Feature: Filtering Background: Given I generate 100 users Scenario: Filtering by text_field Given I am on the list of users page When I fill in "Name" with "user001" And I press "Apply changes" Then I should see "user001" And the "Name" field should contain "user001" And I should see "1 of 1" Scenario: Filtering by select Given I am on the list of users page When I select "Admin" from "Role" And I press "Apply changes" Then I should see "admin001" And "Admin" should be selected for "Role" And I should see "1 of 1" Scenario: Filtering by checkox Given I am on the list of users page When I check "Banned" And I press "Apply changes" Then the "Banned" checkbox should be checked And I should see "user101" And I should see "1 of 1" # Scenario: Reset filter # Given I am on the list of users page # When I fill in "Name" with "user001" # And I select "Admin" from "Role" # And I check "Banned" # And I press "Apply changes" # Then the "Name" field should contain "user001" # And "Admin" should be selected for "Role" # And the "Banned" checkbox should be checked # When I press "Reset changes" # Then the "Name" field should contain "" # And nothing should be selected for "Role" # And the "Banned" checkbox should not be checked