# This file has been generated! module Asciidoctor; module Revealjs; end end class Asciidoctor::Revealjs::Converter < ::Asciidoctor::Converter::Base #------------------------------ Begin of Helpers ------------------------------# unless RUBY_ENGINE == 'opal' # This helper file borrows from the Bespoke converter # https://github.com/asciidoctor/asciidoctor-bespoke require 'asciidoctor' end # This module gets mixed in to every node (the context of the template) at the # time the node is being converted. The properties and methods in this module # effectively become direct members of the template. module Helpers EOL = %(\n) SliceHintRx = / +/ def slice_text str, active = nil if (active || (active.nil? && (option? :slice))) && (str.include? ' ') (str.split SliceHintRx).map {|line| %(#{line}) }.join EOL else str end end def to_boolean val val && val != 'false' && val.to_s != '0' || false end # false needs to be verbatim everything else is a string. # Calling side isn't responsible for quoting so we are doing it here def to_valid_slidenumber val # corner case: empty is empty attribute which is true return true if val == "" # using to_s here handles both the 'false' string and the false boolean val.to_s == 'false' ? false : "'#{val}'" end ## # These constants and functions are from the asciidictor-html5s project # https://github.com/jirutka/asciidoctor-html5s/blob/a71db48a1dd5196b668b3a3d93693c5d877c5bf3/data/templates/helpers.rb # Defaults DEFAULT_TOCLEVELS = 2 DEFAULT_SECTNUMLEVELS = 3 VOID_ELEMENTS = %w(area base br col command embed hr img input keygen link meta param source track wbr) ## # Creates an HTML tag with the given name and optionally attributes. Can take # a block that will run between the opening and closing tags. # # @param name [#to_s] the name of the tag. # @param attributes [Hash] (default: {}) # @param content [#to_s] the content; +nil+ to call the block. (default: nil). # @yield The block of Slim/HTML code within the tag (optional). # @return [String] a rendered HTML element. # def html_tag(name, attributes = {}, content = nil) attrs = attributes.inject([]) do |attrs, (k, v)| next attrs if !v || v.nil_or_empty? v = v.compact.join(' ') if v.is_a? Array attrs << (v == true ? k : %(#{k}="#{v}")) end attrs_str = attrs.empty? ? '' : ' ' + attrs.join(' ') if VOID_ELEMENTS.include? name.to_s %(<#{name}#{attrs_str}>) else content ||= yield if block_given? %(<#{name}#{attrs_str}>#{content}) end end ## # Returns corrected section level. # # @param sec [Asciidoctor::Section] the section node (default: self). # @return [Integer] # def section_level(sec = self) @_section_level ||= (sec.level == 0 && sec.special) ? 1 : sec.level end ## # Returns the captioned section's title, optionally numbered. # # @param sec [Asciidoctor::Section] the section node (default: self). # @return [String] # def section_title(sec = self) sectnumlevels = document.attr(:sectnumlevels, DEFAULT_SECTNUMLEVELS).to_i if sec.numbered && !sec.caption && sec.level <= sectnumlevels [sec.sectnum, sec.captioned_title].join(' ') else sec.captioned_title end end # Between delimiters (--) is code taken from asciidoctor-bespoke 1.0.0.alpha.1 # Licensed under MIT, Copyright (C) 2015-2016 Dan Allen and the Asciidoctor Project #-- # Retrieve the converted content, wrap it in a `

` element if # the content_model equals :simple and return the result. # # Returns the block content as a String, wrapped inside a `

` element if # the content_model equals `:simple`. def resolve_content @content_model == :simple ? %(


