# Copyright (c) 2022 Contrast Security, Inc. See https://www.contrastsecurity.com/enduser-terms-0317a for more details. # frozen_string_literal: true require 'contrast/utils/string_utils' require 'contrast/utils/assess/tracking_util' require 'base64' module Contrast module Api module Decorators # Used to decorate the {Contrast::Api::Dtm::TraceEventSignature} protobuf # model. module TraceEventSignature def self.included klass klass.extend(ClassMethods) end # Class methods for TraceEventSignature module ClassMethods # Convert the given composites into components that TeamServer can # understand in order to build a representation of the method # invoked. # # @param ret_obj [Contrast::Agent::Assess::ContrastObject, nil] the # return value of the method call. # @param policy_node [Contrast::Agent::Assess::Policy::PolicyNode] # the policy which pertains to the method invoked. # @param args [Array<Contrast::Agent::Assess::ContrastObject>, nil] # @return [Contrast::Api::Dtm::TraceEventSignature] def build ret_obj, policy_node, args signature = new signature.return_type = Contrast::Utils::StringUtils.force_utf8(type_name(ret_obj)) signature.class_name = Contrast::Utils::StringUtils.force_utf8(policy_node.class_name) signature.method_name = Contrast::Utils::StringUtils.force_utf8(policy_node.method_name) if args args&.each do |arg| signature.arg_types << Contrast::Utils::StringUtils.force_utf8(type_name(arg)) end end signature.constructor = policy_node.method_name == :new # if there's a ret, then this method isn't nil. not 100% full proof since you can # return nil, but this is the best we've got currently. signature.void_method = ret_obj.nil? || ret_obj.object.nil? # 8 is STATIC in Java... we have to placate them for now # it has been requested that flags be removed since it isn't used signature.flags = 8 unless policy_node.instance_method? signature end private # While Ruby signatures do not require neither a return type and can # return anything depending on inputs, code paths, etc, nor constant # parameter types, TeamServer was designed with strongly typed # languages (Java) in mind, so we need types in our signatures. # # @param contrast_object [Contrast::Agent::Assess::ContrastObject, nil] # the object to find the type of # @return [String] the name of the module of the ret_obj, or `nil` def type_name contrast_object contrast_object ? contrast_object.object_type : Contrast::Utils::ObjectShare::NIL_STRING end end end end end end Contrast::Api::Dtm::TraceEventSignature.include(Contrast::Api::Decorators::TraceEventSignature)