# Feedzirra Changelog ## 0.5.0 * General * Lots of README cleanup * Remove pending specs * Rewrite benchmarks and move them out of the spec folder * Upgrade to latest Rspec * Enhancements * Allow spaces in rss tag when checking parse-ability [[#127][]] * Compare `entry_id` and `url` for finding new entries [[#195][]] * Add closed captioned and order tags for iTunesRSSItem [[#160][]] [#127]: https://github.com/pauldix/feedzirra/pull/127 [#160]: https://github.com/pauldix/feedzirra/pull/160 [#195]: https://github.com/pauldix/feedzirra/pull/195 ## 0.4.0 * Enhancements * Raise when parser invokes its failure callback [[#159][]] * Add PubSubHubbub hub urls as feed element [[#138][]] * Add support for iTunes image in iTunes RSS item [[#164][]] * Bug fixes * Use curb callbacks rather than response codes [[#161][]] [#138]: https://github.com/pauldix/feedzirra/pull/138 [#159]: https://github.com/pauldix/feedzirra/issues/159 [#161]: https://github.com/pauldix/feedzirra/pull/161 [#164]: https://github.com/pauldix/feedzirra/pull/164 ## 0.3.0 * General * Add CodeClimate badge [[#192][]] * Enhancements * CURL SSL Version option [[#156][]] * Cookie support for Curb [[#98][]] * Deprecations * For `ITunesRSSItem`, use `id` instead of `guid` [[#169][]] [#98]: https://github.com/pauldix/feedzirra/pull/98 [#156]: https://github.com/pauldix/feedzirra/pull/156 [#169]: https://github.com/pauldix/feedzirra/pull/169 [#192]: https://github.com/pauldix/feedzirra/pull/192 ## 0.2.2 * General * Switch to CHANGELOG * Set LICENSE in gemspec * Lots of whitespace cleaning * README updates * Enhancements * Also use dc:identifier for `entry_id` [[#182][]] * Bug fixes * Don't try to sanitize non-existent elements [[#174][]] * Fix Rspec deprecations [[#188][]] * Fix Travis [[#191][]] [#174]: https://github.com/pauldix/feedzirra/pull/174 [#182]: https://github.com/pauldix/feedzirra/pull/182 [#188]: https://github.com/pauldix/feedzirra/pull/188 [#191]: https://github.com/pauldix/feedzirra/pull/191 ## 0.2.1 * Use `Time.parse_safely` in `Feed.last_modified_from_header` [[#129][]]. * Added image to the RSS Entry Parser [[#103][]]. * Compatibility fixes for Ruby 2.0 [[#136][]]. * Remove gorillib dependency [[#113][]]. [#103]: https://github.com/pauldix/feedzirra/pull/103 [#113]: https://github.com/pauldix/feedzirra/pull/113 [#129]: https://github.com/pauldix/feedzirra/pull/129 [#136]: https://github.com/pauldix/feedzirra/pull/136 ## 0.2.0.rc2 * Bump sax-machine to `v0.2.0.rc1`, fixes encoding issues [[#76][]]. [#76]: https://github.com/pauldix/feedzirra/issues/76 ## 0.2.0.rc1 * Remove ActiveSupport dependency * No longer tethered to any version of Rails! * Update curb (v0.8.0) and rspec (v2.10.0) * Revert [3008ceb][] * Add Travis-CI integration * General repository and gem maintenance [3008ceb]: https://github.com/pauldix/feedzirra/commit/3008ceb338df1f4c37a211d0aab8a6ad4f584dbc ## 0.1.3 * ? ## 0.1.2 * ? ## 0.1.1 * make FeedEntries enumerable (patch by Daniel Gregoire) ## 0.1.0 * lower builder requirement to make it rails-3 friendly