require 'stringio' require 'spreadsheet/excel/writer/biff8' require 'spreadsheet/excel/internals/biff8' module Spreadsheet module Excel module Writer ## # Writer class for Excel Worksheets. Most write_* method correspond to an # Excel-Record/Opcode. You should not need to call any of its methods directly. # If you think you do, look at #write_worksheet class Worksheet include Biff8 include Internals include Internals::Biff8 attr_reader :worksheet def initialize workbook, worksheet @workbook = workbook @worksheet = worksheet @io = '' @biff_version = 0x0600 @bof = 0x0809 @build_id = 3515 @build_year = 1996 @bof_types = { :globals => 0x0005, :visual_basic => 0x0006, :worksheet => 0x0010, :chart => 0x0020, :macro_sheet => 0x0040, :workspace => 0x0100, } end ## # The number of bytes needed to write a Boundsheet record for this Worksheet # Used by Writer::Worksheet to calculate various offsets. def boundsheet_size name.size + 10 end def data @io.rewind end def encode_date date return date if date.is_a? Numeric if date.is_a? Time date = date.year, date.month,, date.hour, date.min, date.sec end value = date - @worksheet.workbook.date_base if date > LEAP_ERROR value += 1 end value end def encode_rk value # Bit Mask Contents # 0 0x00000001 0 = Value not changed 1 = Value is multiplied by 100 # 1 0x00000002 0 = Floating-point value 1 = Signed integer value # 31-2 0xFFFFFFFC Encoded value cent = 0 int = 2 higher = value * 100 if higher == higher.to_i value = higher.to_i cent = 1 end if value.is_a?(Integer) shifted = [value].pack 'l' ## I can't find a format for packing a little endian signed integer shifted.reverse! if @bigendian value, = shifted.unpack 'V' value <<= 2 else # FIXME: precision of small numbers int = 0 value, = [value].pack(EIGHT_BYTE_DOUBLE).unpack('x4V') value &= 0xfffffffc end value | cent | int end def name unicode_string end def row_blocks # All cells in an Excel document are divided into blocks of 32 consecutive # rows, called Row Blocks. The first Row Block starts with the first used # row in that sheet. Inside each Row Block there will occur ROW records # describing the properties of the rows, and cell records with all the cell # contents in this Row Block. blocks = [] @worksheet.reject do |row| row.empty? end.each_with_index do |row, idx| blocks << [] if idx % 32 == 0 blocks.last << row end blocks end def size @io.size end def strings @worksheet.inject [] do |memo, row| strings = do |cell| cell.is_a? String end memo.concat strings end end ## # Write a blank cell def write_blank row, idx write_cell :blank, row, idx end def write_bof data = [ @biff_version, # BIFF version (always 0x0600 for BIFF8) 0x0010, # Type of the following data: # 0x0005 = Workbook globals # 0x0006 = Visual Basic module # 0x0010 = Worksheet # 0x0020 = Chart # 0x0040 = Macro sheet # 0x0100 = Workspace file @build_id, # Build identifier @build_year, # Build year 0x000, # File history flags 0x006, # Lowest Excel version that can read # all records in this file ] write_op @bof, data.pack("v4V2") end ## # Write a cell with a Boolean or Error value def write_boolerr row, idx value = row[idx] type = 0 numval = 0 if value.is_a? Error type = 1 numval = value.code elsif value numval = 1 end data = [ numval, # Boolean or error value (type depends on the following byte) type # 0 = Boolean value; 1 = Error code ] write_cell :boolerr, row, idx, *data end def write_calccount count = 100 # Maximum number of iterations allowed in circular references write_op 0x000c, [count].pack('v') end def write_cell type, row, idx, *args xf_idx = @workbook.xf_index @worksheet.workbook, row.format(idx) data = [ row.idx, # Index to row idx, # Index to column xf_idx, # Index to XF record (➜ 6.115) ].concat args write_op opcode(type), data.pack(binfmt(type)) end def write_cellblocks row # BLANK ➜ 6.7 # BOOLERR ➜ 6.10 # INTEGER ➜ 6.56 (BIFF2 only) # LABEL ➜ 6.59 (BIFF2-BIFF7) # LABELSST ➜ 6.61 (BIFF8 only) # MULBLANK ➜ 6.64 (BIFF5-BIFF8) # MULRK ➜ 6.65 (BIFF5-BIFF8) # NUMBER ➜ 6.68 # RK ➜ 6.82 (BIFF3-BIFF8) # RSTRING ➜ 6.84 (BIFF5/BIFF7) multiples, first_idx = nil row.each_with_index do |cell, idx| if multiples && (!multiples.last.is_a?(cell.class) \ || (cell.is_a?(Numeric) && cell.abs < 0.1)) write_multiples row, first_idx, multiples multiples, first_idx = nil end nxt = idx + 1 case cell when NilClass if multiples multiples.push cell elsif nxt < row.size && row[nxt].nil? multiples = [cell] first_idx = idx else write_blank row, idx end when TrueClass, FalseClass, Error write_boolerr row, idx when String write_labelsst row, idx when Numeric ## RK encodes Floats with 30 significant bits, which is a bit more than # 10^9. Not sure what is a good rule of thumb here, but it seems that # Decimal Numbers with more than 4 significant digits are not represented # with sufficient precision by RK if cell.is_a?(Float) && cell.to_s.length > 5 write_number row, idx elsif multiples multiples.push cell elsif nxt < row.size && row[nxt].is_a?(Numeric) multiples = [cell] first_idx = idx else write_rk row, idx end when Formula write_formula row, idx when Date write_rk row, idx end end write_multiples row, first_idx, multiples if multiples end def write_changes reader, endpos, sst_status @worksheet.offset blocks = row_blocks lastpos = reader.pos offsets = {} @worksheet.offsets.each do |key, pair| if @worksheet.changes.include?(key) \ || (sst_status == :complete_update && key.is_a?(Integer)) pair, key end end offsets.invert.sort_by do |key, (pos, len)| pos end.each do |key, (pos, len)| @io.write - lastpos) if key.is_a?(Integer) block = blocks.find do |rows| rows.any? do |row| row.idx == key end end write_rowblock block else send "write_#{key}" end lastpos = pos + len lastpos end @io.write - lastpos) end def write_defaultrowheight data = [ 0x00, # Option flags: # Bit Mask Contents # 0 0x01 1 = Row height and default font height do not match # 1 0x02 1 = Row is hidden # 2 0x04 1 = Additional space above the row # 3 0x08 1 = Additional space below the row 0xf2, # Default height for unused rows, in twips = 1/20 of a point ] write_op 0x0225, data.pack('v2') end def write_dimensions # Offset Size Contents # 0 4 Index to first used row # 4 4 Index to last used row, increased by 1 # 8 2 Index to first used column # 10 2 Index to last used column, increased by 1 # 12 2 Not used write_op 0x0200, @worksheet.dimensions.pack(binfmt(:dimensions)) end def write_eof write_op 0x000a end ## # Write a cell with a Formula. May write an additional String record depending # on the stored result of the Formula. def write_formula row, idx cell = row[idx] data1 = [ row.idx, # Index to row idx, # Index to column 0, # Index to XF record (➜ 6.115) ].pack 'v3' data2 = nil case value = cell.value when Numeric # IEEE 754 floating-point value (64-bit double precision) data2 = [value].pack EIGHT_BYTE_DOUBLE when String data2 = [ 0x00, # (identifier for a string value) 0xffff, # ].pack 'Cx5v' when true, false value = value ? 