#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w # encoding: UTF-8 # # = FitFile.rb -- Fit4Ruby - FIT file processing library for Ruby # # Copyright (c) 2014 by Chris Schlaeger # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # require 'fit4ruby/Log' require 'fit4ruby/FitHeader' require 'fit4ruby/FitRecord' require 'fit4ruby/FitFilter' require 'fit4ruby/FitMessageIdMapper' require 'fit4ruby/GlobalFitMessages' require 'fit4ruby/GlobalFitDictionaries' module Fit4Ruby class FitFile def initialize() @header = nil end def read(file_name, filter = nil) @file_name = file_name definitions = {} begin io = ::File.open(file_name, 'rb') rescue StandardError => e Log.critical("Cannot open FIT file '#{file_name}'", e) end header = FitHeader.read(io) header.check check_crc(io, header.end_pos) activity = Activity.new # This Array holds the raw data of the records that may be needed to # dump a human readable form of the FIT file. records = [] # This hash will hold a counter for each record type. The counter is # incremented each time the corresponding record type is found. record_counters = Hash.new { 0 } while io.pos < header.end_pos record = FitRecord.new(definitions) record.read(io, activity, filter, record_counters) records << record if filter end io.close header.dump if filter && filter.record_numbers.nil? dump_records(records) if filter activity.check activity end def write(file_name, activity) begin io = ::File.open(file_name, 'wb+') rescue StandardError => e Log.critical("Cannot open FIT file '#{file_name}'", e) end # Create a header object, but don't yet write it into the file. header = FitHeader.new start_pos = header.header_size # Move the pointer behind the header section. io.seek(start_pos) id_mapper = FitMessageIdMapper.new activity.write(io, id_mapper) end_pos = io.pos crc = write_crc(io, start_pos, end_pos) # Complete the data of the header section and write it at the start of # the file. header.data_size = end_pos - start_pos header.crc = crc io.seek(0) header.write(io) io.close end private def check_crc(io, end_pos) # Save the current file IO position start_pos = io.pos crc = compute_crc(io, start_pos, end_pos) # Read the 2 CRC bytes from the end of the file io.seek(-2, IO::SEEK_END) crc_ref = io.readbyte.to_i | (io.readbyte.to_i << 8) io.seek(start_pos) unless crc == crc_ref Log.critical "Checksum error in file '#{@file_name}'. " + "Computed #{"%04X" % crc} instead of #{"%04X" % crc_ref}." end end def write_crc(io, start_pos, end_pos) # Compute the checksum over the data section of the file and append it # to the file. Ideally, we should compute the CRC from data in memory # instead of the file data. crc = compute_crc(io, start_pos, end_pos) io.seek(end_pos) BinData::Uint16le.new(crc).write(io) crc end def compute_crc(io, start_pos, end_pos) crc_table = [ 0x0000, 0xCC01, 0xD801, 0x1400, 0xF001, 0x3C00, 0x2800, 0xE401, 0xA001, 0x6C00, 0x7800, 0xB401, 0x5000, 0x9C01, 0x8801, 0x4400 ] io.seek(start_pos) crc = 0 while io.pos < end_pos byte = io.readbyte 0.upto(1) do |i| tmp = crc_table[crc & 0xF] crc = (crc >> 4) & 0x0FFF crc = crc ^ tmp ^ crc_table[(byte >> (4 * i)) & 0xF] end end crc end def dump_records(records) records.each do |record| record.dump end end end end