#include #include #include #include "test_utils.hpp" using namespace hocon; using namespace std; using namespace hocon::test_utils; TEST_CASE("path equality", "[path]") { SECTION("new_key creates a path with one element") { path a = path::new_key("foo.bar"); REQUIRE(test_path({"foo.bar"}) == a); path b = path::new_key("hello"); REQUIRE(a != b); } SECTION("new_path correctly splits elements") { path a = path::new_path("foo.bar"); REQUIRE(test_path({ "foo", "bar" }) == a); REQUIRE(a != path::new_key("foo.bar")); } } TEST_CASE("path to string", "[path]") { REQUIRE("Path(foo)" == test_path({ "foo" }).to_string()); REQUIRE("Path(foo.bar)" == test_path({ "foo", "bar" }).to_string()); REQUIRE("Path(foo.\"bar*\")" == test_path({ "foo", "bar*" }).to_string()); REQUIRE("Path(\"foo.bar\")" == test_path({ "foo.bar" }).to_string()); } void render_test(path p, string expected) { REQUIRE(p.render() == expected); REQUIRE(p == path_parser::parse_path(expected)); REQUIRE(p == path_parser::parse_path(p.render())); } TEST_CASE("path render", "[path]") { SECTION("one element") { render_test(test_path({"foo"}), "foo"); } SECTION("two elements") { render_test(test_path({"foo", "bar"}), "foo.bar"); } SECTION("non-safe character in an element") { render_test(test_path({"foo", "bar*"}), "foo.\"bar*\""); } SECTION("period in an element") { render_test(test_path({"foo.bar"}), "\"foo.bar\""); } SECTION("hyphen in an element") { render_test(test_path({"foo-bar"}), "foo-bar"); } SECTION("underscore in an element") { render_test(test_path({"foo_bar"}), "foo_bar"); } SECTION("starts with a hyphen") { render_test(test_path({"-foo"}), "-foo"); } SECTION("starts with a number") { render_test(test_path({"10foo"}), "10foo"); } SECTION("empty elements") { render_test(test_path({"", ""}), "\"\".\"\""); } SECTION("internal space") { render_test(test_path({"foo bar"}), "\"foo bar\""); } SECTION("leading and trailing spaces") { render_test(test_path({" foo "}), "\" foo \""); } SECTION("trailing space only") { render_test(test_path({"foo "}), "\"foo \""); } SECTION("numbers with decimal points") { render_test(test_path({"1", "2"}), "1.2"); render_test(test_path({"1", "2", "3", "4"}), ""); } } TEST_CASE("path from list", "[path]") { REQUIRE(test_path({"foo"}) == path(vector { test_path({"foo"}) })); vector paths { test_path({"foo", "bar"}), test_path({"baz", "bat" }) }; REQUIRE(test_path({"foo", "bar", "baz", "bat"}) == path(paths)); } TEST_CASE("prepend a path", "[path]") { REQUIRE(test_path({"foo", "bar"}) == test_path({"bar"}).prepend(test_path({"foo"}))); path first = test_path({"a", "b"}); path second = test_path({"c", "d"}); REQUIRE(test_path({"a", "b", "c", "d"}) == second.prepend(first)); } TEST_CASE("path length", "[path]") { REQUIRE(test_path({"foo"}).length() == 1); REQUIRE(test_path({"foo", "bar", "baz"}).length() == 3); } TEST_CASE("path parent", "[path]") { REQUIRE(path { } == test_path({"a"}).parent()); REQUIRE(test_path({"a"}) == test_path({"a", "b"}).parent()); REQUIRE(test_path({"a", "b"}) == test_path({"a", "b", "c"}).parent()); } TEST_CASE("path last", "[path]") { path empty = path { }; REQUIRE(empty.last() == nullptr); REQUIRE("a" == *test_path({"a"}).last()); REQUIRE("b" == *test_path({"a", "b"}).last()); } TEST_CASE("path starts with", "[path]") { path full = test_path({"a", "b", "c", "d"}); REQUIRE(full.starts_with(test_path({"a"}))); REQUIRE(full.starts_with(test_path({"a", "b", "c"}))); REQUIRE_FALSE(full.starts_with(test_path({"c", "d"}))); REQUIRE_FALSE(full.starts_with(test_path({"not_in_full"}))); } TEST_CASE("invalid paths throw excpetions") { REQUIRE_THROWS(path::new_path("")); REQUIRE_THROWS(path::new_path("..")); } TEST_CASE("can detect weird characters", "[path]") { REQUIRE_FALSE(path::has_funky_chars("")); REQUIRE(path::has_funky_chars("foo*")); REQUIRE_FALSE(path::has_funky_chars("foo")); }