1 : 0 data2 = [ 0x01, # (identifier for a Boolean value) value, # 0 = FALSE, 1 = TRUE 0xffff, # ].pack 'CxCx3v' when Error data2 = [ 0x02, # (identifier for an error value) value.code, # Error code 0xffff, # ].pack 'CxCx3v' when nil data2 = [ 0x03, # (identifier for an empty cell) 0xffff, # ].pack 'Cx5v' else data2 = [ 0x02, # (identifier for an error value) 0x2a, # Error code: #N/A! Argument or function not available 0xffff, # ].pack 'CxCx3v' end opts = 0x03 opts |= 0x08 if cell.shared data3 = [ opts # Option flags: # Bit Mask Contents # 0 0x0001 1 = Recalculate always # 1 0x0002 1 = Calculate on open # 3 0x0008 1 = Part of a shared formula ].pack 'vx4' write_op opcode(:formula), data1, data2, data3, if cell.value.is_a?(String) write_op opcode(:string), unicode_string(cell.value, 2) end end ## # Write a new Worksheet. def write_from_scratch # ● BOF Type = worksheet (➜ 6.8) write_bof # ○ UNCALCED ➜ 6.104 # ○ INDEX ➜ 5.7 (Row Blocks), ➜ 6.55 # ○ Calculation Settings Block ➜ 5.3 write_calccount write_refmode write_iteration write_saverecalc # ○ PRINTHEADERS ➜ 6.76 # ○ PRINTGRIDLINES ➜ 6.75 # ○ GRIDSET ➜ 6.48 # ○ GUTS ➜ 6.49 # ○ DEFAULTROWHEIGHT ➜ 6.28 write_defaultrowheight # ○ WSBOOL ➜ 6.113 write_wsbool # ○ Page Settings Block ➜ 5.4 # ○ Worksheet Protection Block ➜ 5.18 # ○ DEFCOLWIDTH ➜ 6.29 # ○○ COLINFO ➜ 6.18 # ○ SORT ➜ 6.95 # ● DIMENSIONS ➜ 6.31 write_dimensions # ○○ Row Blocks ➜ 5.7 write_rows # ● Worksheet View Settings Block ➜ 5.5 # ○ STANDARDWIDTH ➜ 6.97 # ○○ MERGEDCELLS ➜ 6.63 # ○ LABELRANGES ➜ 6.60 # ○ PHONETIC ➜ 6.73 # ○ Conditional Formatting Table ➜ 5.12 # ○ Hyperlink Table ➜ 5.13 # ○ Data Validity Table ➜ 5.14 # ○ SHEETLAYOUT ➜ 6.91 (BIFF8X only) # ○ SHEETPROTECTION Additional protection, ➜ 6.92 (BIFF8X only) # ○ RANGEPROTECTION Additional protection, ➜ 6.79 (BIFF8X only) # ● EOF ➜ 6.36 write_eof end def write_iteration its = 0 # 0 = Iterations off; 1 = Iterations on write_op 0x0011, [its].pack('v') end ## # Write a cell with a String value. The String must have been stored in the # Shared String Table. def write_labelsst row, idx write_cell :labelsst, row, idx, @workbook.sst_index(self, row[idx]) end ## # Write multiple consecutive blank cells. def write_mulblank row, idx, multiples data = [ row.idx, # Index to row idx, # Index to first column (fc) ] # List of nc=lc-fc+1 16-bit indexes to XF records (➜ 6.115) multiples.each_with_index do |blank, cell_idx| xf_idx = @workbook.xf_index @worksheet.workbook, row.format(idx + cell_idx) data.push xf_idx end # Index to last column (lc) data.push idx + multiples.size write_op opcode(:mulblank), data.pack('v*') end ## # Write multiple consecutive cells with RK values (see #write_rk) def write_mulrk row, idx, multiples fmt = 'v2' data = [ row.idx, # Index to row idx, # Index to first column (fc) ] # List of nc=lc-fc+1 16-bit indexes to XF records (➜ 6.115) multiples.each do |cell| # TODO: XF indices data.push 0, encode_rk(cell) fmt << 'vV' end # Index to last column (lc) data.push idx + multiples.size write_op opcode(:mulrk), data.pack(fmt << 'v') end def write_multiples row, idx, multiples case multiples.last when NilClass write_mulblank row, idx, multiples when Numeric write_mulrk row, idx, multiples end end ## # Write a cell with a 64-bit double precision Float value def write_number row, idx # Offset Size Contents # 0 2 Index to row # 2 2 Index to column # 4 2 Index to XF record (➜ 6.115) # 6 8 IEEE 754 floating-point value (64-bit double precision) write_cell :number, row, idx, row[idx] end def write_op op, *args data = args.join @io.write [op,data.size].pack("v2") @io.write data end def write_refmode # • The “RC” mode uses numeric indexes for rows and columns, for example # “R(1)C(-1)”, or “R1C1:R2C2”. # • The “A1” mode uses characters for columns