) : content end #-- end # More custom functions can be added in another namespace if required #module Helpers #end # Make Helpers' constants accessible from transform methods. Helpers.constants.each do |const| const_set(const, Helpers.const_get(const)) end #------------------------------- End of Helpers -------------------------------# register_for "revealjs" def initialize(backend, opts = {}) super basebackend "html" if respond_to? :basebackend outfilesuffix ".html" if respond_to? :outfilesuffix filetype "html" if respond_to? :filetype delegate_backend = (opts[:delegate_backend] || "html5").to_s factory = ::Asciidoctor::Converter::Factory converter = factory.create(delegate_backend, backend_info) @delegate_converter = if converter == self factory.new.create(delegate_backend, backend_info) else converter end end def convert(node, transform = nil, opts = {}) transform ||= node.node_name converter = respond_to?(transform) ? self : @delegate_converter if opts.empty? converter.send(transform, node) else converter.send(transform, node, opts) end end #----------------- Begin of generated transformation methods -----------------# def toc(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; _buf << ("
".freeze); ; _buf << (((document.attr 'toc-title')).to_s); ; _buf << ("
".freeze); ; _buf << ((converter.convert document, 'outline').to_s); ; _buf << ("
".freeze); _buf end end def page_break(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; _buf << ("
".freeze); ; _buf end end def open(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; if @style == 'abstract'; ; if @parent == @document && @document.doctype == 'book'; ; puts 'asciidoctor: WARNING: abstract block cannot be used in a document without a title when doctype is book. Excluding block content.'; ; else; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; if title?; ; _buf << ("
".freeze); _buf << ((title).to_s); ; _buf << ("
".freeze); end; _buf << ("
".freeze); _buf << ((content).to_s); ; _buf << ("
".freeze); end; elsif @style == 'partintro' && (@level != 0 || @parent.context != :section || @document.doctype != 'book'); ; puts 'asciidoctor: ERROR: partintro block can only be used when doctype is book and it\'s a child of a book part. Excluding block content.'; ; else; ; if (has_role? 'aside') or (has_role? 'speaker') or (has_role? 'notes'); ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; else; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; if title?; ; _buf << ("
".freeze); _buf << ((title).to_s); ; _buf << ("
".freeze); end; _buf << ("
".freeze); _buf << ((content).to_s); ; _buf << ("
".freeze); end; end; _buf end end def paragraph(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; _buf << ("".freeze); ; if title?; ; _buf << ("
".freeze); _buf << ((title).to_s); ; _buf << ("
".freeze); end; if has_role? 'small'; ; _buf << ("".freeze); _buf << ((content).to_s); ; _buf << ("".freeze); else; ; _buf << ("

".freeze); _buf << ((content).to_s); ; _buf << ("

".freeze); end; _buf << ("".freeze); _buf end end def verse(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; _buf << ("".freeze); ; if title?; ; _buf << ("
".freeze); _buf << ((title).to_s); ; _buf << ("
".freeze); end; _buf << ("
".freeze); _buf << ((content).to_s); 
      ; _buf << ("
".freeze); attribution = (attr? :attribution) ? (attr :attribution) : nil; ; citetitle = (attr? :citetitle) ? (attr :citetitle) : nil; ; if attribution || citetitle; ; _buf << ("
".freeze); ; if citetitle; ; _buf << ("".freeze); _buf << ((citetitle).to_s); ; _buf << ("".freeze); end; if attribution; ; if citetitle; ; _buf << ("
".freeze); ; end; _buf << ("— ".freeze); _buf << ((attribution).to_s); ; end; _buf << ("
".freeze); end; _buf << ("".freeze); _buf end end def dlist(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; case @style; ; when 'qanda'; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; if title?; ; _buf << ("
".freeze); _buf << ((title).to_s); ; _buf << ("
".freeze); end; _buf << ("
    ".freeze); ; items.each do |questions, answer|; ; _buf << ("
  1. ".freeze); ; [*questions].each do |question|; ; _buf << ("

    ".freeze); _buf << ((question.text).to_s); ; _buf << ("

    ".freeze); end; unless answer.nil?; ; if answer.text?; ; _buf << ("

    ".freeze); _buf << ((answer.text).to_s); ; _buf << ("

