(function (window) {
'use strict';
var patternfly = {
version: "3.21.0",
// Util: PatternFly Palette colors
patternfly.pfPaletteColors = {
black: '#030303',
black100: '#fafafa',
black200: '#ededed',
black300: '#d1d1d1',
black400: '#bbbbbb',
black500: '#8b8d8f',
black600: '#72767b',
black700: '#4d5258',
black800: '#393f44',
black900: '#292e34',
blue: '#0088ce',
blue100: '#bee1f4',
blue200: '#7dc3e8',
blue300: '#39a5dc',
blue400: '#0088ce',
blue500: '#00659c',
blue600: '#004368',
blue700: '#002235',
gold: '#f0ab00',
gold100: '#fbeabc',
gold200: '#f9d67a',
gold300: '#f5c12e',
gold400: '#f0ab00',
gold500: '#b58100',
gold600: '#795600',
gold700: '#3d2c00',
orange: '#ec7a08',
orange100: '#fbdebf',
orange200: '#f7bd7f',
orange300: '#f39d3c',
orange400: '#ec7a08',
orange500: '#b35c00',
orange600: '#773d00',
orange700: '#3b1f00',
lightBlue: '#00b9e4',
lightBlue100: '#beedf9',
lightBlue200: '#7cdbf3',
lightBlue300: '#35caed',
lightBlue400: '#00b9e4',
lightBlue500: '#008bad',
lightBlue600: '#005c73',
lightBlue700: '#002d39',
green: '#3f9c35',
green100: '#cfe7cd',
green200: '#9ecf99',
green300: '#6ec664',
green400: '#3f9c35',
green500: '#2d7623',
green600: '#1e4f18',
green700: '#0f280d',
lightGreen: '#92d400',
lightGreen100: '#e4f5bc',
lightGreen200: '#c8eb79',
lightGreen300: '#ace12e',
lightGreen400: '#92d400',
lightGreen500: '#6ca100',
lightGreen600: '#486b00',
lightGreen700: '#253600',
cyan: '#007a87',
cyan100: '#bedee1',
cyan200: '#7dbdc3',
cyan300: '#3a9ca6',
cyan400: '#007a87',
cyan500: '#005c66',
cyan600: '#003d44',
cyan700: '#001f22',
purple: '#703fec',
purple100: '#c7bfff',
purple200: '#a18fff',
purple300: '#8461f7',
purple400: '#703fec',
purple500: '#582fc0',
purple600: '#40199a',
purple700: '#1f0066',
red: '#cc0000',
red100: '#cc0000',
red200: '#a30000',
red300: '#8b0000',
red400: '#470000',
red500: '#2c0000'
// Util: PatternFly C3 Chart Defaults
patternfly.pfSetDonutChartTitle = function (selector, primary, secondary) {
var donutChartRightTitle = window.d3.select(selector).select('text.c3-chart-arcs-title');
donutChartRightTitle.insert('tspan').text(primary).classed('donut-title-big-pf', true).attr('dy', 0).attr('x', 0);
donutChartRightTitle.insert('tspan').text(secondary).classed('donut-title-small-pf', true).attr('dy', 20).attr('x', 0);
patternfly.pfDonutTooltipContents = function (d, defaultTitleFormat, defaultValueFormat, color) {
return '
patternfly.pfGetUtilizationDonutTooltipContentsFn = function (units) {
return function (d) {
return '' +
(Math.round(d[0].ratio * 1000) / 10) + '%' + ' ' + units + ' ' + d[0].name +
patternfly.pfGetBarChartTooltipContentsFn = function (categories) {
return function (d) {
var name = categories ? categories[d[0].index] : d[0].index;
return '';
patternfly.pfSingleLineChartTooltipContentsFn = function (categories) {
return function (d) {
var name = categories ? categories[d[0].index] : d[0].index;
return '';
patternfly.pfPieTooltipContents = function (d, defaultTitleFormat, defaultValueFormat, color) {
return patternfly.pfDonutTooltipContents(d, defaultTitleFormat, defaultValueFormat, color);
patternfly.c3ChartDefaults = function () {
getDefaultColors = function () {
return {
pattern: [
getDefaultBarGrid = function () {
return {
y: {
show: true
getDefaultBarTooltip = function (categories) {
return {
contents: patternfly.pfGetBarChartTooltipContentsFn(categories)
getDefaultBarLegend = function () {
return {
show: false
getDefaultBarConfig = function (categories) {
return {
color: this.getDefaultColors(),
