module Spaceship module Tunes # Represents a build train of builds from iTunes Connect # A build train is all builds for a given version number with different build numbers class BuildTrain < TunesBase # @return (Spaceship::Tunes::Application) A reference to the application # this train is for attr_accessor :application # @return (Array) An array of all builds that are inside this train (Spaceship::Tunes::Build) attr_reader :builds # @return (String) The version number of this train attr_reader :version_string # @return (String) Platform (e.g. "ios") attr_reader :platform # @return (Bool) Is external beta testing enabled for this train? Only one train can have enabled testing. attr_reader :external_testing_enabled # @return (Bool) Is internal beta testing enabled for this train? Only one train can have enabled testing. attr_reader :internal_testing_enabled # @return (Array) An array of all builds that are inside this train (Spaceship::Tunes::Build) # I never got this to work to properly try and debug this attr_reader :processing_builds attr_mapping( 'versionString' => :version_string, 'platform' => :platform, 'externalTesting.value' => :external_testing_enabled, 'internalTesting.value' => :internal_testing_enabled ) class << self # Create a new object based on a hash. # This is used to create a new object based on the server response. def factory(attrs) end # @param application (Spaceship::Tunes::Application) The app this train is for # @param app_id (String) The unique Apple ID of this app def all(application, app_id) trains = [] trains += client.build_trains(app_id, 'internal')['trains'] trains += client.build_trains(app_id, 'external')['trains'] result = {} trains.each do |attrs| attrs.merge!(application: application) current = self.factory(attrs) result[current.version_string] = current end result end end # Setup all the builds and processing builds def setup super @builds = (self.raw_data['builds'] || []).collect do |attrs| attrs.merge!(build_train: self) Tunes::Build.factory(attrs) end @processing_builds = (self.raw_data['buildsInProcessing'] || []).collect do |attrs| attrs.merge!(build_train: self) Tunes::Build.factory(attrs) end # since buildsInProcessing appears empty, fallback to also including processing state from @builds @builds.each do |build| @processing_builds << build if build.processing == true && build.valid == true end end # @return (Spaceship::Tunes::Build) The latest build for this train, sorted by upload time. def latest_build @builds.max_by(&:upload_date) end # @param (testing_type) internal or external def update_testing_status!(new_value, testing_type, build = nil) data = client.build_trains(self.application.apple_id, testing_type) build ||= latest_build if testing_type == 'external' testing_key = "#{testing_type}Testing" # Delete the irrelevant trains and update the relevant one to enable testing data['trains'].delete_if do |train| if train['versionString'] != version_string true else train[testing_key]['value'] = new_value # also update the builds train['builds'].delete_if do |b| return true if b[testing_key].nil? if build && b["buildVersion"] == build.build_version b[testing_key]['value'] = new_value false elsif b[testing_key]['value'] == true b[testing_key]['value'] = false false else true end end false end end result = client.update_build_trains!(application.apple_id, testing_type, data) self.internal_testing_enabled = new_value if testing_type == 'internal' self.external_testing_enabled = new_value if testing_type == 'external' result end end end end