# v1.2.0 * 2024-04-08 [be7e7fd](../../commit/be7e7fd) - __(Andrew N. Shalaev)__ Release v1.2.0 * 2023-11-29 [393bb13](../../commit/393bb13) - __(GIGrave)__ feature: add media to sanitize rules https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/BPC-22916 * 2023-11-29 [06eb51e](../../commit/06eb51e) - __(GIGrave)__ Revert "feature: add string_tools config" This reverts commit c0b9bf39ec3cf2fce28fe92c7892a0c47593ca09. * 2023-11-29 [d1c00b9](../../commit/d1c00b9) - __(GIGrave)__ Revert "fix: add postgress to drone" This reverts commit 33e5698fd48d5edf416df316e3466f9e6c58369f. * 2023-11-02 [33e5698](../../commit/33e5698) - __(GIGrave)__ fix: add postgress to drone * 2023-11-02 [c0b9bf3](../../commit/c0b9bf3) - __(GIGrave)__ feature: add string_tools config https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/BPC-22612 * 2023-10-16 [8ccb54a](../../commit/8ccb54a) - __(ArtemBorodinEvgenyevich)__ Release v1.1.0 * 2023-08-29 [bed389b](../../commit/bed389b) - __(Terentev Aleksey)__ feat: sanitize links in alt of img tag https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/PC4-29908 * 2023-08-11 [7848491](../../commit/7848491) - __(Terentev Aleksey)__ feat: add options for sanitize outer links in css https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/PC4-29908 * 2023-06-15 [503fce2](../../commit/503fce2) - __(Andrew N. Shalaev)__ Release v1.0.0 * 2023-06-15 [8e9fa48](../../commit/8e9fa48) - __(Andrew N. Shalaev)__ fix: convert to_utf8 correctly, without hidding errors https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/BPC-22244 * 2023-06-15 [9bc5cf5](../../commit/9bc5cf5) - __(Andrew N. Shalaev)__ fix: up test env * 2021-07-16 [8a3bf46](../../commit/8a3bf46) - __(Andrew N. Shalaev)__ Release v0.16.0 * 2021-07-16 [5784a91](../../commit/5784a91) - __(Andrew N. Shalaev)__ feature: add support for ruby v2.4 https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/BPC-19154 * 2020-05-13 [19cb127](../../commit/19cb127) - __(TamarinEA)__ Release 0.15.0 * 2020-04-03 [e63c121](../../commit/e63c121) - __(Mikhail Nelaev)__ feature: optionally turn off uri normalization https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/GOODS-2219 * 2019-10-10 [770ed2b](../../commit/770ed2b) - __(TamarinEA)__ Release 0.14.0 * 2019-10-08 [b182709](../../commit/b182709) - __(Ilya Zhidkov)__ Release 0.13.0 * 2019-09-24 [87d134d](../../commit/87d134d) - __(evseevleo)__ chore(transliteration): add examples to README * 2019-09-23 [4effcb9](../../commit/4effcb9) - __(evseevleo)__ feat(translit): add keyboard layout switch&transliteration https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/BPC-15151 * 2019-09-23 [f495195](../../commit/f495195) - __(TamarinEA)__ feature: use nokogiri for strip tags * 2019-09-23 [2054e2a](../../commit/2054e2a) - __(TamarinEA)__ chore: test rails 4.0 - 4.2 * 2018-06-29 [f5213df](../../commit/f5213df) - __(bibendi)__ chore: User latest gem-publication * 2018-06-29 [7dfb4d8](../../commit/7dfb4d8) - __(bibendi)__ chore: Fix mounting rubygems in drone.yml * 2018-06-29 [238a46f](../../commit/238a46f) - __(bibendi)__ chore: Set readonly gem/credentials on drone.yml * 2018-06-29 [38b862d](../../commit/38b862d) - __(bibendi)__ chore: Add test section into droen.yml * 2018-06-29 [3004b9a](../../commit/3004b9a) - __(bibendi)__ chore: Add automatic publication * 2018-06-20 [5c14758](../../commit/5c14758) - __(Simeon Movchan)__ Release 0.12.1 * 2018-06-19 [8f2da34](../../commit/8f2da34) - __(Simeon Movchan)__ fix: exclude \n and \t in nonprintable characters https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/GOODS-1352 * 2018-06-07 [4ab0e64](../../commit/4ab0e64) - __(korotaev)__ Release 0.12.0 * 2018-06-01 [a7703c5](../../commit/a7703c5) - __(Mikhail Nelaev)__ feature: removing nonprintable characters https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/GOODS-1126 * 2018-04-20 [d6198f7](../../commit/d6198f7) - __(Mikhail Nelaev)__ Release 0.11.1 * 2018-04-20 [ec43631](../../commit/ec43631) - __(Mikhail Nelaev)__ fix: use correct tag for js https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/GOODS-1246 * 2018-03-28 [65a6556](../../commit/65a6556) - __(Mikhail Nelaev)__ Release 0.11.0 * 2018-03-14 [42e092d](../../commit/42e092d) - __(terentev)__ feat: adds s tag as allowed https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/GOODS-1146 * 2018-01-23 [02fe448](../../commit/02fe448) - __(Konstantin Lazarev)__ Release 0.10.1 * 2018-01-23 [629b9fd](../../commit/629b9fd) - __(Konstantin Lazarev)__ fix: не мутировать дефолтный конфиг при многократном вызове sanitize https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/CK-1371 * 2017-07-27 [42fae44](../../commit/42fae44) - __(korotaev)__ Release 0.10.0 * 2017-07-06 [0f1be65](../../commit/0f1be65) - __(Mikhail Nelaev)__ feature: iframe normalizer https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/GOODS-638 * 2017-04-07 [599dc3f](../../commit/599dc3f) - __(Semyon Pupkov)__ Release 0.9.1 * 2017-04-06 [b0ef302](../../commit/b0ef302) - __(Semyon Pupkov)__ fix: check String class from std lib Closes https://github.com/abak-press/string_tools/issues/23 * 2017-04-04 [f82cebd](../../commit/f82cebd) - __(Semyon Pupkov)__ chore: remove unused dev dependencies (#22) * remove unused dev dependencies * Add coverage * 2017-04-04 [6eb63e6](../../commit/6eb63e6) - __(Semyon Pupkov)__ Release 0.9.0 * 2017-04-03 [334ca54](../../commit/334ca54) - __(Semyon Pupkov)__ fix: allow to use ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars in to_b * 2017-04-03 [9e75fc0](../../commit/9e75fc0) - __(Semyon Pupkov)__ feature: use native implementation for to_b instead active_record * 2017-04-03 [682f2ea](../../commit/682f2ea) - __(Semyon Pupkov)__ chore: remove ruby 1.9.3 and rails 3.1 support * 2017-01-18 [5fe9a1f](../../commit/5fe9a1f) - __(Michail Merkushin)__ Release 0.8.0 * 2017-01-18 [ef8b5f1](../../commit/ef8b5f1) - __(Michail Merkushin)__ chore: Relax version for addressable * 2016-11-10 [b01044e](../../commit/b01044e) - __(Dmitry Bochkarev)__ Release 0.7.0 * 2016-11-07 [90bf503](../../commit/90bf503) - __(Konstantin Lazarev)__ chore: add drone and dip * 2016-11-07 [27502f5](../../commit/27502f5) - __(Konstantin Lazarev)__ feature: add String#mb_downcase method https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/CK-497 fix: fix mb_downcase for rails >= 4.0 and <= 4.2 https://github.com/rails/rails/commit/393e19e508a08ede0f5037bccb984e3eb252d579 * 2016-06-10 [c6c1931](../../commit/c6c1931) - __(Korotaev Danil)__ Release 0.6.1 * 2016-06-03 [739cdac](../../commit/739cdac) - __(Korotaev Danil)__ fix: rename incorrect named method clear_deprecated_unicode_characters -> clear_unicode_separator_characters https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/SERVICES-1040 * 2016-06-03 [eb8154b](../../commit/eb8154b) - __(Korotaev Danil)__ Release 0.6.0 * 2016-06-02 [697be2c](../../commit/697be2c) - __(Korotaev Danil)__ feat: add clearing deprecated unicode characters https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/SERVICES-1040 * 2016-03-10 [b3cbd16](../../commit/b3cbd16) - __(Dmitry Bochkarev)__ Release 0.5.0 * 2016-03-10 [c23456a](../../commit/c23456a) - __(Dmitry Bochkarev)__ fix(sanitizers): подменять невалидные ссылки своим содержимым https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/SERVICES-906 * 2016-02-25 [184963b](../../commit/184963b) - __(Salahutdinov Dmitry)__ Release 0.4.0 * 2016-02-24 [6444952](../../commit/6444952) - __(Nikita Nyatin)__ chore(gemspec): update ru_propisju version * 2016-01-14 [84856d8](../../commit/84856d8) - __(GIGrave)__ fix(lib/string_tools) return nil if InvalidURIError https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/PC4-16353 * 2015-12-21 [384b057](../../commit/384b057) - __(Salahutdinov Dmitry)__ Release 0.3.1 # v3.0.1 # v1.1.0 * 2023-08-29 [bed389b](../../commit/bed389b) - __(Terentev Aleksey)__ feat: sanitize links in alt of img tag https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/PC4-29908 * 2023-08-11 [7848491](../../commit/7848491) - __(Terentev Aleksey)__ feat: add options for sanitize outer links in css https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/PC4-29908 # v1.0.0 * 2023-06-15 [8e9fa48](../../commit/8e9fa48) - __(Andrew N. Shalaev)__ fix: convert to_utf8 correctly, without hidding errors https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/BPC-22244 * 2023-06-15 [9bc5cf5](../../commit/9bc5cf5) - __(Andrew N. Shalaev)__ fix: up test env # v0.16.0 * 2021-07-16 [5784a91](../../commit/5784a91) - __(Andrew N. Shalaev)__ feature: add support for ruby v2.4 https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/BPC-19154 # v0.15.0 * 2020-04-03 [e63c121](../../commit/e63c121) - __(Mikhail Nelaev)__ feature: optionally turn off uri normalization https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/GOODS-2219 # v0.14.0 * 2019-09-23 [f495195](../../commit/f495195) - __(TamarinEA)__ feature: use nokogiri for strip tags * 2019-09-23 [2054e2a](../../commit/2054e2a) - __(TamarinEA)__ chore: test rails 4.0 - 4.2 # v0.13.0 * 2019-09-24 [87d134d](../../commit/87d134d) - __(evseevleo)__ chore(transliteration): add examples to README * 2019-09-23 [4effcb9](../../commit/4effcb9) - __(evseevleo)__ feat(translit): add keyboard layout switch&transliteration https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/BPC-15151 * 2018-06-29 [f5213df](../../commit/f5213df) - __(bibendi)__ chore: User latest gem-publication # v0.12.2 * 2018-06-29 [7dfb4d8](../../commit/7dfb4d8) - __(bibendi)__ chore: Fix mounting rubygems in drone.yml * 2018-06-29 [238a46f](../../commit/238a46f) - __(bibendi)__ chore: Set readonly gem/credentials on drone.yml * 2018-06-29 [38b862d](../../commit/38b862d) - __(bibendi)__ chore: Add test section into droen.yml * 2018-06-29 [3004b9a](../../commit/3004b9a) - __(bibendi)__ chore: Add automatic publication # v0.12.1 * 2018-06-19 [8f2da34](../../commit/8f2da34) - __(Simeon Movchan)__ fix: exclude \n and \t in nonprintable characters https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/GOODS-1352 # v0.12.0 * 2018-06-01 [a7703c5](../../commit/a7703c5) - __(Mikhail Nelaev)__ feature: removing nonprintable characters https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/GOODS-1126 # v0.11.1 * 2018-04-20 [ec43631](../../commit/ec43631) - __(Mikhail Nelaev)__ fix: use correct tag for js https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/GOODS-1246 # v0.11.0 * 2018-03-14 [42e092d](../../commit/42e092d) - __(terentev)__ feat: adds s tag as allowed https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/GOODS-1146 # v0.10.1 * 2018-01-23 [629b9fd](../../commit/629b9fd) - __(Konstantin Lazarev)__ fix: не мутировать дефолтный конфиг при многократном вызове sanitize https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/CK-1371 # v0.10.0 * 2017-07-06 [0f1be65](../../commit/0f1be65) - __(Mikhail Nelaev)__ feature: iframe normalizer https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/GOODS-638 # v0.9.1 * 2017-04-06 [b0ef302](../../commit/b0ef302) - __(Semyon Pupkov)__ fix: check String class from std lib Closes https://github.com/abak-press/string_tools/issues/23 * 2017-04-04 [f82cebd](../../commit/f82cebd) - __(Semyon Pupkov)__ chore: remove unused dev dependencies (#22) * remove unused dev dependencies * Add coverage # v0.9.0 * 2017-04-03 [334ca54](../../commit/334ca54) - __(Semyon Pupkov)__ fix: allow to use ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars in to_b * 2017-04-03 [9e75fc0](../../commit/9e75fc0) - __(Semyon Pupkov)__ feature: