.isCollapsed() && htmlTextLen > 0) {
return (this.parentNode_ = parent);
// Deal with selection bug where IE thinks one of the selection's children
// is actually the selection's parent. Relies on the assumption that the
// HTML text of the parent container is longer than the length of the
// selection's HTML text.
// Also note IE will sometimes insert \r and \n whitespace, which should be
// disregarded. Otherwise the loop may run too long and return wrong parent
while (htmlTextLen > goog.string.stripNewlines(parent.outerHTML).length) {
parent = parent.parentNode;
// Deal with IE's selecting the outer tags when you double click
// If the innerText is the same, then we just want the inner node
while (parent.childNodes.length == 1 &&
parent.innerText == goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.getNodeText_(
parent.firstChild)) {
// A container should be an element which can have children or a text
// node. Elements like IMG, BR, etc. can not be containers.
if (!goog.dom.browserrange.canContainRangeEndpoint(parent.firstChild)) {
parent = parent.firstChild;
// If the selection is empty, we may need to do extra work to position it
// properly.
if (selectText.length == 0) {
parent = this.findDeepestContainer_(parent);
this.parentNode_ = parent;
return this.parentNode_;
* Helper method to find the deepest parent for this range, starting
* the search from {@code node}, which must contain the range.
* @param {Node} node The node to start the search from.
* @return {Node} The deepest parent for this range.
* @private
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.prototype.findDeepestContainer_ = function(node) {
var childNodes = node.childNodes;
for (var i = 0, len = childNodes.length; i < len; i++) {
var child = childNodes[i];
if (goog.dom.browserrange.canContainRangeEndpoint(child)) {
var childRange =
var start = goog.dom.RangeEndpoint.START;
var end = goog.dom.RangeEndpoint.END;
// There are two types of erratic nodes where the range over node has
// different htmlText than the node's outerHTML.
// Case 1 - A node with magic child. In this case :
// nodeRange.htmlText shows ('
), while
// node.outerHTML doesn't show the magic node ().
// Case 2 - Empty span. In this case :
// node.outerHTML shows ''
// node.htmlText is just empty string ''.
var isChildRangeErratic = (childRange.htmlText != child.outerHTML);
// Moreover the inRange comparison fails only when the
var isNativeInRangeErratic = this.isCollapsed() && isChildRangeErratic;
// In case 2 mentioned above, childRange is also collapsed. So we need to
// compare start of this range with both start and end of child range.
var inChildRange = isNativeInRangeErratic ?
(this.compareBrowserRangeEndpoints(childRange, start, start) >= 0 &&
this.compareBrowserRangeEndpoints(childRange, start, end) <= 0) :
if (inChildRange) {
return this.findDeepestContainer_(child);
return node;
/** @override */
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.prototype.getStartNode = function() {
if (!this.startNode_) {
this.startNode_ = this.getEndpointNode_(goog.dom.RangeEndpoint.START);
if (this.isCollapsed()) {
this.endNode_ = this.startNode_;
return this.startNode_;
/** @override */
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.prototype.getStartOffset = function() {
if (this.startOffset_ < 0) {
this.startOffset_ = this.getOffset_(goog.dom.RangeEndpoint.START);
if (this.isCollapsed()) {
this.endOffset_ = this.startOffset_;
return this.startOffset_;
/** @override */
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.prototype.getEndNode = function() {
if (this.isCollapsed()) {
return this.getStartNode();
if (!this.endNode_) {
this.endNode_ = this.getEndpointNode_(goog.dom.RangeEndpoint.END);
return this.endNode_;
/** @override */
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.prototype.getEndOffset = function() {
if (this.isCollapsed()) {
return this.getStartOffset();
if (this.endOffset_ < 0) {
this.endOffset_ = this.getOffset_(goog.dom.RangeEndpoint.END);
if (this.isCollapsed()) {
this.startOffset_ = this.endOffset_;
return this.endOffset_;
/** @override */
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.prototype.compareBrowserRangeEndpoints = function(
range, thisEndpoint, otherEndpoint) {
return this.range_.compareEndPoints(
(thisEndpoint == goog.dom.RangeEndpoint.START ? 'Start' : 'End') +
'To' +
(otherEndpoint == goog.dom.RangeEndpoint.START ? 'Start' : 'End'),
* Recurses to find the correct node for the given endpoint.
