# Developing the plugin
## Developing
* Install Bundler gem: `gem install bundler`
* Install dependencies: `bundle install`
* Write tests and production code!
* Bump version: edit version file `version.rb`
* Run tests: `bundle exec rspec`
* Build the gem: `gem build newrelic-fluentd-output.gemspec`
**NOTE**: Be mindful that using `log.info` in the plugin causes an unintended Sorcerer's
Apprentice Syndrome style bug where exponentially larger copies of log messages are sent until the
td-agent is unloaded. Super weird, but now you know.
## Testing on MacOS
### Install Fluentd
* `brew cask install td-agent`
### Configure Fluentd
* `sudo vi /etc/td-agent/td-agent.conf`
* Add the following:
@type newrelic
api_key (your-api-key)
@type tail
format none
path /usr/local/var/log/test.log
tag test
### Testing plugin
* Stop Fluentd: `sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/td-agent.plist`
* Remove previous version: `sudo /opt/td-agent/usr/sbin/td-agent-gem uninstall fluent-plugin-newrelic`
* Add new version: `sudo /opt/td-agent/usr/sbin/td-agent-gem install fluent-plugin-newrelic-.gem`
* Start Fluentd: `sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/td-agent.plist`
* Make sure things start up OK: `tail -f /var/log/td-agent/td-agent.log`
* Cause a change that you've configured Fluentd to pick up: (`echo "FluentdTest" >> /usr/local/var/log/test.log`
* Look in `https://one.newrelic.com/launcher/logger.log-launcher` for your log message ("FluentdTest")
## Pushing changes to the public repo
After updating the New Relic repo with changes, changes will need to be pushed to the public GitHub repo
at: https://github.com/newrelic/newrelic-fluentd-output
Make sure you have the public set up as a remote called `public`:
git remote add public git@github.com:newrelic/newrelic-fluentd-output.git
git checkout --orphan single-commit-for-public-sync && \
# Remove things we don't want sent to the public-sync repo \
rm grandcentral.yml DEVELOPER.md && \
# Create a single commit and force push it, overwriting the remote master \
git commit -am "Mirrored commit" && \
git push --force public single-commit-for-public-sync:master && \
# Clean up \
git checkout master && \
git branch -D single-commit-for-public-sync
# Push changes to RubyGems
After updating the source code and gem version in `version.rb`, push the changes to RubyGems.
Note, you must be a gem owner to publish changes on [RubyGems.org](https://rubygems.org/profiles/NR-LOGGING)
* Build the gem: `gem build newrelic-fluentd-output.gemspec`
* Publish the gem: `gem push fluent-plugin-newrelic-.gem`
with the updated version (example: `gem push fluent-plugin-newrelic-0.2.2.gem`)