# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require 'spec_helper' MSG=<<EOT <html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" /> <title> This is mytitle </title> </head> <body bgcolor="#FFFF00"> <h1>A first level heading </h1 <h3>A third level heading </h3> <blink> A BLINKING TITLE </blink> A table <table> <tr><td>Cell top left</td><td>Cell top right</td></tr> <tr><td>Cell bot left</td><td>Cell bot right</td></tr> </table> <marquee behaviour="scroll"> HELLO mailworld I'm a marquee </marquee> <div align="left"> 左側 </div> <hr color="#0000FF"> <div align="center"> ど真ん中 </div> <div style="text-align:center;"> </div> <hr color="#FF0000"> <div align="right"> 右側 </div> こんにちは世界!ばあばばばあ </body> <br/> <font size=4 color="#009900"> GREEEEEEN </font> <a href="http://dragonmobile.nuancemobiledeveloper.com/"><img src="cid:image-attachment-id" alt=""/></a>this was an image <br/> And now, <a href="ftp://some.ftpsite.com/">Downloadz youz warez herez!</a> </html> EOT describe Galakei::Email do let(:sanitized_mail){ Galakei::Email.to_galakei_email(MSG) } it "should have a html, head, meta and body" do sanitized_mail.should =~ /html.*head.*meta.*body/m end it "should have supported tags and styles" do sanitized_mail.should =~ /<div align=/m sanitized_mail.should =~ /<hr color=/m sanitized_mail.should =~ /<font size=.*color=/m sanitized_mail.should =~ /<br>/m sanitized_mail.should =~ /<blink>/m sanitized_mail.should =~ /<marquee behaviour=/m sanitized_mail.should =~ /<img src=.*cid/m sanitized_mail.should =~ /<a href=/m end it "should not have h and table tags" do sanitized_mail.should_not =~ /<h[0-9]>/ sanitized_mail.should_not =~ /<table>/ end it "should not have unsupported protocols" do sanitized_mail.should_not =~ /ftpsite/ end it "should not have title" do sanitized_mail.should_not =~ /mytitle/ end end