$stdout.sync = true require 'rubygems' require 'bundler' require 'bundler/setup' ENV['RACK_ENV'] ||= ENV['RAILS_ENV'].present? ? ENV['RAILS_ENV'] : 'development' Bundler.require :default, (ENV['RACK_ENV'] || 'development').to_sym class SinatraApp < Sinatra::Base use Rack::Config do |env| env["action_dispatch.parameter_filter"] = [:password] # This is highly recommended. It will prevent the ExceptionNotification email from including your users' passwords end use ExceptionNotification::Rack, :asana => { asana_api_key: ENV['ASANA_API_KEY'], workspace: ENV['ASANA_WORKSPACE_ID'], assignee: 'me', assignee_status: 'today', # 'today' due_at: Time.now.iso8601, due_on: nil, hearted: false, hearts: [], projects: [], followers: [], memberships: [], tags: [], name: nil, notes: '', template_path: nil } get '/' do raise StandardError, "ERROR: #{params[:error]}" unless params[:error].blank? 'Everything is fine! Now, lets break things clicking here . Dont forget to see the asana tasks at Asana !' end get '/background_notification' do begin 1/0 rescue Exception => exception ExceptionNotifier.notify_exception(exception, :data => {:msg => "Cannot divide by zero!"}) end 'Check notification at Asana.' end end