    ".freeze); end; if answer.blocks?; ; _buf << ((answer.content).to_s); ; end; end; _buf << ("
  2. ".freeze); end; _buf << ("
".freeze); when 'horizontal'; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; if title?; ; _buf << ("
".freeze); _buf << ((title).to_s); ; _buf << ("
".freeze); end; _buf << ("".freeze); ; if (attr? :labelwidth) || (attr? :itemwidth); ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; end; items.each do |terms, dd|; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; terms = [*terms]; ; last_term = terms.last; ; terms.each do |dt|; ; _buf << ((dt.text).to_s); ; if dt != last_term; ; _buf << ("
".freeze); ; end; end; _buf << ("
".freeze); end; _buf << ("
".freeze); ; unless dd.nil?; ; if dd.text?; ; _buf << ("

".freeze); _buf << ((dd.text).to_s); ; _buf << ("

".freeze); end; if dd.blocks?; ; _buf << ((dd.content).to_s); ; end; end; _buf << ("
".freeze); else; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; if title?; ; _buf << ("
".freeze); _buf << ((title).to_s); ; _buf << ("
".freeze); end; _buf << ("
".freeze); ; items.each do |terms, dd|; ; [*terms].each do |dt|; ; _buf << ("".freeze); _buf << ((dt.text).to_s); ; _buf << ("".freeze); end; unless dd.nil?; ; _buf << ("
".freeze); ; if dd.text?; ; _buf << ("

".freeze); _buf << ((dd.text).to_s); ; _buf << ("

".freeze); end; if dd.blocks?; ; _buf << ((dd.content).to_s); ; end; _buf << ("
".freeze); end; end; _buf << ("
".freeze); end; _buf end end def inline_footnote(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; if @type == :xref; ; _buf << ("[".freeze); _buf << ((attr :index).to_s); _buf << ("]".freeze); ; else; ; _buf << ("[".freeze); _buf << ((attr :index).to_s); _buf << ("]".freeze); ; end; _buf end end def asciidoctor_revealjs(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; _buf << ("".freeze); ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; _buf end end def image(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; width = (attr? :width) ? (attr :width) : nil; ; height = (attr? :height) ? (attr :height) : nil; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; if (has_role? 'stretch') && !((attr? :width) || (attr? :height)); ; height = "100%"; ; ; end; unless attributes[1] == 'background' || attributes[1] == 'canvas'; ; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; if attr? :link; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; else; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; end; _buf << ("".freeze); if title?; ; _buf << ("
".freeze); _buf << ((captioned_title).to_s); ; _buf << ("
".freeze); end; end; _buf end end def inline_break(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; _buf << ((@text).to_s); ; _buf << ("
".freeze); ; _buf end end def preamble(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; ; ; _buf end end def thematic_break(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; _buf << ("
".freeze); ; _buf end end def quote(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; _buf << ("".freeze); ; if title?; ; _buf << ("
".freeze); _buf << ((title).to_s); ; _buf << ("
".freeze); end; _buf << ("
".freeze); _buf << ((content).to_s); ; _buf << ("
".freeze); attribution = (attr? :attribution) ? (attr :attribution) : nil; ; citetitle = (attr? :citetitle) ? (attr :citetitle) : nil; ; if attribution || citetitle; ; _buf << ("
".freeze); ; if citetitle; ; _buf << ("".freeze); _buf << ((citetitle).to_s); ; _buf << ("".freeze); end; if attribution; ; if citetitle; ; _buf << ("
".freeze); ; end; _buf << ("— ".freeze); _buf << ((attribution).to_s); ; end; _buf << ("
".freeze); end; _buf << ("".freeze); _buf end end def inline_indexterm(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; if @type == :visible; ; _buf << ((@text).to_s); ; end; _buf end end def pass(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; _buf << ((content).to_s); ; _buf end end def table(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; if title?; ; _buf << ("".freeze); _buf << ((captioned_title).to_s); ; _buf << ("".freeze); end; unless (attr :rowcount).zero?; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; if option? 'autowidth'; ; @columns.each do; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; end; else; ; @columns.each do |col|; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; end; end; _buf << ("".freeze); [:head, :foot, :body].select {|tblsec| !@rows[tblsec].empty? }.each do |tblsec|; ; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; @rows[tblsec].each do |row|; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; row.each do |cell|; ; ; if tblsec == :head; ; cell_content = cell.text; ; else; ; case cell.style; ; when :literal; ; cell_content = cell.text; ; else; ; cell_content = cell.content; ; end; end; _slim_controls1 = html_tag(tblsec == :head || cell.style == :header ? 'th' : 'td', :class=>['tableblock', "halign-#{cell.attr :halign}", "valign-#{cell.attr :valign}"], :colspan=>cell.colspan, :rowspan=>cell.rowspan, :style=>((@document.attr? :cellbgcolor) ? %(background-color:#{@document.attr :cellbgcolor};) : nil)) do; _slim_controls2 = ''; ; if tblsec == :head; ; _slim_controls2 << ((cell_content).to_s); ; else; ; case cell.style; ; when :asciidoc; ; _slim_controls2 << ("
".freeze); _slim_controls2 << ((cell_content).to_s); ; _slim_controls2 << ("
".freeze); when :literal; ; _slim_controls2 << ("
".freeze); _slim_controls2 << ((cell_content).to_s); 
      ; _slim_controls2 << ("
".freeze); when :header; ; cell_content.each do |text|; ; _slim_controls2 << ("