grid: this.getDefaultBarGrid(),
tooltip: this.getDefaultBarTooltip(categories),
legend: this.getDefaultBarLegend()
getDefaultGroupedBarGrid = function () {
return {
y: {
show: true
getDefaultGroupedBarLegend = function () {
return {
show: true,
position: 'bottom'
getDefaultGroupedBarConfig = function () {
return {
color: this.getDefaultColors(),
grid: this.getDefaultGroupedBarGrid(),
legend: this.getDefaultGroupedBarLegend()
getDefaultStackedBarGrid = function () {
return {
y: {
show: true
getDefaultStackedBarLegend = function () {
return {
show: true,
position: 'bottom'
getDefaultStackedBarConfig = function () {
return {
color: this.getDefaultColors(),
grid: this.getDefaultStackedBarGrid(),
legend: this.getDefaultStackedBarLegend()
getDefaultDonut = function (title) {
return {
title: title,
label: {
show: false
width: 11
getDefaultDonutSize = function () {
return {
height: 171 // produces a diameter of 150 and a centered chart when there is no legend
// Don't set a width here, the default is to center horizontally in the parent container
getDefaultDonutColors = function () {
return {
pattern: [
getDefaultDonutTooltip = function () {
return {
show: false
getDefaultDonutLegend = function () {
return {
show: false
getDefaultDonutConfig = function (title) {
return {
donut: this.getDefaultDonut(title),
size: this.getDefaultDonutSize(),
legend: this.getDefaultDonutLegend(),
color: this.getDefaultDonutColors(),
tooltip: this.getDefaultDonutTooltip()
getDefaultPie = function () {
return {
expand: true,
label: {
show: false
getDefaultPieSize = function () {
return {
height: 171 // produces a diameter of 150 and a centered chart when there is no legend
// Don't set a width here, default is to center horizontally in the parent container
getDefaultPieColors = function () {
return {
pattern: [
getDefaultPieTooltip = function () {
return {
contents: $().pfPieTooltipContents
getDefaultPieLegend = function () {
return {
show: false
getDefaultPieConfig = function () {
return {
pie: this.getDefaultPie(),
size: this.getDefaultPieSize(),
legend: this.getDefaultPieLegend(),
color: this.getDefaultPieColors(),
tooltip: this.getDefaultPieTooltip()
getDefaultSparklineArea = function () {
return {
zerobased: true
getDefaultSparklineSize = function () {
return {
height: 60
getDefaultSparklineAxis = function () {
return {
x: {
show: false
y: {
show: false
getDefaultSparklineLegend = function () {
return {
show: false
getDefaultSparklinePoint = function () {
return {
r: 1,
focus: {
expand: {
r: 4
getDefaultSparklineTooltip = function () {
return {
// because a sparkline should only contain a single data column,
// the tooltip will only work for a single data column
contents: function (d) {
return '' + d[0].value + ' ' + d[0].name + '';
getDefaultSparklineConfig = function () {
return {
area: getDefaultSparklineArea(),
size: getDefaultSparklineSize(),
axis: getDefaultSparklineAxis(),
color: getDefaultColors(),
legend: getDefaultSparklineLegend(),
point: getDefaultSparklinePoint(),
tooltip: getDefaultSparklineTooltip()
getDefaultLineAxis = function () {
return {
x: {
show: true
y: {
show: true
getDefaultLineGrid = function () {
return {
x: {
show: false
y: {
show: true
getDefaultLineLegend = function () {
return {
show: true
getDefaultLinePoint = function () {
return {
r: 3,
focus: {
expand: {
r: 5
getDefaultLineConfig = function () {
return {
axis: getDefaultLineAxis(),
grid: getDefaultLineGrid(),
color: getDefaultColors(),
legend: getDefaultLineLegend(),
