# encoding: utf-8 module Mongoid #:nodoc: # Include this module to get automatic versioning of root level documents. # This will add a version field to the +Document+ and a has_many association # with all the versions contained in it. module Versioning extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do field :version, :type => Integer, :default => 1 embeds_many \ :versions, :class_name => self.name, :validate => false, :cyclic => true, :inverse_of => nil, :versioned => true set_callback :save, :before, :revise, :if => :revisable? class_attribute :version_max self.cyclic = true end # Create a new version of the +Document+. This will load the previous # document from the database and set it as the next version before saving # the current document. It then increments the version number. If a #max_versions # limit is set in the model and it's exceeded, the oldest version gets discarded. # # @example Revise the document. # person.revise # # @since 1.0.0 def revise previous = previous_revision if previous && versioned_attributes_changed? versions.build( previous.versioned_attributes, :without_protection => true ).attributes.delete("_id") if version_max.present? && versions.length > version_max versions.delete(versions.first) end self.version = (version || 1 ) + 1 end end # Forces the creation of a new version of the +Document+, regardless of # whether a change was actually made. # # @example Revise the document. # person.revise! # # @since 2.2.1 def revise! new_version = versions.build( (previous_revision || self).versioned_attributes, :without_protection => true ) versions.shift if version_max.present? && versions.length > version_max self.version = (version || 1 ) + 1 save end # Filters the results of +changes+ by removing any fields that should # not be versioned. # # @return [ Hash ] A hash of versioned changed attributes. # # @since 2.1.0 def versioned_changes only_versioned_attributes(changes) end # Filters the results of +attributes+ by removing any fields that should # not be versioned. # # @return [ Hash ] A hash of versioned attributes. # # @since 2.1.0 def versioned_attributes only_versioned_attributes(attributes) end # Check if any versioned fields have been modified. This is similar # to +changed?+, except this method also ignores fields set to be # ignored by versioning. # # @return [ Boolean ] Whether fields that will be versioned have changed. # # @since 2.1.0 def versioned_attributes_changed? !versioned_changes.empty? end # Executes a block that temporarily disables versioning. This is for cases # where you do not want to version on every save. # # @example Execute a save without versioning. # person.versionless(&:save) # # @return [ Object ] The document or result of the block execution. # # @since 2.0.0 def versionless @versionless = true result = yield(self) if block_given? @versionless = false result || self end private # Find the previous version of this document in the database, or if the # document had been saved without versioning return the persisted one. # # @example Find the last version. # document.find_last_version # # @return [ Document, nil ] The previously saved document. # # @since 2.0.0 def previous_revision _loading_revision do self.class. where(:_id => id). any_of({ :version => version }, { :version => nil }).first end end # Is the document able to be revised? This is true if the document has # changed and we have not explicitly told it not to version. # # @example Is the document revisable? # document.revisable? # # @return [ true, false ] If the document is revisable. # # @since 2.0.0 def revisable? versioned_attributes_changed? && !versionless? end # Are we in versionless mode? This is true if in a versionless block on the # document. # # @example Is the document in versionless mode? # document.versionless? # # @return [ true, false ] Is the document not currently versioning. # # @since 2.0.0 def versionless? !!@versionless end # Filters fields that should not be versioned out of an attributes hash. # Dynamic attributes are always versioned. # # @param [ Hash ] A hash with field names as keys. # # @return [ Hash ] The hash without non-versioned columns. # # @since 2.1.0 def only_versioned_attributes(hash) {}.tap do |versioned| hash.except("versions").each_pair do |name, value| field = fields[name] versioned[name] = value if !field || field.versioned? end end end module ClassMethods #:nodoc: # Sets the maximum number of versions to store. # # @example Set the maximum. # Person.max_versions(5) # # @param [ Integer ] number The maximum number to store. # # @return [ Integer ] The max number of versions. def max_versions(number) self.version_max = number.to_i end end end end