define("dojox/io/xhrWindowNamePlugin", [ "dojo/_base/kernel", "dojo/_base/json", "dojo/_base/xhr", "dojox/io/xhrPlugins", "dojox/io/windowName", "dojox/io/httpParse", "dojox/secure/capability" ], function(dojo, json, xhr, xhrPlugins, windowName, httpParse, capability){ dojo.getObject("io.xhrWindowNamePlugin", true, dojox); = function(/*String*/url, /*Function?*/httpAdapter, /*Boolean?*/trusted){ // summary: // Adds the windowName transport as an XHR plugin for the given site. See // for more information on the transport. // url: // Url prefix of the site which can handle windowName requests. // httpAdapter: // This allows for adapting HTTP requests that could not otherwise be // sent with, so you can use a convention for headers and PUT/DELETE methods. xhrPlugins.register( "windowName", function(method,args){ return args.sync !== true && (method == "GET" || method == "POST" || httpAdapter) && (args.url.substring(0,url.length) == url); }, function(method,args,hasBody){ var send = windowName.send; var load = args.load; args.load = undefined; //we don't want send to set this callback var dfd = (httpAdapter ? httpAdapter(send, true) : send)(method, args, hasBody); // use the windowName transport dfd.addCallback(function(result){ var ioArgs = dfd.ioArgs; ioArgs.xhr = { getResponseHeader: function(name){ // convert the hash to an object to act like response headers return dojo.queryToObject(ioArgs.hash.match(/[^#]*$/)[0])[name]; } }; // use the XHR content handlers for handling if(ioArgs.handleAs == 'json'){ // use a secure json verifier, using object capability validator for now if(!trusted){ capability.validate(result,["Date"],{}); } return dojo.fromJson(result); } return dojo._contentHandlers[ioArgs.handleAs || "text"]({responseText:result}); }); args.load = load; if(load){ dfd.addCallback(load); } return dfd; } ); }; return; });