".freeze); _slim_controls2 << ((text).to_s); ; _slim_controls2 << ("

".freeze); end; else; ; cell_content.each do |text|; ; _slim_controls2 << ("

".freeze); _slim_controls2 << ((text).to_s); ; _slim_controls2 << ("

".freeze); end; end; end; _slim_controls2; end; _buf << ((_slim_controls1).to_s); end; _buf << ("".freeze); end; end; end; _buf << ("".freeze); _buf end end def document(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; _buf << ("".freeze); ; ; ; if RUBY_ENGINE == 'opal' && JAVASCRIPT_PLATFORM == 'node'; ; revealjsdir = (attr :revealjsdir, 'node_modules/reveal.js'); ; else; ; revealjsdir = (attr :revealjsdir, 'reveal.js'); ; end; unless (asset_uri_scheme = (attr 'asset-uri-scheme', 'https')).empty?; ; asset_uri_scheme = %(#{asset_uri_scheme}:); ; end; cdn_base = %(#{asset_uri_scheme}//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs); ; [:description, :keywords, :author, :copyright].each do |key|; ; if attr? key; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; end; end; _buf << ("".freeze); _buf << (((doctitle sanitize: true, use_fallback: true)).to_s); ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; ; if attr? :revealjs_customtheme; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; else; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; end; _buf << ("".freeze); ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; if attr? :icons, 'font'; ; if attr? 'iconfont-remote'; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; else; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; end; end; if attr? :stem; ; eqnums_val = (attr 'eqnums', 'none'); ; eqnums_val = 'AMS' if eqnums_val == ''; ; eqnums_opt = %( equationNumbers: { autoNumber: "#{eqnums_val}" } ); ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; end; case document.attr 'source-highlighter'; ; when 'coderay'; ; if (attr 'coderay-css', 'class') == 'class'; ; if @safe >= Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SECURE || (attr? :linkcss); ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; else; ; _buf << ("".freeze); end; end; when 'pygments'; ; if (attr 'pygments-css', 'class') == 'class'; ; if @safe >= Asciidoctor::SafeMode::SECURE || (attr? :linkcss); ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; else; ; _buf << ("".freeze); end; end; ; end; if attr? 'highlightjs-theme'; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; else; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; ; end; _buf << ("".freeze); ; unless (docinfo_content = docinfo :header, '.html').empty?; ; _buf << ((docinfo_content).to_s); ; end; if attr? :customcss; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; end; _buf << ("
".freeze); ; ; ; ; unless notitle || !has_header?; ; bg_image = (attr? 'title-slide-background-image') ? (image_uri(attr 'title-slide-background-image')) : nil; ; bg_video = (attr? 'title-slide-background-video') ? (media_uri(attr 'title-slide-background-video')) : nil; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; if (_title_obj = doctitle partition: true, use_fallback: true).subtitle?; ; _buf << ("

".freeze); _buf << ((slice_text _title_obj.title, (_slice = header.option? :slice)).to_s); ; _buf << ("

".freeze); _buf << ((slice_text _title_obj.subtitle, _slice).to_s); ; _buf << ("