* @param {goog.dom.RangeEndpoint} endpoint The endpoint to get the node for.
* @param {Node=} opt_node Optional node to start the search from.
* @return {Node} The deepest node containing the endpoint.
* @private
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.prototype.getEndpointNode_ = function(endpoint,
opt_node) {
/** @type {Node} */
var node = opt_node || this.getContainer();
// If we're at a leaf in the DOM, we're done.
if (!node || !node.firstChild) {
return node;
var start = goog.dom.RangeEndpoint.START, end = goog.dom.RangeEndpoint.END;
var isStartEndpoint = endpoint == start;
// Find the first/last child that overlaps the selection.
// NOTE(user) : One of the children can be the magic node. This
// node will have only nodeType property as valid and accessible. All other
// dom related properties like ownerDocument, parentNode, nextSibling etc
// cause error when accessed. Therefore use the for-loop on childNodes to
// iterate.
for (var j = 0, length = node.childNodes.length; j < length; j++) {
var i = isStartEndpoint ? j : length - j - 1;
var child = node.childNodes[i];
var childRange;
try {
childRange = goog.dom.browserrange.createRangeFromNodeContents(child);
} catch (e) {
// If the child is the magic node, then the above will throw
// error. The magic node exists only when editing using keyboard, so can
// not add any unit test.
var ieRange = childRange.getBrowserRange();
// Case 1 : Finding end points when this range is collapsed.
// Note that in case of collapsed range, getEnd{Node,Offset} call
// getStart{Node,Offset}.
if (this.isCollapsed()) {
// Handle situations where caret is not in a text node. In such cases,
// the adjacent child won't be a valid range endpoint container.
if (!goog.dom.browserrange.canContainRangeEndpoint(child)) {
// The following handles a scenario like
// where point should be (div, 1).
if (this.compareBrowserRangeEndpoints(ieRange, start, start) == 0) {
this.startOffset_ = this.endOffset_ = i;
return node;
} else if (childRange.containsRange(this)) {
// For collapsed range, we should invert the containsRange check with
// childRange.
return this.getEndpointNode_(endpoint, child);
// Case 2 - The first child encountered to have overlap this range is
// contained entirely in this range.
} else if (this.containsRange(childRange)) {
// If it is an element which can not be a range endpoint container, the
// current child offset can be used to deduce the endpoint offset.
if (!goog.dom.browserrange.canContainRangeEndpoint(child)) {
// Container can't be any deeper, so current node is the container.
if (isStartEndpoint) {
this.startOffset_ = i;
} else {
this.endOffset_ = i + 1;
return node;
// If child can contain range endpoints, recurse inside this child.
return this.getEndpointNode_(endpoint, child);
// Case 3 - Partial non-adjacency overlap.
} else if (this.compareBrowserRangeEndpoints(ieRange, start, end) < 0 &&
this.compareBrowserRangeEndpoints(ieRange, end, start) > 0) {
// If this child overlaps the selection partially, recurse down to find
// the first/last child the next level down that overlaps the selection
// completely. We do not consider edge-adjacency (== 0) as overlap.
return this.getEndpointNode_(endpoint, child);
// None of the children of this node overlapped the selection, that means
// the selection starts/ends in this node directly.
return node;
* Compares one endpoint of this range with the endpoint of a node.
* For internal methods, we should prefer this method to containsNode.
* containsNode has a lot of false negatives when we're dealing with
* {@code
} tags.
* @param {Node} node The node to compare against.
* @param {goog.dom.RangeEndpoint} thisEndpoint The endpoint of this range
* to compare with.
* @param {goog.dom.RangeEndpoint} otherEndpoint The endpoint of the node
* to compare with.
* @return {number} 0 if the endpoints are equal, negative if this range
* endpoint comes before the other node endpoint, and positive otherwise.
* @private
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.prototype.compareNodeEndpoints_ =
function(node, thisEndpoint, otherEndpoint) {
return this.range_.compareEndPoints(
(thisEndpoint == goog.dom.RangeEndpoint.START ? 'Start' : 'End') +
'To' +
(otherEndpoint == goog.dom.RangeEndpoint.START ? 'Start' : 'End'),
* Returns the offset into the start/end container.
