//forEach Polyfill, Reference: https://goo.gl/hFIfSd if (!Array.prototype.forEach) { Array.prototype.forEach = function(callback, thisArg) { var T, k; if (this === null || this === undefined) { throw new TypeError(' this is null or not defined'); } var O = Object(this); var len = O.length >>> 0; if ( typeof callback !== "function") { throw new TypeError(callback + ' is not a function'); } if (arguments.length > 1) { T = thisArg; } k = 0; while (k < len) { var kValue; if ( k in O) { kValue = O[k]; callback.call(T, kValue, k, O); } k++; } }; } // open detail panel in the document function openDetail(evt) { var href = evt.target.getAttribute("href"); href = href.slice(1); if(window.location !== window.parent.location){ evt.preventDefault(); var el = document.getElementById(href); window.scrollTo(0, el.offsetTop); } var parentNode = document.getElementById(href).parentNode; parentNode.open = true; } // open all detail panels in the document function openAllDetails(evt) { if(window.location !== window.parent.location){ evt.preventDefault(); } var arr = document.getElementsByTagName("details"); var len = arr.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { arr[i].open = true; } } // close all detail panels in the document function closeAllDetails(evt) { if(window.location !== window.parent.location){ evt.preventDefault(); } var arr = document.getElementsByTagName("details"); var len = arr.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { arr[i].open = false; } } // add event listeners to all anchor buttons in the sideNav var navBtnList = document.querySelectorAll('a.navBtn'); var navBtnArray = Array.prototype.slice.call(navBtnList); navBtnArray.forEach(function(btn, btnIdx, btnArr) { var href = btn.getAttribute("href").slice(1); var target = document.getElementById(href); //hide button if target is not present if(target) { btn.addEventListener("click", openDetail, false); } else { btn.style.display = 'none'; } }); // add event listener to openAllButton var elOpen = document.getElementById("openAllButton"); elOpen.addEventListener("click", openAllDetails, false); // add event listener to closeAllButton var elClose = document.getElementById("closeAllButton"); elClose.addEventListener("click", closeAllDetails, false); //replace top links in inframes if(window.location !== window.parent.location){ // add event listeners to all "top" links var topList = document.querySelectorAll("a[href='#']"); var topArray = Array.prototype.slice.call(topList); topArray.forEach(function(a) { a.addEventListener("click", function(evt) { evt.preventDefault(); window.scrollTo(0,0); }, false); }); } if ( typeof L === "object") { (function() { var westBound; var eastBound; var coordsToLatLng = function(coords) { // if computed bounding box spans the antimeridian // add 360 to negative longitudes var longitude = coords[0]; if (westBound >= 0 && eastBound < 0) { if (longitude < 0) { longitude += 360; } } var latitude = coords[1]; return L.latLng(latitude, longitude); }; var bbox2Poly = function(bbox) { var bboxJson = JSON.parse(bbox.textContent || bbox.innerText); var sw = [ bboxJson.westLongitude, bboxJson.southLatitude ]; var nw = [ bboxJson.westLongitude, bboxJson.northLatitude ]; var ne = [ bboxJson.eastLongitude, bboxJson.northLatitude ]; var se = [ bboxJson.eastLongitude, bboxJson.southLatitude ]; var coords = []; coords.push(sw); coords.push(nw); coords.push(ne); coords.push(se); var bboxCoods = []; bboxCoods.push(coords); return bboxCoods; }; // collect all geographicExtents sections in document var geoExtentNodeList = document.querySelectorAll('section.extent-geographic'); var geoExtents = Array.prototype.slice.call(geoExtentNodeList); var check = function(i, me, bnds) { if (i < 3) { var resize = me.getSize().x === 0 && me.getContainer().offsetWidth > 0; me.invalidateSize(); if (resize) { me.fitBounds(bnds); } else { i++; setTimeout(function() { check(i, me, bnds); }, 100); } } }; geoExtents.forEach(function(geoExtent, idx, arr) { // instantiate a leaflet map in the map div var map = L.map(geoExtent.querySelector('div.map'), {noWrap: true}); // get a pointer to the map header switch var header = geoExtent.querySelector('summary.map-summary'); // get the GeoJSON from the geojson div var geoJsonDiv = geoExtent.querySelector('div.geojson'); var geojson = JSON.parse(geoJsonDiv.textContent || geoJsonDiv.innerText); // get the user provided bounding box for the extent - if any var userBBox = geoExtent.querySelector('div.userBBox'); if (userBBox) { var userCoords = bbox2Poly(userBBox); var newUserBBox = { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": userCoords }, "properties": { "style": { "color": '#f00', "fill": false }, "featureName": [ "User BBOX" ] } }; geojson.push(newUserBBox); } // get the computed bounding box for the extent - always one var computedBBox = geoExtent.querySelector('div.computedBBox'); if (computedBBox) { var compCoords = bbox2Poly(computedBBox); var newCompBBox = { "type": "Feature", "geometry": { "type": "Polygon", "coordinates": compCoords }, "properties": { "style": { "color": '#0f0', "fill": false }, "featureName": [ "Computed BBOX" ] } }; geojson.push(newCompBBox); westBound = compCoords[0][0][0]; eastBound = compCoords[0][2][0]; } var pointCnt = 0; var lineStringCnt = 0; var polygonCnt = 0; var geoCollectCnt = 0; var featureCnt = 0; geojson.forEach(function(geo, geoIdx, geoArr) { // make sure each geo has a properties object if (!geo.properties) { geo.properties = {}; } // add popup information if (geo.type === "Point") { pointCnt += 1; geo.properties.popup = "Point " + pointCnt; } if (geo.type === 'LineString') { lineStringCnt += 1; geo.properties.popup = "LineString " + lineStringCnt; } if (geo.type === 'Polygon') { polygonCnt += 1; geo.properties.popup = "Polygon " + polygonCnt; } if (geo.type === 'GeometryCollection') { geoCollectCnt += 1; geo.properties.popup = "Geometry Collection " + geoCollectCnt; // popup can't find properties on collection objects // placed popup on geometry collection instead // geo.geometries.forEach(function (geoG, geoGIdx, geoGArr) { // geoG.properties = {}; // geoG.properties.popup = "Geometry Collection " + geoCollectCnt + " " + geoG.type; // }); } if (geo.type === 'Feature') { featureCnt += 1; var featureName; if (geo.properties.featureName !== undefined) { featureName = geo.properties.featureName[0] || geo.id || geo.geometry.type; } else featureName = geo.id || "Feature " + featureCnt + " " + geo.geometry.type; geo.properties.popup = featureName; } if (geo.type === 'FeatureCollection') { geo.features.forEach(function (geoF, geoFIdx, geoFArr) { featureCnt += 1; var featureName; if (geoF.properties.featureName !== undefined) { featureName = geoF.properties.featureName[0] || geoF.id || geoF.geometry.type; } else featureName = geoF.id || "Feature " + featureCnt + " " + geoF.geometry.type; geoF.properties.popup = featureName; }); } }); var geoLayer = L.geoJSON(geojson, { style: function(feature) { return feature.properties.style || {}; }, coordsToLatLng: coordsToLatLng, onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) { layer.bindPopup(feature.properties.popup,{ closeButton: true }); } }).addTo(map); var bnds = geoLayer.getBounds(); map.fitBounds(bnds); L.DomEvent.addListener(header, 'click', function() { var me = this; var i = 0; setTimeout(function() { check(i, me, bnds); }, 100); }, map); L.DomEvent.addListener(L.DomUtil.get('openAllButton'), 'click', function() { var me = this; var i = 0; setTimeout(function() { check(i, me, bnds); }, 100); }, map); // map.addLayer(new L.TileLayer.OSM()); var stamen = new L.StamenTileLayer("terrain"); map.addLayer(stamen); }); })(); }