point: getDefaultLinePoint()
getDefaultSingleLineTooltip = function () {
return {
contents: $().pfGetBarChartTooltipContentsFn()
getDefaultSingleLineLegend = function () {
return {
show: false
getDefaultSingleLineConfig = function () {
return {
axis: getDefaultLineAxis(),
grid: getDefaultLineGrid(),
color: getDefaultColors(),
legend: getDefaultSingleLineLegend(),
point: getDefaultLinePoint(),
tooltip: getDefaultSingleLineTooltip()
getDefaultAreaAxis = function () {
return getDefaultLineAxis();
getDefaultAreaGrid = function () {
return getDefaultLineGrid();
getDefaultAreaLegend = function () {
return getDefaultLineLegend();
getDefaultAreaPoint = function () {
return getDefaultLinePoint();
getDefaultAreaConfig = function () {
return {
axis: getDefaultAreaAxis(),
grid: getDefaultAreaGrid(),
color: getDefaultColors(),
legend: getDefaultAreaLegend(),
point: getDefaultAreaPoint()
getDefaultSingleAreaTooltip = function () {
return {
contents: $().pfGetBarChartTooltipContentsFn()
getDefaultSingleAreaLegend = function () {
return getDefaultSingleLineLegend();
getDefaultSingleAreaConfig = function () {
return {
axis: getDefaultAreaAxis(),
grid: getDefaultAreaGrid(),
color: getDefaultColors(),
legend: getDefaultSingleAreaLegend(),
point: getDefaultAreaPoint(),
tooltip: getDefaultSingleAreaTooltip()
return {
getDefaultColors: getDefaultColors,
getDefaultBarGrid: getDefaultBarGrid,
getDefaultBarTooltip: getDefaultBarTooltip,
getDefaultBarLegend: getDefaultBarLegend,
getDefaultBarConfig: getDefaultBarConfig,
getDefaultGroupedBarGrid: getDefaultGroupedBarGrid,
getDefaultGroupedBarLegend: getDefaultGroupedBarLegend,
getDefaultGroupedBarConfig: getDefaultGroupedBarConfig,
getDefaultStackedBarGrid: getDefaultStackedBarGrid,
getDefaultStackedBarLegend: getDefaultStackedBarLegend,
getDefaultStackedBarConfig: getDefaultStackedBarConfig,
getDefaultDonut: getDefaultDonut,
getDefaultDonutSize: getDefaultDonutSize,
getDefaultDonutColors: getDefaultDonutColors,
getDefaultDonutTooltip: getDefaultDonutTooltip,
getDefaultDonutLegend: getDefaultDonutLegend,
getDefaultDonutConfig: getDefaultDonutConfig,
getDefaultPie: getDefaultPie,
getDefaultPieSize: getDefaultPieSize,
getDefaultPieColors: getDefaultPieColors,
getDefaultPieTooltip: getDefaultPieTooltip,
getDefaultPieLegend: getDefaultPieLegend,
getDefaultPieConfig: getDefaultPieConfig,
getDefaultSparklineArea: getDefaultSparklineArea,
getDefaultSparklineSize: getDefaultSparklineSize,
getDefaultSparklineAxis: getDefaultSparklineAxis,
getDefaultSparklineLegend: getDefaultSparklineLegend,
getDefaultSparklinePoint: getDefaultSparklinePoint,
getDefaultSparklineTooltip: getDefaultSparklineTooltip,
getDefaultSparklineConfig: getDefaultSparklineConfig,
getDefaultLineAxis: getDefaultLineAxis,
getDefaultLineGrid: getDefaultLineGrid,
getDefaultLineLegend: getDefaultLineLegend,
getDefaultLinePoint: getDefaultLinePoint,
getDefaultLineConfig: getDefaultLineConfig,
getDefaultSingleLineTooltip: getDefaultSingleLineTooltip,
getDefaultSingleLineConfig: getDefaultSingleLineConfig,
getDefaultAreaAxis: getDefaultAreaAxis,
getDefaultAreaGrid: getDefaultAreaGrid,
getDefaultAreaLegend: getDefaultAreaLegend,
getDefaultAreaPoint: getDefaultAreaPoint,
getDefaultAreaConfig: getDefaultAreaConfig,
getDefaultSingleAreaTooltip: getDefaultSingleAreaTooltip,
getDefaultSingleAreaConfig: getDefaultSingleAreaConfig
// definition of breakpoint sizes for tablet and desktop modes
patternfly.pfBreakpoints = {
'tablet': 768,
'desktop': 1200
window.patternfly = patternfly;