".freeze); else; ; _buf << ("

".freeze); _buf << ((@header.title).to_s); ; _buf << ("

".freeze); end; preamble = @document.find_by context: :preamble; ; unless preamble.nil? or preamble.length == 0; ; _buf << ("
".freeze); _buf << ((preamble.pop.content).to_s); ; _buf << ("
".freeze); end; unless author.nil?; ; _buf << ("

".freeze); _buf << ((author).to_s); ; _buf << ("

".freeze); end; _buf << ("".freeze); end; _buf << ((content).to_s); ; _buf << ("
".freeze); ; ; unless (docinfo_content = (docinfo :footer, '.html')).empty?; ; _buf << ((docinfo_content).to_s); ; end; _buf << ("".freeze); _buf end end def inline_callout(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; if @document.attr? :icons, 'font'; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; _buf << (("(#{@text})").to_s); ; _buf << ("".freeze); elsif @document.attr? :icons; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; else; ; _buf << ("".freeze); _buf << (("(#{@text})").to_s); ; _buf << ("".freeze); end; _buf end end def notes(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; _buf << ("".freeze); _buf end end def inline_image(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; _buf << ("".freeze); ; if @type == 'icon' && (@document.attr? :icons, 'font'); ; style_class = ["fa fa-#{@target}"]; ; style_class << "fa-#{attr :size}" if attr? :size; ; style_class << "fa-rotate-#{attr :rotate}" if attr? :rotate; ; style_class << "fa-flip-#{attr :flip}" if attr? :flip; ; if attr? :link; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; else; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; end; elsif @type == 'icon' && !(@document.attr? :icons); ; if attr? :link; ; _buf << ("[".freeze); ; _buf << ((attr :alt).to_s); _buf << ("]".freeze); ; else; ; _buf << ("[".freeze); _buf << ((attr :alt).to_s); _buf << ("]".freeze); ; end; else; ; src = (@type == 'icon' ? (icon_uri @target) : (image_uri @target)); ; if attr? :link; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; else; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; end; end; _buf << ("".freeze); _buf end end def video(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; ; ; no_stretch = ((attr? :width) || (attr? :height)); ; width = (attr? :width) ? (attr :width) : "100%"; ; height = (attr? :height) ? (attr :height) : "100%"; ; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; if title?; ; _buf << ("
".freeze); _buf << ((captioned_title).to_s); ; _buf << ("
".freeze); end; case attr :poster; ; when 'vimeo'; ; unless (asset_uri_scheme = (attr :asset_uri_scheme, 'https')).empty?; ; asset_uri_scheme = %(#{asset_uri_scheme}:); ; end; start_anchor = (attr? :start) ? "#at=#{attr :start}" : nil; ; delimiter = '?'; ; loop_param = (option? 'loop') ? "#{delimiter}loop=1" : nil; ; src = %(#{asset_uri_scheme}//player.vimeo.com/video/#{attr :target}#{start_anchor}#{loop_param}); ; ; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; ; ; when 'youtube'; ; unless (asset_uri_scheme = (attr :asset_uri_scheme, 'https')).empty?; ; asset_uri_scheme = %(#{asset_uri_scheme}:); ; end; params = ['rel=0']; ; params << "start=#{attr :start}" if attr? :start; ; params << "end=#{attr :end}" if attr? :end; ; params << "loop=1" if option? 'loop'; ; params << "controls=0" if option? 'nocontrols'; ; src = %(#{asset_uri_scheme}//www.youtube.com/embed/#{attr :target}?#{params * '&'}); ; ; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; else; ; ; ; ; _buf << ("Your browser does not support the video tag.".freeze); ; ; end; _buf << ("".freeze); _buf end end def literal(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; _buf << ("".freeze); ; if title?; ; _buf << ("
".freeze); _buf << ((title).to_s); ; _buf << ("
".freeze); end; _buf << ("
".freeze); _buf << ((content).to_s); ; _buf << ("
".freeze); _buf end end def floating_title(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; _slim_htag_filter1 = ((level + 1)).to_s; _buf << ("".freeze); ; _buf << ((title).to_s); ; _buf << ("".freeze); _buf end end def embedded(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; unless notitle || !has_header?; ; _buf << ("".freeze); _buf << ((@header.title).to_s); ; _buf << ("".freeze); end; _buf << ((content).to_s); ; unless !footnotes? || attr?(:nofootnotes); ; _buf << ("