use native implementation for to_b instead active_record * 2017-04-03 [682f2ea](../../commit/682f2ea) - __(Semyon Pupkov)__ chore: remove ruby 1.9.3 and rails 3.1 support # v0.8.0 * 2017-01-18 [ef8b5f1](../../commit/ef8b5f1) - __(Michail Merkushin)__ chore: Relax version for addressable # v0.7.0 * 2016-11-07 [90bf503](../../commit/90bf503) - __(Konstantin Lazarev)__ chore: add drone and dip * 2016-11-07 [27502f5](../../commit/27502f5) - __(Konstantin Lazarev)__ feature: add String#mb_downcase method https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/CK-497 fix: fix mb_downcase for rails >= 4.0 and <= 4.2 https://github.com/rails/rails/commit/393e19e508a08ede0f5037bccb984e3eb252d579 # v0.6.1 * 2016-06-03 [739cdac](../../commit/739cdac) - __(Korotaev Danil)__ fix: rename incorrect named method clear_deprecated_unicode_characters -> clear_unicode_separator_characters https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/SERVICES-1040 # v0.6.0 * 2016-06-02 [697be2c](../../commit/697be2c) - __(Korotaev Danil)__ feat: add clearing deprecated unicode characters https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/SERVICES-1040 # v0.5.0 * 2016-03-10 [c23456a](../../commit/c23456a) - __(Dmitry Bochkarev)__ fix(sanitizers): подменять невалидные ссылки своим содержимым https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/SERVICES-906 # v0.4.0 * 2016-02-24 [6444952](../../commit/6444952) - __(Nikita Nyatin)__ chore(gemspec): update ru_propisju version * 2016-01-14 [84856d8](../../commit/84856d8) - __(GIGrave)__ fix(lib/string_tools) return nil if InvalidURIError https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/PC4-16353 # v0.3.1 * 2015-12-16 [d310cbf](../../commit/d310cbf) - __(Maxim Derbenev)__ feature(string_tools): add params concatenation method https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/PC4-15878 * 2015-11-12 [f665c33](../../commit/f665c33) - __(Konstantin Lazarev)__ feature: перенос методов очистки от html-разметки https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/CK-30 # v0.3.0 * 2015-10-26 [62ce841](../../commit/62ce841) - __(Dmitry Bochkarev)__ feature(html): удаление ссылок без хоста по-умолчанию https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/SERVICES-594 * 2015-10-23 [8fe4384](../../commit/8fe4384) - __(Dmitry Bochkarev)__ fix(sanitizer): нормализация ссылок в юникоде * 2015-10-23 [4017e3d](../../commit/4017e3d) - __(Dmitry Bochkarev)__ fix(html): кириллические ссылки в урлах https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/SERVICES-594 старая логика заменяла unicode ссылки на представление в URI-encoding: ``` [97] pry(main)> Nokogiri::HTML::DocumentFragment.parse('ссылка').to_s => "ссылка" ``` * 2015-10-23 [e05076f](../../commit/e05076f) - __(Dmitry Bochkarev)__ fix(html): поддержка относительных путей https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/SERVICES-594 * 2015-10-14 [24bd113](../../commit/24bd113) - __(Dmitry Bochkarev)__ chore: костанта с минимальным размером строки содержащей ссылки https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/SERVICES-594 https://github.com/abak-press/apress-products/pull/66#discussion_r41950430 * 2015-10-12 [e48da9f](../../commit/e48da9f) - __(Dmitry Bochkarev)__ feature: удаление ссылок из текста https://jira.railsc.ru/browse/SERVICES-597 * 2015-08-07 [274f820](../../commit/274f820) - __(evseevleo)__ feature(strip_tags): removing open comment tags connected to BPC-6442 closes BPc-6652 # v0.2.0 * 2015-07-18 [81cb0f1](../../commit/81cb0f1) - __(Sergey D)__ feat: missing String.natcmp & Colorize methods # v0.1.0 * 2015-07-15 [29dd2f8](../../commit/29dd2f8) - __(Sergey D)__ feat: Initial commit Code merged from Apress::Utils and Plugin base_class_extensions/string Closes SG-3689 * 2015-07-15 [569f0d6](../../commit/569f0d6) - __(Artem Napolskih)__ Initial commit