module Fog module Compute class VcloudDirector class Real require 'fog/vcloud_director/generators/compute/compose_vapp' # Compose a vApp from existing virtual machines. # # This operation is asynchronous and returns a task that you can # monitor to track the progress of the request. # # @param [String] id Object identifier of the vdc. # @param [Hash] options # @option options [Boolean] :powerOn Used to specify whether to power # on vApp on deployment, if not set default value is true. # @option options [Boolean] :deploy Used to specify whether to deploy # the vApp, if not set default value is true. # @option options [String] :name Used to identify the vApp. # @option options [String] :networkName Used to conect the vApp and VMs to a VDC network, which has # to exist beforehand. # @option options [String] :networkHref Used to conect the vApp and VMs to a VDC network, which has # to exist beforehand. # @option options [String] :fenceMode Used to configure the network Mode (briged, isolated). # @option options [String] :source_vms Array with VMs to be used to compose the vApp, each containing - # :name, :href, :isGuestCustomizationEnabled, :computer_name and :ipAllocationMode (e.g. 'DHCP'). # @return [Excon::Response] # * body<~Hash>: # # @see # @since vCloud API version 0.9 def post_compose_vapp(id, options={}) body = request( :body => body, :expects => 201, :headers => {'Content-Type' => 'application/vnd.vmware.vcloud.composeVAppParams+xml'}, :method => 'POST', :parser =>, :path => "vdc/#{id}/action/composeVApp" ) end end end end end