module Roby module Distributed # Returns the set of edges for which both sides are in +objects+. The # set if formatted as [object, relations, ...] where +relations+ is the # output of relations_of def self.subgraph_of(objects) return [] if objects.size < 2 relations = [] objects = objects.dup objects.delete_if do |obj| obj_relations = relations_of(obj) do |related_object| objects.include?(related_object) end relations << obj << obj_relations true end relations end # call-seq: # relations_of(object) => relations # relations_of(object) { |object| ... } => relations # # Relations to be sent to the remote host if +object+ is in a plan. The # returned array if formatted as # [ [graph, parents, children], [graph, ..] ] # where +parents+ is the set of parents of +objects+ in +graph+ and # +children+ the set of children # # +parents+ and +children+ are formatted as # [object, info, object, info, ...] # # If a block is given, a new parent or child is added only if the block # returns true def self.relations_of(object) result = [] # For transaction proxies, never send non-discovered relations to # remote hosts Roby::Distributed.each_object_relation(object) do |graph| next unless graph.distribute? parents = [] object.each_parent_object(graph) do |parent| next unless parent.distribute? next unless yield(parent) if block_given? parents << parent << parent[object, graph] end children = [] object.each_child_object(graph) do |child| next unless child.distribute? next unless yield(child) if block_given? children << child << object[child, graph] end result << graph << parents << children end result end # Set of hooks which send Plan updates to remote hosts module PlanModificationHooks # Hook called when a new task is marked as mission. It sends a # PeerServer#plan_set_mission message to the remote host. # # Note that plan will have called the #discovered_tasks hook # beforehand def inserted(task) super if defined? super return unless task.distribute? && task.self_owned? unless Distributed.updating?(self) || Distributed.updating?(task) Distributed.each_updated_peer(self, task) do |peer| peer.transmit(:plan_set_mission, self, task, true) end Distributed.trigger(task) end end # Hook called when a new task is not a mission anymore. It sends a # PeerServer#plan_set_mission message to the remote host. def discarded(task) super if defined? super return unless task.distribute? && task.self_owned? unless Distributed.updating?(self) || Distributed.updating?(task) Distributed.each_updated_peer(self, task) do |peer| peer.transmit(:plan_set_mission, self, task, false) end end end # Common implementation for the #discovered_events and # #discovered_tasks hooks. It sends PeerServer#plan_discover for # all tasks which can be shared among plan managers def self.discovered_objects(plan, objects) unless Distributed.updating?(plan) relations = nil Distributed.each_updated_peer(plan) do |peer| # Compute +objects+ and +relations+ only if there is a # peer to update unless relations objects = objects.find_all { |t| t.distribute? && t.self_owned? && t.root_object? && !Distributed.updating?(t) } return if objects.empty? relations = Distributed.subgraph_of(objects) end peer.transmit(:plan_discover, plan, objects, relations) end Distributed.trigger(*objects) end end # New tasks have been discovered in the plan. # # See PlanModificationHooks.discovered_objects def discovered_tasks(tasks) super if defined? super PlanModificationHooks.discovered_objects(self, tasks) end # New free events have been discovered in the plan. # # See PlanModificationHooks.discovered_objects def discovered_events(events) super if defined? super PlanModificationHooks.discovered_objects(self, events) end # Hook called when +from+ has been replaced by +to+ in the plan. # It sends a PeerServer#plan_replace message def replaced(from, to) super if defined? super if (from.distribute? && to.distribute?) && (to.self_owned? || from.self_owned?) unless Distributed.updating?(self) || Distributed.updating_all?([from, to]) Distributed.each_updated_peer(from) do |peer| peer.transmit(:plan_replace, self, from, to) end end end end # Common implementation for the #finalized_task and # PeerServer#finalized_event hooks. It sends the plan_remove_object message. def self.finalized_object(plan, object) return unless object.distribute? && object.root_object? Distributed.keep.delete(object) if object.self_owned? Distributed.clean_triggered(object) if !Distributed.updating?(plan) Distributed.peers.each_value do |peer| if peer.connected? peer.transmit(:plan_remove_object, plan, object) end end end if object.remotely_useful? Distributed.removed_objects << object end else object.remote_siblings.keys.each do |peer| object.forget_peer(peer) unless peer == Roby::Distributed end end end # Hook called when a task has been removed from the plan. # # See PlanModificationHooks.finalized_object def finalized_task(task) super if defined? super PlanModificationHooks.finalized_object(self, task) end # Hook called when a free event has been removed from the plan. # # See PlanModificationHooks.finalized_object def finalized_event(event) super if defined? super PlanModificationHooks.finalized_object(self, event) end end Plan.include PlanModificationHooks class PeerServer # Message received when +task+ has become a mission (flag = true), # or has become a non-mission (flag = false) in +plan+. def plan_set_mission(plan, task, flag) plan = peer.local_object(plan) task = peer.local_object(task) if plan.owns?