#include <Gosu/Platform.hpp>
#if defined(GOSU_IS_IPHONE)

#import <Gosu/Input.hpp>
#import <Gosu/TextInput.hpp>
#import <functional>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
using namespace std;

struct Gosu::TextInput::Impl {};
Gosu::TextInput::TextInput() {}
Gosu::TextInput::~TextInput() {}
string Gosu::TextInput::text() const { return ""; }
void Gosu::TextInput::set_text(const string& text) {}
unsigned Gosu::TextInput::caret_pos() const { return 0; }
void Gosu::TextInput::set_caret_pos(unsigned) {}
unsigned Gosu::TextInput::selection_start() const { return 0; }
void Gosu::TextInput::set_selection_start(unsigned) {}

struct Gosu::Input::Impl
    UIView* view;
    float mouse_x, mouse_y;
    float scale_x, scale_y;
    float update_interval;
    NSMutableSet* current_touches_set;
    unique_ptr<Gosu::Touches> current_touches_vector;
    Touch translate_touch(UITouch* ui_touch)
        CGPoint point = [ui_touch locationInView:view];
        return (Touch) {
            .id = (__bridge void*) ui_touch,
            .x  = (float)point.x * scale_x,
            .y  = (float)point.y * scale_y,

Gosu::Input::Input(void* view, float update_interval)
: pimpl(new Impl)
    pimpl->view = (__bridge UIView*) view;
    pimpl->update_interval = update_interval;
    pimpl->current_touches_set = [NSMutableSet new];
    pimpl->mouse_x = pimpl->mouse_y = -1000;
    set_mouse_factors(1, 1);


void Gosu::Input::feed_touch_event(int type, void* touches)
    NSSet* ui_touches = (__bridge NSSet*) touches;
    function<void (Touch)>* callback = nullptr;
    if (type == 0) {
        [pimpl->current_touches_set unionSet:ui_touches];
        callback = &on_touch_began;
    else if (type == 1) {
        callback = &on_touch_moved;
    else if (type == 2) {
        [pimpl->current_touches_set minusSet:ui_touches];
        callback = &on_touch_ended;
    else if (type == 3) {
        [pimpl->current_touches_set minusSet:ui_touches];
        callback = &on_touch_cancelled;
    if (callback && *callback) {
        for (UITouch* ui_touch in ui_touches) {

string Gosu::Input::id_to_char(Button btn)
    return string();

Gosu::Button Gosu::Input::char_to_id(string ch)
    return NO_BUTTON;

bool Gosu::Input::down(Button btn)
    return false;

double Gosu::Input::mouse_x() const
    return pimpl->mouse_x;

double Gosu::Input::mouse_y() const
    return pimpl->mouse_y;

void Gosu::Input::set_mouse_position(double x, double y)
    pimpl->mouse_x = x;
    pimpl->mouse_y = y;

void Gosu::Input::set_mouse_factors(double scale_x, double scale_y, double offset_x,
    double offset_y)
    pimpl->scale_x = scale_x;
    pimpl->scale_y = scale_y;
    // TODO - use offset

const Gosu::Touches& Gosu::Input::current_touches() const
    if (!pimpl->current_touches_vector.get()) {
        pimpl->current_touches_vector.reset(new Gosu::Touches);
        for (UITouch* ui_touch in pimpl->current_touches_set) {
    return *pimpl->current_touches_vector;

double Gosu::Input::accelerometer_x() const
    return 0;

double Gosu::Input::accelerometer_y() const
    return 0;

double Gosu::Input::accelerometer_z() const
    return 0;

void Gosu::Input::update()
    // Check for dead touches and remove from vector if
    // necessary

    NSMutableSet* dead_touches = nil;

    for (UITouch* touch in pimpl->current_touches_set) {
        UITouchPhase phase = [touch phase];
        if (phase == UITouchPhaseBegan ||
                phase == UITouchPhaseMoved ||
                phase == UITouchPhaseStationary) {
        // Something was deleted, we will need the set.
        if (!dead_touches) {
            dead_touches = [NSMutableSet new];
        [dead_touches addObject:touch];
    // Has something been deleted?
    if (dead_touches) {
        [pimpl->current_touches_set minusSet:dead_touches];
        if (on_touch_ended) {
            for (UITouch* ui_touch in dead_touches) {

Gosu::TextInput* Gosu::Input::text_input() const
    return nullptr;

void Gosu::Input::set_text_input(TextInput* input)
    throw "NYI";