".freeze); ; ; footnotes.each do |fn|; ; _buf << ("
".freeze); _buf << ((fn.index).to_s); _buf << (". ".freeze); _buf << ((fn.text).to_s); ; _buf << ("
".freeze); end; _buf << ("
".freeze); end; _buf end end def sidebar(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; if (has_role? 'aside') or (has_role? 'speaker') or (has_role? 'notes'); ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; else; ; _buf << ("
".freeze); ; ; if title?; ; _buf << ("
".freeze); _buf << ((title).to_s); ; _buf << ("
".freeze); end; _buf << ((content).to_s); ; _buf << ("
".freeze); end; _buf end end def outline(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; unless sections.empty?; ; toclevels ||= (document.attr 'toclevels', DEFAULT_TOCLEVELS).to_i; ; slevel = section_level sections.first; ; _buf << ("
    ".freeze); ; sections.each do |sec|; ; _buf << ("
  1. ".freeze); _buf << ((section_title sec).to_s); ; _buf << ("".freeze); if (sec.level < toclevels) && (child_toc = converter.convert sec, 'outline'); ; _buf << ((child_toc).to_s); ; end; _buf << ("
  2. ".freeze); end; _buf << ("
".freeze); end; _buf end end def listing(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; if title?; ; _buf << ("
".freeze); _buf << ((captioned_title).to_s); ; _buf << ("
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".freeze); ; ; unless hide_title; ; _buf << ("

".freeze); _buf << ((title).to_s); ; _buf << ("

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".freeze); vertical_slides.each do |subsection|; ; _buf << ((subsection.convert).to_s); ; ; end; _buf << ("".freeze); ; else; ; if @level >= 3; ; ; _slim_htag_filter1 = ((@level)).to_s; _buf << ("".freeze); _buf << ((title).to_s); ; _buf << ("".freeze); _buf << ((content.chomp).to_s); ; else; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; ; unless hide_title; ; _buf << ("

".freeze); _buf << ((title).to_s); ; _buf << ("

".freeze); end; _buf << ((content.chomp).to_s); ; _buf << ("".freeze); end; end; _buf end end def example(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; _buf << ("".freeze); ; if title?; ; _buf << ("
".freeze); _buf << ((captioned_title).to_s); ; _buf << ("
".freeze); end; _buf << ("
".freeze); _buf << ((content).to_s); ; _buf << ("
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".freeze); _buf << ((captioned_title).to_s); ; _buf << ("
".freeze); end; _buf << ("
Your browser does not support the audio tag.
".freeze); ; ; _buf end end def stem(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; open, close = Asciidoctor::BLOCK_MATH_DELIMITERS[@style.to_sym]; ; equation = content.strip; ; if (@subs.nil? || @subs.empty?) && !(attr? 'subs'); ; equation = sub_specialcharacters equation; ; end; unless (equation.start_with? open) && (equation.end_with? close); ; equation = %(#{open}#{equation}#{close}); ; end; _buf << ("".freeze); ; if title?; ; _buf << ("
".freeze); _buf << ((title).to_s); ; _buf << ("
".freeze); end; _buf << ("
".freeze); _buf << ((equation).to_s); ; _buf << ("
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".freeze); _buf << ((title).to_s); ; _buf << ("
".freeze); end; _buf << ("".freeze); ; items.each do |item|; ; _buf << ("

".freeze); ; _buf << ((item.text).to_s); ; _buf << ("

