## 2.0.0 * Use Docker `top` and `port` instead of `inspect` * Don't create the kitchen user if it already exists * Docker container capabilities options: cap_add, cap_drop * Docker security profile option (SELinux/AppArmor): security_opt * wait_for_sshd option (boolean) * Create `/etc/sudoers.d` if missing * Fixed option deprecation warnings, require Docker >= 1.2 ## 1.7.0 * Ensure a container id is set before attempting to inspect a container ## 1.6.0 * `publish_all` option to publish all ports to the host interface * `instance_name` option to name the docker container * `links` option to link suite instance docker containers * `socket` option will now default to ENV `DOCKER_HOST` if set * Fixed verify dependencies output redirection * Added `fedora` to platform names * Support for `gentoo` and `gentoo-paludis` platforms * Adding sudo rule to `/etc/sudoers.d/#{username}` in addition to `/etc/sudoers`