(task) if flag plan.insert(task) else plan.discard(task) end else task.mission = flag end nil end # Message received when the set of tasks +m_tasks+ has been # discovered by the remote plan. +m_relations+ describes the # internal relations between elements of +m_tasks+. It is in a # format suitable for PeerServer#set_relations. def plan_discover(plan, m_tasks, m_relations) Distributed.update(plan = peer.local_object(plan)) do tasks = peer.local_object(m_tasks).to_value_set Distributed.update_all(tasks) do m_relations.each_slice(2) do |obj, rel| set_relations(obj, rel) end end end nil end # Message received when +m_from+ has been replaced by +m_to+ in the # plan def plan_replace(plan, m_from, m_to) Distributed.update(plan = peer.local_object(plan)) do from, to = peer.local_object(m_from), peer.local_object(m_to) Distributed.update_all([from, to]) { plan.replace(from, to) } # Subscribe to the new task if the old task was subscribed # +from+ will be unsubscribed when it is finalized if peer.subscribed?(from) && !peer.subscribed?(to) peer.subscribe(to) nil end end nil end # Message received when +object+ has been removed from +plan+ def plan_remove_object(plan, object) if local = peer.local_object(object, false) # Beware, transaction proxies have no 'plan' attribute plan = peer.local_object(plan) Distributed.update(plan) do Distributed.update(local) do plan.remove_object(local) end end local.forget_peer(peer) end rescue ArgumentError => e if e.message =~ /has not been included in this plan/ Roby::Distributed.warn "filtering the 'not included in this plan bug'" else raise end end # Message received when a relation graph has been updated. +op+ is # either +add_child_object+ or +remove_child_object+ and describes # what relation modification should be done. The two plan objects # +m_from+ and +m_to+ are respectively linked or unlinked in the # relation +m_rel+, with the given information object in case of a # new relation. def update_relation(plan, m_from, op, m_to, m_rel, m_info = nil) if plan Roby::Distributed.update(peer.local_object(plan)) { update_relation(nil, m_from, op, m_to, m_rel, m_info) } else from, to = peer.local_object(m_from, false), peer.local_object(m_to, false) if !from return unless to && (to.self_owned? || to.subscribed?) from = peer.local_object(m_from) elsif !to return unless from && (from.self_owned? || from.subscribed?) to = peer.local_object(m_to) end rel = peer.local_object(m_rel) Roby::Distributed.update_all([from.root_object, to.root_object]) do if op == :add_child_object from.add_child_object(to, rel, peer.local_object(m_info)) elsif op == :remove_child_object from.remove_child_object(to, rel) end end end nil end end # This module defines the hooks needed to notify our peers of relation # modifications. It is included in plan objects. module RelationModificationHooks # Hook called when a new relation is added. It sends the # PeerServer#update_relation message. def added_child_object(child, relations, info) super if defined? super return if Distributed.updating?(plan) return if Distributed.updating_all?([self.root_object, child.root_object]) return unless Distributed.state # Remove all relations that should not be distributed, and if # there is a relation remaining, notify our peer only of the # first one: this is the child of all others if notified_relation = relations.find { |rel| rel.distribute? } Distributed.each_updated_peer(self.root_object, child.root_object) do |peer| peer.transmit(:update_relation, plan, self, :add_child_object, child, notified_relation, info) end Distributed.trigger(self, child) end end # Hook called when a relation is removed. It sends the # PeerServer#update_relation message. def removed_child_object(child, relations) super if defined? super return unless Distributed.state # If our peer is pushing a distributed transaction, children # can be removed Avoid sending unneeded updates by testing on # plan update return if Distributed.updating?(plan) return if Distributed.updating_all?([self.root_object, child.root_object]) # Remove all relations that should not be distributed, and if # there is a relation remaining, notify our peer only of the # first one: this is the child of all others if notified_relation = relations.find { |rel| rel.distribute? } Distributed.each_updated_peer(self.root_object, child.root_object) do |peer| peer.transmit(:update_relation, plan, self, :remove_child_object, child, notified_relation) end Distributed.trigger(self, child) end end end PlanObject.include RelationModificationHooks # This module includes the hooks needed to notify our peers of event # propagation (fired, forwarding and signalling) module EventNotifications # Hook called when an event has been emitted. It sends the # PeerServer#event_fired message. def fired(event) super if defined? super if self_owned? && !Distributed.updating?(root_object) Distributed.each_updated_peer(root_object) do |peer| peer.transmit(:event_fired, self, event.object_id, event.time, event.context) end end end # Hook called when an event is being forwarded. It sends the # PeerServer#event_add_propagation message. def forwarding(event, to) super if defined? super if self_owned? && !Distributed.updating?