and numbers for rows, for # example “B1”, or “$A$1:$B$2”. mode = 1 # 0 = RC mode; 1 = A1 mode write_op 0x000f, [mode].pack('v') end ## # Write a cell with a Numeric or Date value. def write_rk row, idx value = row[idx] case value when Date, DateTime value = encode_date(value) end write_cell :rk, row, idx, encode_rk(value) end def write_row row # Offset Size Contents # 0 2 Index of this row # 2 2 Index to column of the first cell which # is described by a cell record # 4 2 Index to column of the last cell which is # described by a cell record, increased by 1 # 6 2 Bit Mask Contents # 14-0 0x7fff Height of the row, in twips = 1/20 of a point # 15 0x8000 0 = Row has custom height; # 1 = Row has default height # 8 2 Not used # 10 1 0 = No defaults written; # 1 = Default row attribute field and XF index occur below (fl) # 11 2 Relative offset to calculate stream position of the first # cell record for this row (➜ 5.7.1) # [13] 3 (written only if fl = 1) Default row attributes (➜ 3.12) # [16] 2 (written only if fl = 1) Index to XF record (➜ 6.115) has_defaults = row.default_format ? 1 : 0 data = [ row.idx, row.first_used, row.first_unused, row.height * TWIPS, 0, # Not used has_defaults, 0, # OOffice does not set this - ignore until someone complains ] # OpenOffice apparently can't read Rows with a length other than 16 Bytes fmt = binfmt(:row) + 'x3' =begin if format = row.default_format fmt = fmt + 'xv' data.concat [ #0, # Row attributes should only matter in BIFF2 workbook.xf_index(@worksheet.workbook, format), ] end =end write_op opcode(:row), data.pack(fmt) end def write_rowblock block # ●● ROW Properties of the used rows # ○○ Cell Block(s) Cell records for all used cells # ○ DBCELL Stream offsets to the cell records of each row block.each do |row| write_row row end block.each do |row| write_cellblocks row end end def write_rows row_blocks.each do |block| write_rowblock block end end def write_saverecalc # 0 = Do not recalculate; 1 = Recalculate before saving the document write_op 0x005f, [1].pack('v') end def write_wsbool bits = [ # Bit Mask Contents 1, # 0 0x0001 0 = Do not show automatic page breaks # 1 = Show automatic page breaks 0, # 4 0x0010 0 = Standard sheet # 1 = Dialogue sheet (BIFF5-BIFF8) 0, # 5 0x0020 0 = No automatic styles in outlines # 1 = Apply automatic styles to outlines 1, # 6 0x0040 0 = Outline buttons above outline group # 1 = Outline buttons below outline group 1, # 7 0x0080 0 = Outline buttons left of outline group # 1 = Outline buttons right of outline group 0, # 8 0x0100 0 = Scale printout in percent (➜ 6.89) # 1 = Fit printout to number of pages (➜ 6.89) 0, # 9 0x0200 0 = Save external linked values # (BIFF3-BIFF4 only, ➜ 5.10) # 1 = Do not save external linked values # (BIFF3-BIFF4 only, ➜ 5.10) 1, # 10 0x0400 0 = Do not show row outline symbols # 1 = Show row outline symbols 0, # 11 0x0800 0 = Do not show column outline symbols # 1 = Show column outline symbols 0, # 13-12 0x3000 These flags specify the arrangement of windows. # They are stored in BIFF4 only. # 00 = Arrange windows tiled # 01 = Arrange windows horizontal 0, # 10 = Arrange windows vertical # 11 = Arrange windows cascaded # The following flags are valid for BIFF4-BIFF8 only: 0, # 14 0x4000 0 = Standard expression evaluation # 1 = Alternative expression evaluation 0, # 15 0x8000 0 = Standard formula entries # 1 = Alternative formula entries ] weights = [4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15] value = bits.inject do |a, b| a | (b << weights.shift) end write_op 0x0081, [value].pack('v') end end end end end