* @param {goog.dom.RangeEndpoint} endpoint The endpoint to get the offset for.
* @param {Node=} opt_container The container to get the offset relative to.
* Defaults to the value returned by getStartNode/getEndNode.
* @return {number} The offset.
* @private
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.prototype.getOffset_ = function(endpoint,
opt_container) {
var isStartEndpoint = endpoint == goog.dom.RangeEndpoint.START;
var container = opt_container ||
(isStartEndpoint ? this.getStartNode() : this.getEndNode());
if (container.nodeType == goog.dom.NodeType.ELEMENT) {
// Find the first/last child that overlaps the selection
var children = container.childNodes;
var len = children.length;
var edge = isStartEndpoint ? 0 : len - 1;
var sign = isStartEndpoint ? 1 : - 1;
// We find the index in the child array of the endpoint of the selection.
for (var i = edge; i >= 0 && i < len; i += sign) {
var child = children[i];
// Ignore the child nodes, which could be end point containers.
if (goog.dom.browserrange.canContainRangeEndpoint(child)) {
// Stop looping when we reach the edge of the selection.
var endPointCompare =
this.compareNodeEndpoints_(child, endpoint, endpoint);
if (endPointCompare == 0) {
return isStartEndpoint ? i : i + 1;
// When starting from the end in an empty container, we erroneously return
// -1: fix this to return 0.
return i == -1 ? 0 : i;
} else {
// Get a temporary range object.
var range = this.range_.duplicate();
// Create a range that selects the entire container.
var nodeRange = goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.getBrowserRangeForNode_(
// Now, intersect our range with the container range - this should give us
// the part of our selection that is in the container.
range.setEndPoint(isStartEndpoint ? 'EndToEnd' : 'StartToStart', nodeRange);
var rangeLength = range.text.length;
return isStartEndpoint ? container.length - rangeLength : rangeLength;
* Returns the text of the given node. Uses IE specific properties.
* @param {Node} node The node to retrieve the text of.
* @return {string} The node's text.
* @private
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.getNodeText_ = function(node) {
return node.nodeType == goog.dom.NodeType.TEXT ?
node.nodeValue : node.innerText;
* Tests whether this range is valid (i.e. whether its endpoints are still in
* the document). A range becomes invalid when, after this object was created,
* either one or both of its endpoints are removed from the document. Use of
* an invalid range can lead to runtime errors, particularly in IE.
* @return {boolean} Whether the range is valid.
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.prototype.isRangeInDocument = function() {
var range = this.doc_.body.createTextRange();
return this.containsRange(
new goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange(range, this.doc_), true);
/** @override */
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.prototype.isCollapsed = function() {
// Note(user) : The earlier implementation used (range.text == ''), but this
// fails when (range.htmlText == '
// Alternative: this.range_.htmlText == '';
return this.range_.compareEndPoints('StartToEnd', this.range_) == 0;
/** @override */
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.prototype.getText = function() {
return this.range_.text;
/** @override */
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.prototype.getValidHtml = function() {
return this.range_.htmlText;
/** @override */
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.prototype.select = function(opt_reverse) {
// IE doesn't support programmatic reversed selections.
/** @override */
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.prototype.removeContents = function() {
// NOTE: Sometimes htmlText is non-empty, but the range is actually empty.
// TODO(gboyer): The htmlText check is probably unnecessary, but I left it in
// for paranoia.
if (!this.isCollapsed() && this.range_.htmlText) {
// Store some before-removal state.
var startNode = this.getStartNode();
var endNode = this.getEndNode();
var oldText = this.range_.text;
// IE sometimes deletes nodes unrelated to the selection. This trick fixes
// that problem most of the time. Even though it looks like a no-op, it is
// somehow changing IE's internal state such that empty unrelated nodes are
// no longer deleted.
var clone = this.range_.duplicate();
clone.moveStart('character', 1);
clone.moveStart('character', -1);
// However, sometimes moving the start back and forth ends up changing the
// range.