".freeze); if item.blocks?; ; _buf << ((item.content).to_s); ; end; _buf << ("".freeze); end; _buf << ("".freeze); _buf end end def inline_anchor(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; case @type; ; when :xref; ; refid = (attr :refid) || @target; ; _buf << ("".freeze); _buf << (((@text || @document.references[:ids].fetch(refid, "[#{refid}]")).tr_s("\n", ' ')).to_s); ; _buf << ("".freeze); when :ref; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; when :bibref; ; _buf << ("[".freeze); ; _buf << ((@target).to_s); _buf << ("]".freeze); ; else; ; _buf << ("".freeze); _buf << ((@text).to_s); ; _buf << ("".freeze); end; _buf end end def admonition(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; if (has_role? 'aside') or (has_role? 'speaker') or (has_role? 'notes'); ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; else; ; _buf << ("
".freeze); ; ; ; if @document.attr? :icons, 'font'; ; icon_mapping = Hash['caution', 'fire', 'important', 'exclamation-circle', 'note', 'info-circle', 'tip', 'lightbulb-o', 'warning', 'warning']; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; elsif @document.attr? :icons; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; else; ; _buf << ("
".freeze); _buf << (((attr :textlabel) || @caption).to_s); ; _buf << ("
".freeze); end; _buf << ("
".freeze); ; if title?; ; _buf << ("
".freeze); _buf << ((title).to_s); ; _buf << ("
".freeze); end; _buf << ((content).to_s); ; _buf << ("
".freeze); end; _buf end end def inline_quoted(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; unless @id.nil?; ; _buf << ("".freeze); ; end; case @type; ; when :emphasis; ; _buf << ("".freeze); _buf << ((@text).to_s); ; _buf << ("".freeze); when :strong; ; _buf << ("".freeze); _buf << ((@text).to_s); ; _buf << ("".freeze); when :monospaced; ; _buf << ("".freeze); _buf << ((@text).to_s); ; _buf << ("".freeze); when :superscript; ; _buf << ("".freeze); _buf << ((@text).to_s); ; _buf << ("".freeze); when :subscript; ; _buf << ("".freeze); _buf << ((@text).to_s); ; _buf << ("".freeze); when :double; ; _buf << ((role? ? %(“#{@text}”) : %(“#{@text}”)).to_s); ; when :single; ; _buf << ((role? ? %(‘#{@text}’) : %(‘#{@text}’)).to_s); ; when :asciimath, :latexmath; ; open, close = Asciidoctor::INLINE_MATH_DELIMITERS[@type]; ; _buf << ((open).to_s); _buf << ((@text).to_s); _buf << ((close).to_s); ; else; ; _buf << ((role? ? %(#{@text}) : @text).to_s); ; end; _buf end end def ulist(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; if (checklist = (option? :checklist) ? 'checklist' : nil); ; if option? :interactive; ; marker_checked = ''; ; marker_unchecked = ''; ; else; ; if @document.attr? :icons, 'font'; ; marker_checked = ''; ; marker_unchecked = ''; ; else; ; ; marker_checked = ''; ; marker_unchecked = ''; ; end; end; end; _buf << ("".freeze); ; if title?; ; _buf << ("
".freeze); _buf << ((title).to_s); ; _buf << ("
".freeze); end; _buf << ("".freeze); ; items.each do |item|; ; _buf << ("

".freeze); ; ; if checklist && (item.attr? :checkbox); ; _buf << ((%(#{(item.attr? :checked) ? marker_checked : marker_unchecked}#{item.text})).to_s); ; else; ; _buf << ((item.text).to_s); ; end; _buf << ("

".freeze); if item.blocks?; ; _buf << ((item.content).to_s); ; end; _buf << ("".freeze); end; _buf << ("".freeze); _buf end end def ruler(node, opts = {}) node.extend(Helpers) node.instance_eval do converter.set_local_variables(binding, opts) unless opts.empty? _buf = ''; _buf << ("
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".freeze); _buf << ((title).to_s); ; _buf << ("
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".freeze); else; ; _buf << ("
    ".freeze); ; items.each do |item|; ; _buf << ("
  1. ".freeze); _buf << ((item.text).to_s); ; _buf << ("

  2. ".freeze); end; _buf << ("
".freeze); end; _buf << ("".freeze); _buf end end #------------------ End of generated transformation methods ------------------# def set_local_variables(binding, vars) vars.each do |key, val| binding.local_variable_set(key.to_sym, val) end end end