(root_object) Distributed.each_updated_peer(root_object, to.root_object) do |peer| peer.transmit(:event_add_propagation, true, self, to, event.object_id, event.time, event.context) end end end # Hook called when an event is being forwarded. It sends the # PeerServer#event_add_propagation message. def signalling(event, to) super if defined? super if self_owned? && !Distributed.updating?(root_object) Distributed.each_updated_peer(root_object, to.root_object) do |peer| peer.transmit(:event_add_propagation, false, self, to, event.object_id, event.time, event.context) end end end # This module define hooks on Roby::Plan to manage the event fired # cache. It is required by the receiving side of the event # propagation distribution. # # See PeerServer#pending_events module PlanCacheCleanup # Removes events generated by +generator+ from the Event object # cache, PeerServer#pending_events. This cache is used by # PeerServer#event_for on behalf of PeerServer#event_fired and # PeerServer#event_add_propagation def finalized_event(generator) super if defined? super Distributed.peers.each_value do |peer| peer.local_server.pending_events.delete(generator) end end end Roby::Plan.include PlanCacheCleanup end Roby::EventGenerator.include EventNotifications class PeerServer # A set of events which have been received by #event_fired. This # cache in cleaned up by PlanCacheCleanup#finalized_event when the # associated generator is finalized. # # This cache is used to merge the events between the firing step # (event_fired) and the propagation steps (add_event_propagation). # Without it, different Event objects at the various method calls. attribute(:pending_events) { } # Creates an Event object for +generator+, with the given argument # as parameters, or returns an already existing one def event_for(generator, event_id, time, context) id, event = pending_events[generator] if id && id == event_id return event end event = event.send(:time=, time) if generator.respond_to?(:task) generator.task.update_task_status(event) end pending_events[generator] = [event_id, event] event end # Message received when the +marshalled_from+ generator fired an # event, with the given event id, time and context. def event_fired(marshalled_from, event_id, time, context) from_generator = peer.local_object(marshalled_from) context = peer.local_object(context) event = event_for(from_generator, event_id, time, context) event.send(:propagation_id=, Propagation.propagation_id) from_generator.instance_variable_set("@happened", true) from_generator.fired(event) from_generator.call_handlers(event) nil end # Message received when the +marshalled_from+ generator has either # been forwarded (only_forward = true) or signals (only_forward = # false) the +marshalled_to+ generator. The remaining information # describes the event itself. def event_add_propagation(only_forward, marshalled_from, marshalled_to, event_id, time, context) from_generator = peer.local_object(marshalled_from) to_generator = peer.local_object(marshalled_to) context = peer.local_object(context) event = event_for(from_generator, event_id, time, context) # Only add the signalling if we own +to+ if to_generator.self_owned? Propagation.add_event_propagation(only_forward, [event], to_generator, event.context, nil) else # Call #signalling or #forwarding to make # +from_generator+ look like as if the event was really # fired locally ... Distributed.update_all([from_generator.root_object, to_generator.root_object]) do if only_forward then from_generator.forwarding(event, to_generator) else from_generator.signalling(event, to_generator) end end end nil end end # This module defines the hooks required by dRoby on Roby::Task module TaskNotifications # Hook called when the internal task data is modified. It sends # PeerServer#updated_data def updated_data super if defined? super unless Distributed.updating?(self) Distributed.each_updated_peer(self) do |peer| peer.transmit(:updated_data, self, data) end end end end Roby::Task.include TaskNotifications # This module defines the hooks required by dRoby on Roby::TaskArguments module TaskArgumentsNotifications # Hook called when the task argumensts are modified. It sends # the PeerServer#updated_arguments message. def updated super if defined? super unless Distributed.updating?(task) Distributed.each_updated_peer(task) do |peer| peer.transmit(:updated_arguments, task, task.arguments) end end end end TaskArguments.include TaskArgumentsNotifications class PeerServer # Message received to announce that the internal data of +task+ is # now +data+. def updated_data(task, data) proxy = peer.local_object(task) proxy.instance_variable_set("@data", peer.proxy(data)) nil end # Message received to announce that the arguments of +task+ have # been modified. +arguments+ is a hash containing only the new # values. def updated_arguments(task, arguments) proxy = peer.local_object(task) arguments = peer.proxy(arguments) Distributed.update(proxy) do proxy.arguments.merge!(arguments || {}) end nil end end class PeerServer # Message received to update our view of the remote robot state. def state_update(new_state) peer.state = new_state nil end end Roby::Control.at_cycle_end do peers.each_value do |peer| if peer.connected? peer.transmit(:state_update, Roby::State) end end end end end