// TODO(gboyer): This condition used to happen for empty ranges, but (1)
// never worked, and (2) the isCollapsed call should protect against empty
// ranges better than before. However, this is left for paranoia.
if (clone.text == oldText) {
this.range_ = clone;
// Use the browser's native deletion code.
this.range_.text = '';
// Unfortunately, when deleting a portion of a single text node, IE creates
// an extra text node unlike other browsers which just change the text in
// the node. We normalize for that behavior here, making IE behave like all
// the other browsers.
var newStartNode = this.getStartNode();
var newStartOffset = this.getStartOffset();
/** @preserveTry */
try {
var sibling = startNode.nextSibling;
if (startNode == endNode && startNode.parentNode &&
startNode.nodeType == goog.dom.NodeType.TEXT &&
sibling && sibling.nodeType == goog.dom.NodeType.TEXT) {
startNode.nodeValue += sibling.nodeValue;
// Make sure to reselect the appropriate position.
this.range_ = goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.getBrowserRangeForNode_(
this.range_.move('character', newStartOffset);
} catch (e) {
// IE throws errors on orphaned nodes.
* @param {TextRange} range The range to get a dom helper for.
* @return {goog.dom.DomHelper} A dom helper for the document the range
* resides in.
* @private
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.getDomHelper_ = function(range) {
return goog.dom.getDomHelper(range.parentElement());
* Pastes the given element into the given range, returning the resulting
* element.
* @param {TextRange} range The range to paste into.
* @param {Element} element The node to insert a copy of.
* @param {goog.dom.DomHelper=} opt_domHelper DOM helper object for the document
* the range resides in.
* @return {Element} The resulting copy of element.
* @private
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.pasteElement_ = function(range, element,
opt_domHelper) {
opt_domHelper = opt_domHelper || goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.getDomHelper_(
// Make sure the node has a unique id.
var id;
var originalId = id = element.id;
if (!id) {
id = element.id = goog.string.createUniqueString();
// Insert (a clone of) the node.
// Pasting the outerHTML of the modified element into the document creates
// a clone of the element argument. We want to return a reference to the
// clone, not the original. However we need to remove the temporary ID
// first.
element = opt_domHelper.getElement(id);
// If element is null here, we failed.
if (element) {
if (!originalId) {
return element;
/** @override */
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.prototype.surroundContents = function(element) {
// Make sure the element is detached from the document.
// IE more or less guarantees that range.htmlText is well-formed & valid.
element.innerHTML = this.range_.htmlText;
element = goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.pasteElement_(this.range_, element);
// If element is null here, we failed.
if (element) {
return element;
* Internal handler for inserting a node.
* @param {TextRange} clone A clone of this range's browser range object.
* @param {Node} node The node to insert.
* @param {boolean} before Whether to insert the node before or after the range.
* @param {goog.dom.DomHelper=} opt_domHelper The dom helper to use.
* @return {Node} The resulting copy of node.
* @private
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.insertNode_ = function(clone, node,
before, opt_domHelper) {
// Get a DOM helper.
opt_domHelper = opt_domHelper || goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.getDomHelper_(
// If it's not an element, wrap it in one.
var isNonElement;
if (node.nodeType != goog.dom.NodeType.ELEMENT) {
isNonElement = true;
node = opt_domHelper.createDom(goog.dom.TagName.DIV, null, node);
node = goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.pasteElement_(clone,
/** @type {Element} */ (node), opt_domHelper);
// If we didn't want an element, unwrap the element and return the node.
if (isNonElement) {
// pasteElement_() may have returned a copy of the wrapper div, and the
// node it wraps could also be a new copy. So we must extract that new
// node from the new wrapper.
var newNonElement = node.firstChild;
node = newNonElement;
return node;
/** @override */
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.prototype.insertNode = function(node, before) {
var output = goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.insertNode_(
this.range_.duplicate(), node, before);
return output;
/** @override */
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.prototype.surroundWithNodes = function(
startNode, endNode) {
var clone1 = this.range_.duplicate();
var clone2 = this.range_.duplicate();
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.insertNode_(clone1, startNode, true);
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.insertNode_(clone2, endNode, false);
/** @override */
goog.dom.browserrange.IeRange.prototype.collapse = function(toStart) {
if (toStart) {
this.endNode_ = this.startNode_;
this.endOffset_ = this.startOffset_;
} else {
this.startNode_ = this.endNode_;
this.startOffset_ = this.endOffset_;