require 'fog/qingcloud/model' require 'fog/qingcloud/models/compute/router_rules' module Fog module Compute class QingCloud class Router < Fog::QingCloud::Model identity :id, :aliases => 'router_id' attribute :state, :aliases => 'status' attribute :is_applied attribute :description attribute :transition_status attribute :security_group_id attribute :created_at, :aliases => 'create_time' attribute :private_ip attribute :type, :aliases => 'router_type' attribute :vxnet_ids, :aliases => 'vxnets' attribute :name, :aliases => 'router_name' attribute :status_time attribute :public_ip attribute :address_id def initialize(attributes = {}) super end def save if persisted? modify_attributes(name, description) else = service.create_routers(name, 1, security_group_id).body['routers'].first wait_for {ready?} end true end def destroy requires :id service.delete_routers(id) true end def ready? state == 'active' and transition_status == '' end def eip=(ip) raise Fog::Errors::Error, "Unsupported eip parameter for creating routers" unless persisted? if ip =~ /^[0-9]{1,3}\..+/ ip_str = ip ip_id = service.addresses.get(ip).id elsif ip.respond_to? :id ip_str = ip.public_ip ip_id = elsif ip && ip != '' ip_obj = service.addresses.get(ip) ip_str = ip_obj.public_ip ip_id = else ip_str = ip_id = nil end service.modify_router_attributes(id, 'eip' => ip_id) service.update_routers(id) merge_attributes('public_ip' => ip_str, 'address_id' => ip_id) true end def eip service.addresses.get(address_id) end alias_method :address, :eip alias_method :address=, :eip= def security_group=(sg_id) if persisted? service.modify_router_attributes(id, 'security_group' => sg_id) service.apply_security_group(sg_id) end merge_attributes('security_group_id' => sg_id) end # Return an object of the security group attached to this router. def security_group requires :id service.security_groups.get(security_group_id) end def poweroff if persisted? service.routers_power(id, 'off') wait_for {state == 'poweroffed'} end true end alias_method :stop, :poweroff def poweron if persisted? service.routers_power(id, 'on') wait_for {ready?} end true end alias_method :start, :poweron def rules(rule_ids = [], type = nil) requires :id json = service.describe_router_statics(id, rule_ids, type).body['router_static_set'] json.inject([]) do |ret, o| ret << Fog::Compute::QingCloud::RouterRule.convert_type(o['static_type']).new(o) end end alias_method :statics, :rules def get_rule(rule_id) rules(rule_id).first end alias_method :get_static, :get_rule def add_rules(rules) requires :id service.add_router_statics(id, Fog::Compute::QingCloud::RouterRule.to_query([*rules])) service.update_routers(id) wait_for {ready?} true end alias_method :add_rule, :add_rules alias_method :add_statics, :add_rules alias_method :add_static, :add_rules def delete_rules(rule_id) requires :id service.delete_router_statics([*rule_id]) service.update_routers(id) wait_for {ready?} true end alias_method :delete_rule, :delete_rules alias_method :delete_statics, :delete_rules alias_method :delete_static, :delete_rules end end end end